Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Frequency Response Methods 1. Logarithmic plots or Bode diagram. 2. Polar plot. 3. Log-magnitude versus phase plot. Bode diagram: The transfer function may be represented by two plots, one giving the magnitude versus frequency and the other the phase angle versus frequency in logarithmic scale. Fig.1 represents the Sim-Log paper. Fig.1 Number- Decibels conversion line Basic factors of G (j w) H (j w) The basic factors that very frequently occur in an arbitrary function G (jw) 1 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman H (jw) is: 1. gain k 2. integral and derivative factors jw ±1 3. first order factors (1 + jwT) ±1 4. quadratic factors [1 + 2ς jw jw + ( ) 2 ] ±1 wn wn The Gain k: Any number greater than unity has a positive value in decibels, while a number smaller than unity has a negative value. The log magnitude curve for a constant k is a horizontal straight line of 20log k dB. The phase angle of the gain k is zero. ±1 Integral and derivative factors ( jw ) : The logarithmic magnitude of 20log| 1 in dB is: jw 1 | = -20 log w dB. jw The phase angle of 1 is a constant and equal to (-90). The log magnitude jw curve is straight line with a slope of -20 dB / dec (See Fig.2-a). The logarithmic magnitude of jw is: 20log| jw | = -20logw dB. 2 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman The phase angle of jw constant and equal to 90. The log magnitude curve is a straight line with a slope of 20 dB / dec (See Fig.2-b). Fig.2 a. Bode diagram for 1/jw. b. Bode diagram for jw. Note: The slopes of the log magnitude curves for the factors ( 1 n ) and jw ( jw) n are then -20n dB/dec and 20n dB/dec. The phase angle of ( 1 n ) is equal to (-90 * n) over the entire frequency jw range, while that of ( jw) is equal to (90 * n) over the entire frequency n range. 3 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman ±1 First order factors ( 1 + jwT ) The log magnitude of the 1st order factor 20log | 1 is: 1 + jwT 1 2 2 |= -20 log 1 + w T dB 1 + jwT 1 T -for low frequencies (w<< ): -20log 1 + w 2T 2 = -20log 1 = 0 dB (the log-magnitude curve at low frequency is 0 dB) 1 T -for high frequencies (w>> ): -20log 1 + w 2T 2 =-20log wT dB The frequency at which the two assumptions meet is called the corner frequency or break frequency. The exact phase angle φ of the factor (1+j wT) is: φ =-tan-1 wT The Bode-diagram of (1/1+jwT) for asymptotic and exact curves is shown in Fig.3. 4 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig.3 Bode-diagram of (1/1+jwT) for asymptotic and exact curves. - The log magnitude of (1+j wT) is: 20log |1+j wT |=-20log | 1 |=20log 1 + jwT 1 + w 2T 2 The phase angle curve of (1+j wT) is: -1 ∠ (1+j wT)=tan wT = − ∠ 1 1 + jwT The Bode-diagram of (1+jwT) for asymptotic and exact curves is shown in Fig.4. Fig.4 Bode diagram for (1+jwT) 5 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig.5 The correction in drawing the Bode-diagram ±1 Note: The phase angles of ( 1 + jwT ) are 1 10T 1 2T ±5.7 ±26.6 The quadratic factors [1 + 2ς w= 1 T ±45 w= ±63.4 jw jw + ( ) 2 ] ±1 : wn wn 1 - The quadratic factors of the form jw jw 1+ ς + ( )2 wn wn The log magnitude is: 20log | 1 jw jw 2 | 1+ ς +( ) wn wn 6 2 T w= 10 T ±84.3 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman w2 2 w 2 ) + ( 2ς ) mag = -20log (1 − 2 wn wn The phase angle is: w wn 1 = -tan-1 [ φ =∠ w 2 ] jw jw 2 1 − ( ) 1 + 2ς ) +( wn wn wn 2ς The frequency response curves for the factor [ 1 + ς jw jw + ( )2 ] wn wn Can be obtained by reversing the sign of the magnitude and the phase angle factors: [ 1 jw jw 2 +( 1+ς ) wn wn ] The bode-diagram of the asymptote and exact curve for the quadratic factors is shown in Fig.6. Note: wr = wn Mr = 1 - 2ς 2 For 0< ς <0.707 1 2ς 1 − 2ς 2 7 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig.6 Bode-Diagram of the asymptote and exact curve for the quadratic factors 8 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Example 1: Draw the Bode diagram for the T.F.: G (s) = 10 ( s + 3) s ( s + 2)[ s 2 + s + 2] Sol: G (jw) = 10 ( jw + 3) jw ( jw + 2)[( jw 2 ) + jw + 2] In order to avoid any possible mistakes in drawing B.D., it is desirable to put G (jw) in the following normalized form: w +1 3 ( jw ) 2 jw jw jw ( + 1)[ + + 1] 2 2 2 j G (jw) = 7.5 The function is composed of the following factors: (jw)-1 ( Corner frequency Slope None -20dB/sec jw +1)-1 2 wc= =2 1 T -20dB/sec jw +1 3 3 +20dB/sec ( jw ) 2 [ + 2 jw +1]-1 2 wc=wn= 9 2 -40dB/sec Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman 20logk=20 log 7.5=17.5dB φ 2ςw =tan 0.33w – 90 – tan 0.5w– tan ( wn ) w 1 − ( )2 wn -1 -1 wn2=2 Æ wn= 2 ς wn = 1 -1 2 Æ ς =0.353 φ = tan-1 0.33w – 90 – tan-1 0.5w – tan-1 ( w 0.1 0.5 