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1. 高情境人士遇到低情境人士,怎样沟通更有效呢?
A. 维持原样,我行我素
B. 做好会发生误会的准备,误会发生了再解决
C. 使用低情境沟通程序,合作开始前先开发出清晰明了的标准流程
1. When people from high context culture and people from low context culture
communicate, which way is more effective?
A. Just do as what I'd always do
B. Be prepared for misunderstanding, be ready to solve it when it happens
C. Use low context style to communicate, make sure things(rules/process, etc.) are clear
before cooperation begins
2. 同事手头的任务没能按时完成,以下怎样才是更好的沟通方式?
A. “你总是拖拖拉拉,效率太低了。”
B. “如果团队里每个人都迟一天,那我们的项目还要不要做啦?”
C. “这份报告比原定 deadline 迟了一天提交(没按原定时间完成),需要复盘一下是
2. Which of the following is a better way of communication when you find your college
did not deliver the task on time?
A. You always wait till the last moment, so inefficient.
B. If everyone delays in delivering tasks at hand like you did, you might as well just not
do anything.
C. This task was delayed by 2 days. We'd need to review the root cause of it.
3. 当习惯直接给负反馈的同事给你的产出提意见时,以怎样的心态对待会更好?
A. “算了,这个人总是挑我的刺,自动过滤 TA 的声音。”
B. “要是你觉得我做的不好,你自己来啊。”
C. “善意假设,TA 的本意也是为了让产出更扎实,不如再问问 TA 有没有修改建
3. Which mind set should you have when receiving feedback from someone from direct
negative feedback culture?
A. Never mind, he's always against me. I'll just ignore him.
B. Do it yourself then if you are so capable!
C. Always assume he has a goodwill. He's only offering suggestion for a more solid
outcome. Maybe I should ask him for some further advise.
小王(来自日本)和 Alex(来自意大利)在你组里的同一个项目上,负责不同事
1. 你打算如何沟通?
2. 具体会怎么说呢?
Group Case Study:
Wang (from Japan) and Alex (from Italy) are is on a project together taking different
responsibilities. You are their line manager, and you are not quite satisfied with their
performance on the project. You plan to communicate with them about this.
1. How would you plan to do this?
2. What exactly would you say?