See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Short Circuit Analysis Case Study & Circuit Breaker Design Conference Paper · April 2011 CITATIONS READS 0 3,271 1 author: Sumit Rathor G H Patel College of Engineering and Technology (GCET) 16 PUBLICATIONS 5 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Power Quality and Energy Management System in Smart Grid incorporating Electric Vehicles View project All content following this page was uploaded by Sumit Rathor on 28 June 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Short Circuit Analysis Case Study & Circuit Breaker Design Sumit Rathor K Prajapati Bhavik R Patel Anil N. Master in Power System BVM Engineering College Master in Power system LD collage of engineering Lecturer S.P.C.E. Visnagar Abstract: This paper presents the behavior of system under fault condition and directs us to designing of circuit breaker. As the short circuit analysis is for designing power system with considering all the conditions such as line loading, Circuit breaker design, relay settings, transients etc. Basically for short circuit study we have to do load flow analysis then with considering pre fault condition short circuit analysis studied. For case study simulation author have use MiPOWER (PRDC) & PsCAD/EMTDC software. Index Terms—Fault modeling, bolted fault, arc resistance, X/R ratio, symmetrical fault current* I. INTRODUCTION Short circuit studies in power system are a basic step in planning of modern power grids. Based on such results and studies, protective device (relay) setting and co-ordination is being carried out, switchgear components are constructed, manufactured and installed, etc. The study is performed using computer software first by modeling the system (conductors, transformers, generators, utility sources, etc.) and then by simulating faults. A fault usually results in high current flowing through the lines and if adequate protection is not taken, may result in damages in the power apparatus. Here the term symmetrical fault refers to those conditions in which all three phases of a power system are grounded at the same point. For this reason the symmetrical faults sometimes are also called three-line-to-ground (LLLG) faults. One tries to limit short-circuits to the faulty section of the electrical system by appropriate switching devices capable of operating under short-circuit conditions without damage and isolating only the faulty section, so that a fault is not escalated. The faster the operation of sensing and switching devices, the lower is the fault damage, and the better is the chance of systems holding together without loss of synchronism. As the main purpose of short-circuit calculations is to select and apply these devices properly, it is meaningful for the calculations to be related to current interruption 1 Here symmetrical fault current is considered for analysis. phenomena and the rating structures of interrupting devices. Bolted faults give the maximum shortcircuit currents and form the basis of calculations of short-circuit duties on switching devices. Faults involving one, or more than one, phase and ground are called unsymmetrical faults. Under certain conditions, the line-to-ground fault or double line-to ground fault currents may exceed three-phase symmetrical fault currents. Unsymmetrical faults are more common as compared to three-phase faults, i.e., a support insulator on one of the phases on a transmission line may start flashing to ground, Short-circuit calculations are, thus, the primary study whenever a new power system is designed or an expansion and upgrade of an existing system are planned. II. CALCUALTIONS OF SYSTEM QUANTITY. A. Available line current Under the fault condition the line current at f f faulted bus is calculated as where V −V I ij f = i j Z ij f f V j -post fault bus voltage; Iij =current flowing between buses, Vif. =pre fault bus voltage at ith and jth bus, Zij=impedance between two buses. The available short-circuit current is directly related to the size and capacity of the power sources (utility, generators, and motors) supplying the system and is typically independent of the load current of the circuit. The larger the capacity of the power sources supplying the system, the greater the available short-circuit current (generally). The available short-circuit current is directly related to the size and capacity of the power sources (utility, generators, and motors) supplying the system and is typically independent of the load current of the circuit. The larger the capacity of the power sources supplying the system, the greater the available short-circuit current (generally). B. Total Symmetrical Fault & short circuit current We are interested in symmetrical fault currents. If the envelopes of the positive and negative peaks of the current waveform are symmetrical around the zero axis, they are called “symmetrical current” envelopes. The