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Present Continuos ENUP

Present Continuous
I am working
you are working
he/she/it is working
am I working?
are you working?
Is he/she/it working?
we are working
they are working
are we working?
are they working?
I am not working
you are not working
he/she /it is not
we are not working
they are not working
When we use Present Continuous?
1. Temporary actions/ actions in progress/happening now.
I am making a sandwich. (NOT – I make a sandwich.)
2. Progressive change/ actions that are evolving.
I need to go on a diet. I am getting fatter. (NOT – I need to go
on a diet. I get fatter.)
3. Future plans and arrangements.
What are you doing tonight?. (NOT – What do you do tonight?)
4. Physical feelings.
How are you feeling. OR How do you feel?