Constructed Response Rubric This rubric will be used for all constructed responses including constructive responses on assessments Scoring Component Claim: A statement that responds to the question asked Evidence: Scientific data used to support claim 0 1 2 Does not make a claim or inaccurate claim. Makes an accurate but incomplete claim. Makes and accurate and complete claim. Doesn’t provide evidence, or only provides inappropriate evidence. (Evidence does not support claim). Provides appropriate insufficient evidence to support the claim. May include some inappropriate evidence. Provides appropriate and sufficient evidence to support the claim. Does not provide Reasoning: reasoning, or only Using scientific provide reasoning principle to show that doesn’t link why the data count as evidence to the claim. evidence to support the claim Provide reasoning that links the claim and evidence. Repeats the evidence and/or include some scientific principles, but not sufficient. Provides reasoning that links the evidence to the claim. Includes appropriate and sufficient scientific principles.