total short-circuit current available in a distribution system is usually supplied from a number of sources, which can be grouped into three main categories. The first is the utility transmission system supplying the facility, which acts like a large, remote generator. The second includes “local” generators either in the plant or nearby in the utility. The third source category is synchronous and induction motors, which are located in many plants and facilities. The total short-circuits current that has steady-state ac, decaying ac, and decaying dc current components can be expressed as shown in Equation(i). i = idc decay+iac steady state+iac decay … …i With − Rωt idc . decay = ( Iacstaedy ) Sin (α − φ ) e X Iacsteady Iacdecay = = 2 IsSin 2 IsSin (ω t + α − φ ) (ω t + α − φ ) e − kt Where Is - is the symmetrical steady-state rms. current magnitude k - is a variable depending upon the mix and size of rotational loads t- is in seconds The magnitude and duration of the asymmetrical current depends upon the following two Parameters: a) The X/R ratio of the faulted circuit b) The phase angle of the voltage waveform at the time the short circuit occurs C. Description of fault current The greater the fault point X/R ratio, the longer will be the asymmetrical fault current decay time. For a specific X/R ratio, the angle of the applied voltage at the time of short circuit initiation determines the degree of fault current asymmetry that will exist for that X/R ratio. In a purely inductive circuit, the maximum dc current component is produced when the short circuit is initiated at the instant the applied voltage is zero (α = 0° or 180° when using sine functions). The current will then be fully offset in either the positive or negative direction. Maximum asymmetry for any circuit X/R ratio often occurs when the short circuit is initiated near voltage zero. The initial dc fault current component is independent of whether the ac component remains constant or decays from its initial value. For any circuit X/R ratio, the voltage and current waveforms will be out of phase from each other by an angle corresponding to the amount of reactance in the circuit compared to the amount of resistance in the circuit. This angle is equal to the tan–1(2πf .L/R). For a purely inductive circuit, the current waveform will be displaced from the voltage waveform by 90° (lagging). As resistance is added to the circuit this angular displacement will decrease to zero. In a purely resistive circuit, the voltage and current will be completely in-phase and without an offset. In all practical circuits containing resistance and reactance, the dc component will also decay to zero as the energy represented by the dc component is dissipated as I2R heating losses in the circuit. The rate of decay of the dc component is a function of the resistance and reactance of the circuit. In practical circuits, the dc component decays to zero in one to 30 cycles. III. APPLICATION OF CURRENT SYMMERTY DATA In the previous discussion, a single phase current was examined to give an understanding of asymmetry. In a three-phase system with a bolted three-phase fault, the sum of the current at any point in time in the three phases must add to zero. Therefore, if one phase has a maximum offset, then the other two phases must have a negative offset to balance current. The decay time constant of all phases is the same. The maximum magnetic force produced on a circuit element, such as a breaker, occurs at the instant the fault current through the circuit element is at a maximum. From an equipment design and application viewpoint, the phase with the largest of the fault current peaks is of particular interest. This current value subjects the equipment to the most severe magnetic forces. The largest fault current peak typically occurs in the first current cycle when the initiation of the short-circuit current is near or coincident with the applied voltage passing through zero. This condition is called the condition of maximum asymmetry. In the application of equipment that can carry fault current such as circuit breakers, switches, transformers, and fuses, the total available short-circuit current must be determined. For correct equipment application, knowledge of the minimum test X/R ratio or maximum power factor of the applied fault current used in the acceptance test by ANSI, NEMA, or UL is also required. Peak fault current magnitudes are significant for some devices, such as low-voltage breakers, while asymmetrical rms. current magnitudes are equally significant for high-voltage circuit breakers. This leads to the need to develop an X/R ratio dependent short-circuit calculation for proper comparison to the equipment being applied. The fault current calculation needs to take into account the ac component and the transient dc component of the calculated fault current to determine the total maximum peak or