By Shahrzad &Eujin DIGITAL IDENTITY THEFT What’s Digital Identity Theft? - Identity: who someone is, the name of a person, the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. When someone pretends to be someone else in order to access their personal information, to obtain resources or benefits >some examples are - password credit card Legal and Ethical issues! - - It is up to us to act ethically and make sure that we do not become victims Identity theft itself is a Federal crime In Australia, 7 years of jail proposed for identity theft Prevention and strategies There are different varieties of prevention and strategies for Digital identity theft. Some of the most common ways of prevention and strategies are.. - Before you reveal any personally identifying information, find out how it will be used and whether it will be shared with others. Ask if you have a choice about the use of your information: can you choose to have it kept confidential? Make and use unique passwords for every website or apps Pay attention to your billing cycles Secure your device with anti - virus software Watch out for the phishing website Online shop only at reputable websites (web of trust :)) Monitor your credit profile These strategy relies on using active ways to directly tackle the situation that caused the stress: Coping Strategies When you become the victim of identity theft -analyze the sitiuation -apply what you have already learned to your daily life -Talk to a person that you can trust -Report to police Ty for listening:)