1 2 φ 10 0 .5 w ) 1 − 0 .5 w 5 10 50 100 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig. 7 Bode diagram of example 1. Transportation Lags: G( jw) = e − jwT The magnitude is always equal to unity G( jw) = cos wT − j sin wT = 1 The log magnitude of transportation lags The phase angle is: ∠ G ( jw) = − wT rad = −57.3 wT deg 11 e − jwT is equal to 0 dB Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig.8 illustrated the phase plot of the transportation lag. Fig.8 phase-plot of the transportation lag. e − jwL Example 2: Draw the bode diagram of the T.F. G( jw) = (1 + jwT ) Sol: The Log mag. is: 20log |G (j w) |=20log | e − jwL |+20log | mag= 20log| 1 | 1 + jwT The phase angle: ∠ G (jw) = ∠ e − jwL -∠ 1 1 + jwT 12 1 | 1 + jwT Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman φ = − wL − tan −1 wT Fig. 9 Bode diagram of example 2. Relation between system type and log magnitude curve: The type of the system determines the slope of the log magnitude curve of the low frequencies. The information of existence and magnitude of the e ss of a control system to a given I/P can be determined from the observation of the low frequency region of the log magnitude curve. a. Determination of static position error coefficients 13 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig. 10 Log-magnitude curve for type zero system. b. Determination of static velocity error coefficients: Fig. 11 Log-magnitude curve for type one system. c. Determination of static acceleration error coefficients: 14 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Fig. 12 Log-magnitude curve for type two system. 15 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Example 3: Find the open loop transfer function of a system whose approximate plot is shown in Fig. 13: 20 dB 0 dB/dec 0 dB -4.05 dB -20 dB/dec -12 dB -20 dB +20 dB/dec -40 dB 1 2.5 10 30 100 300 1000 Fig. 13. Magnitude curve of example 3 20log k = -4.05 k = 0.63 -initial slope is -20 dB/dec is due to the factor 1 s -the plot between w=2.5 and w=10 have slop is o dB. Then at w=2.5 the slope changes from -20 dB to 0. This due to factor ( s + 1) = (1+0.4s) 2 .5 -at w=10, the slope changes from 0 dB to +20 dB, this due to factor in the numerator is : ( s + 1) = (1+0.1s) 10 16 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman At w=30, the slope changes from +20dB to 0dB, this due to the factor in denominator is : ( s + 1) = (1+ 0.033s) 30 So that the O.L.T.F. is: G(s) = 0.63 (1 + 0.4 s ) (1 + 0.1 s ) s (1 + 0.033 s ) Example 4: Determine the transfer function whose approximate plot is shown in Fig.14: 60 dB -20 dB/dec 47.95 dB 40 dB -40 dB/dec 20 dB 0 dB 1 2.5 10 40 100 1000 -20 dB -60 dB/dec -40 dB -60 dB Fig. 14. Magnitude curve of example 4 20 log k = 47.95 k = 250 17 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman -At w=2.5 Æ slope changing from -20 dB/dec to -40 dB/sec this due to factor 1 s +1 2 .5 -At w=40 rad/sec Æ slope changes from -40 dB/dec to -60 dB/dec this due to factor 1 s +1 40 -Since initial slope is -20 dB, this due to the factor 1/s G(s) = 250 s s s( + 1)( + 1) 2 .5 40 18 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman Minimum and non-minimum phase system -considère G1 (jw) = 1 + jwT 1 + jwT1 T1>T>0 This is a minimum phase system, since there are no poles or zeros on the right hand side of the s-plane. mag =20log |G1(jw) | =20log | = 20 log And phase = 1 + jwT | 1 + jwT1 1 + w 2T 2 1 + jw 2T1 2 φ 1 = ∠ 1 + jw T 1 + jw T1 = tan-1wT – tant-1wT1 (Pole zero configuration of G1 (jw)) -consider G2 (jw) = 1 T 1 T1 1 − jw T 1 + jw T1 This is a non-minimum phase system (it has a zero on the R.H.S. of the splane) mag =20log|G2(jw) | =20log| 1 − jw T 1 + jw T1 | 19 Control System II =20log Dr. Noaman M.Noaman 1 + w 2T 2 1 + jw 2T1 2 =20log|G1 (jw) | (the two mag. are the same) And φ 2= ∠ 1 − jw T 1 + jw T1 = tan-1(-wT) – tant-1wT1 = -tan-1(wT) – tant-1wT1 - it is possible to detect whether or not the system is a minimum phase one by examining both the slope of the high frequency asymptote of the log magnitude curve and the phase angle at w= ∞. Therefore, if the slope of the log magnitude curve as w approaches infinity is -20(p - q) dB/dec, and the phase angle at w= ∞ is equal to 90(q - p). where p: degree of the numerator q: degree of the denominator 20 Control System II Dr. Noaman M.Noaman HW Draw the Bode diagram for the following T.F's: a. G(s) = 10 (1 + s ) 1 + 10 s b. G(s) = 0.25(1 + 0.5s ) s (1 + 2 s )(1 + 4 s ) 1 c. G(s) = ( s + 1) 2 20 10(1 + 2 s ) 2 (1 + 0.05 s ) d. G(s) = (1 + 10 s )(1 + 0.2 s ) 2 e. G(s) = 1.6( s + 11) s ( s + 0.1)( s 2 + 2 s + 16 ) f. G(s) = 1000 ( s + 5)( s + 40 ) s 3 ( s + 200 )( s + 1000 ) g. G(s) = ( s + 1)( 2.5s + 1) s (3.5 s + 1)(0.04 s 2 + 0.2 s + 1) 2 21