rms. current magnitude that can occur in a circuit. When the calculated fault X/R ratio is greater than the equipment test X/R ratio, the higher total fault current associated with the higher X/R ratio must be taken into account when evaluating the application of the equipment. In this summary, it has been shown that the effects of asymmetry are dependent only upon the fault point X/R ratio of the circuit and the instant of fault initiation. The references show that the effects of the peak fault current magnitude and the energy content of the first current cycle are much greater than the effect of the rms. value. For the Condition of maximum asymmetry, the rms. value of the first cycle fault current theoretically can be as great as 1.732 times the steady-state rms. symmetrical fault current component. However, the peak first cycle current for the same condition can be up to two times the peak of the steady-state current component, and the magnetic forces can be four times that of the rms. symmetrical ac component. From the equipment design viewpoint, these peak currents and energy comparisons are the maximum that the equipment must withstand. For ANSI rated equipment, the maximum asymmetrical rms. current provides this measure of maximum capability. It is important to know the terms defining the characteristic short-circuit current waveforms. The test short-circuits currents used for circuit breaker and fuse interrupting ratings have different test procedures and power factor (X/R ratios) requirements. For example, high-voltage power circuit breakers use rms. current interrupting tests at a power factor of 6.7% (X/R = 15), while low-voltage circuit breakers use peak currents at a power factor of 15% (X/R = 6.59). Molded case and insulated case circuit breakers have different (from 6.7% and 15%) test power factors that must be considered. If the calculated fault point X/R ratio is greater than the test X/R ratio of the interrupting device, then the calculation of equipment duty current is affected. IV. CASE STUDY RESULT (GETCO 220KV S/S) As for the analysis of system under disturbance condition case study of 220kV GETCO Mehsana (Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation) substation is chosen. A. X/R Ratio The X/R ratio is important because it determines the peak asymmetrical fault current. The asymmetrical fault current can be much larger than the symmetrical fault current. Fault is a sudden event so it subjected to a response is called a transient, which means that it lasts for only a short time 2 Data for the software simulation obtained from the GETCO Mehsana (Gujarat energy transmission Corporation) Fig 1: GETCO 220kV substation Mehsana line diagram.(AC Load Flow)(assuming incoming lines as generator, specify slack bus) In power system impedance has two components. The first is called reactance (X). Reactance depends on two things: (1) the inductance and (2) the frequency and second component is resistance. p.f. = cos(tan-1(X/R)) If the power factor is unity (1), then the impedance only has resistance. If the power factor is zero, then the impedance only has reactance. Therefore, power factor and X/R ratio are different ways of saying the same thing. So as power factor decreases, the X/R ratio increases. Right after a fault occurs, the current waveform is no longer a sine wave. Instead, it can be represented by the sum of a sine wave and a decaying exponential. The decaying exponential component added to the sine wave causes the current to reach a much larger value than that of the sine wave alone. The waveform that equals the sum of the sine wave and the decaying exponential is called the asymmetrical current because the waveform does not have symmetry above and below the time axis. The actual waveform of the asymmetrical fault current is hard to predict because it depends on what time in the voltage cycle waveform the fault occurs. However, the largest asymmetrical fault current occurs when a fault happens at a point when the voltage is zero. Then, the asymmetrical fault current depends only on the X/R ratio, or power factor, and the magnitude of the symmetrical fault current. Figure 2 shows how the ratio of the peak asymmetrical current to the RMS symmetrical current varies with the X/R ratio. (RMS symmetrical current equals the peak symmetrical current divided by the square root of 2.) What Figure 2 shows is that the peak asymmetrical current increases with the X/R ratio. The peak SC components can be calculated multiplying the initial momentary SC current by a crest factor of 2.07. These factors depend on the X/R ratio of the driving point impedance and the circuit breaker contact parting time. They are different for near-to and far-from generators faults V. CIRCUIT BREAKER DESIGN ANALYSIS Fig2: Peak asymmetrical current as a function of symmetrical RMS current. 