Portfolio of Gustawana My portfolio consists of drawings, photos, and paper model/craft and String Play. •All my drawings are handrawing. The tools I use for my drawings are pen, pencil, ruler, compass. I don’t use any drawing software to create it. I love origami since it only use an relatively affordable, easy to get material: a sheet of paper. Yet, the forms constructed from it can be amazing. As far as I could remember when I was a child, I was already fond of origami although the forms were much simpler than what I present in this portfolio. Folding activities can be challenging, since as a discipline of origami, glue, scissors are not allowed to be used. Miura Fold Origami Tesselation Miura Fold OrigamiTesselations Miura fold Origami Miura fold can be shaped to form another constructions. Hyperbolic Origami Brick Origami Tesselation • Front View Brick Origami Tesselation • Rear View Brick tesselation Origami We could construct a castle tower model using the brick tesselations origami Geometric folding Pyramid Tesselation 1 Pyramid Tesselations Photo 1: Old Building in Old Batavia This building is an old building located somewhere in Old Town West Jakarta (once It was known as Batavia). In the Dutch colonial age, they locate their governmental administrative center there. Now it has become a historical tourism destination place. Photo 2: Old Bicycle In Old Town I was hunting with community of photographer when I saw this man riding an old bicycle. Drawing 1: Quincunx from Lugano in Teverina Quincunx Pavement Drawing 2: Alhambra Decoration 12 fold Rose I am fascinated with Euclidean geometry. I think the practical application of the geometry must be drawing of architectural decoration. Like this one. 8 fold Rozzete Persian Orosi Glass A persian architecture orosi drawing. Alhambra Tiling Using euclidean geometry 2 dimensional basic form: the circle, hexagram, and triangle, we can draw this picture. It is Another example of practical aplication of euclidean geometry. String Play: Fish Trap