10ms 10ms I peak = 2 I sym + I dc Where Isym is symmetrical AC SC component at 10ms after fault As from the short circuit of systems 132kV bus the various parameters with pre fault condition the during fault and post fault component is computed as below shows the fault data result in table and the graph for the fault at bus number 38. B. Results The results shows the current magnitude as well as the fault MVA level of the faulted bus contributed from the generator bus. Table I: Result of short circuit on bus no 39 of 220kV. As previously explained the use of fault current graph for the circuit breaker design as well as systems relay and switch gear settings. Fig3: Fault current with DC decaying component. While selecting circuit breakers it is important to make sure that none of the capabilities are exceeded in their application. These capabilities are basically obtained from the short circuit current calculations available at the equipment location. Therefore, the starting point is the careful fault analysis of the power system. Normally two kind of rating considered. The first type of rating is an interrupt rating. Devices that would have such a rating include circuit breakers and fuses. An interrupt rating refers to the maximum fault current that a device can interrupt. The second type of rating is a withstand rating. Devices with withstand ratings are not intended to interrupt fault current, but rather to “ride through” a fault without damage. The rating reflects the device’s ability to hold up during a fault. This is usually carried out in per unit quantities although there are other methods such as percentage and MVA methods available. The TRV (transient recovery voltage) is associated with the so-called dielectric phase of the arc-interruption phenomena. The overrating of high voltage circuit breakers (CBs) is an ever growing problem as power systems throughout the world tend to be increasingly connected. The symmetrical and asymmetrical short-circuit currents; the load currents and the transient recovery voltage (TRV) are amongst the most important parameters for the analysis of CB overrating. It is well-known that the dielectric stresses imposed within a CB are higher when symmetric short-circuit currents are to be interrupted. Thus, neglecting the current asymmetry will lead to conservative TRV values. Moreover, since the maximum TRV value occurs before the first current-wave peak, computation can be made using the first current half-cycle only. Most of the faults that occur in a real power system are non symmetric. However, the study of symmetric three phase faults is important because, despite the fact that its occurrence is so rare, it is more severe from the power system transient stability point of view than unbalanced short circuits. In addition, this study is useful to obtain synchronous machine dynamic parameters and to understand the transient behavior of electric power systems under the occurrence of a short circuit. VI. SINGIFICANCE OF GRAPH FOR C.B. SELECTION A circuit breaker has to work under different circumstances. It’s rated in term of , The no of poles rated, symmetrical & asymmetrical breaking capacity, short time rating , operating duty. The number of poles per phase of a breaker is a function of the operating voltage. The voltage levels at various points in a system vary depending upon the system condition and as a result the breaker has to operate under such variable voltage conditions. The breaker is expected to operate at a maximum voltage which normally is higher than the rated nominal voltage. The rated current of a circuit breaker is the maximum value of current in rms amperes which it shall carry continuously without exceeding the temperature limits of the various parts of the breaker. The rated frequency of a breaker is the frequency for which it is designed to operate. application at frequencies other than the designed, need special considerations. X/R ratio) is known sub transient current and in the next 8 to 10 cycles it is known as transient current and finally steady state current. The asymmetry in the current is due to the D.C component. In case the symmetrical breaking current is known, the making current can be obtained by multiplying this current by √2 to get the peak value and again by 1.8 to include the doubling effect (i.e. D.C. component at the first peak is almost equal to the A.C. component). The breaking current of a breaker depends upon the instant on the current wave when the contacts begin to open. As shown Fig.4 the contacts start to separate at XY. The symmetric breaking current is given by a/√2amp and the asymmetric breaking current is given by (a 2 ) + b 2 2 The breaking capacity of a breaker is the product of the breaking current and the recovery voltage. The symmetrical breaking capacity is the product of asymmetric breaking current and the recovery voltage. VII. BREAKER CALCULATION AND TRV To perform a TRV study in digital simulation, the first step is to build up the power system model of the study subject (The power plant substation in this case). The detailed representation of the substation and nearby power system is required. The time varying voltages at the breaker in question will be computed, displayed and examined. Depending on whether the user selects a 1- pole, 2pole or a 3-pole circuit breaker the calculation for the circuit breaker varies. 3 pole = Fig 4: shows the fault current and C.B operation. The making current is the peak value of the maximum current loop, including dc component, in any phase during the first cycle of current when the circuit breaker is closed. Then making current corresponds to the ordinate IASYM. The capacity of a breaker to make currents depends upon its ability to withstand and to close successfully against the effect of electromagnetic forces. The maximum force in any phase is a function of the square of the maximum instantaneous current occurring in that phase on closing. It’s therefore, the practice to specify making current in terms of peak value rather than in terms of rms value. The making capacity is, carry instantaneously at the rated service voltage. It is known that in a particular phase the current is maximum right at the instant short circuit takes place, after which the current decreases. The current in the first one or two cycles (depending upon the SVA 3 * 80% * ( P − P )V (P-P)V= Line to line voltage The recovery voltage is the voltage which appears across the terminals of a pole of a circuit breaker. This voltage may be considered in two successive time intervals: one during which a transient voltage exists, followed by a second one during which a power frequency voltage alone exists. Within a few microseconds after current zero, current stops flowing in the circuit. The power system response to the current interruptions is what generates TRV. The difference in the power system response voltage from the source side to the load side of the circuit breaker is the TRV. The breaking operation is successful if the circuit breaker is able to withstand the TRV and the power frequency recovery voltage. TRV is then related to the power system response to an interruption of current in a circuit very close to a power frequency current zero. The nature of the TRV is dependent on the circuit being interrupted, whether primarily resistive, capacitive or inductive. Study of this phenomenon is extremely important to ensure that breaker electrical insulation limits, as defined by the appropriate standards, are not violated due to power system characteristics. The procedure for TRV verification and the TRV capabilities are outlined in the IEEE standard C37.011-1994. Fig: 5 TRV waveform across the 132kV C.B As in Fig.5 the TRV across the pole of the C.B of 132kV size is simulated of the EMTDC/PSCAD software for the fault current of 9420A of symmetrical kind of fault. The detailed result shown in Table II. Table II: Result of simulation for C.B wave on PSCAD. Rating Value Rated Voltage 132kV Interrupting Short Circuit Current 9.4kA Rated Peak(E2) 219kV Rated Time to Peak(T2) 14micro second VIII. CONCLUSION Short circuit studies are performed to determine the magnitude of the current flowing throughout the power system at various time intervals after a fault. The magnitude of the current through the power system after a fault varies with time until it reaches a steady state condition. During the fault, the power system is called on to detect, interrupt and isolate these faults, The duty impressed on the equipment is dependent on the magnitude of the current, which is a function of the time of fault initiation. Such calculations are performed for various types of fault such as three-phase, single line to ground fault, double line to ground fault and at different location of the system. The calculated short circuit results are used to select fuses, circuit breakers and protective relays. As from the simulation on both MiPower and PSCAD user can model any power system for design point of view and with accurate modelling the result get approaches to be accurate as verified with case study. View publication stats ACKNOWLEDGMENT Authors would like to acknowledge thanks GETCO for the allowing project work in company and kind support during the project work. REFERENCES [1] IEEE Std 551™-2006 IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial and commercial power system. [2] ANSI\IEEE Std. 241-1990 "Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings”. [3] Vladimir V. Terzija “Short Circuit Studies in Transmission Networks Using Improved Fault Model” [4] IEEE Std 141-1993” IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants” [5] Shui-cheong Kam “Modeling of Restriking and Reignition Phenomena in Three-phase Capacitor and Shunt Reactor Switching” [6] A.M. Gole, O.B. Nayak. T.S. Sidhu, M.S. 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