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CHM 1045 General Chemistry I Syllabus, Spring 2017

CHM 1045-General Chemistry I
Spring 2017
—SECTION 1: General Information/Course Policies—
Dr. Ana West, office: CP, #334; email: awest@fiu.edu; phone: 305-348-3081
Office hours: Tue, 2:00-4:00 pm ; Th, 2:00-4:00 pm ; also *by appointment*
Lectures: room: CP 151; M,W,F: 9:00-10:15 am (U02), GL 100 M,W,F: 2:00-3:15 pm (U03)
Course Description: CHM 1045 or General Chemistry I is a 4-credit-hour course, the first in the two-part
sequence that introduces students to fundamental principles of general chemistry needed to describe chemical
reactions and chemical structure. The lecture component introduces the foundational methods of science and
principles of chemistry, such as states of matter, atomic structure, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, acid-base
reactions, and gas laws. The lecture course includes three 75-minute sessions each week. Each meeting consists of
short lectures, solving problems in active-learning format, and verifying that understanding via TopHat questions.
Co-requisite: CHM 1045L (the laboratory class is designed to help you engage with the concepts and understand
Pre-requisites: MAC 1105 or adequate placement test score or CHM 1025.
Course Materials:
(1) Textbook: Chemistry: Atoms First, 2nd ed., Burdge, Overby, ISBN: 9781260037937. This is the ISBN
for the hard-cover text AND Connect plus. The ISBN for a loose leaf 3-hole punch AND Connect
is: 9781260037920.
**Note: The cheapest way to buy the text is to purchase the Connect license online for $90.00 You
get an electronic copy of the book included with the purchase. For an additional $5.00 you get a
loose leaf copy of the text, that will be shipped for free anywhere in the US. The book is also
available at the bookstore.
(2) McGraw Hill Connect and Learnsmart are required for this course and are included when purchasing the
book at the bookstore. Access to Learnsmart and Connect Quizzes assigned throughout the semester is
through Blackboard (see below). Please log into Blackboard for instructions to register and to get access
to connect (you will need handy the access code you acquired when you purchased the book).
You can have immediate access to these Connect resources via a courtesy access at:
Copy and paste the above address preferably in a Safari or in a Firefox browser. On the right side of the page that
opens select Register Now and enter your FIU email address. On the new page that opens, you can either
purchase new access codes, enter a registration code you previously purchased from the bookstore, or start a free
trial period as a courtesy access (lower part, right side of the screen). This trial period is available for three (3)
(3) Top Hat: This class will test the use of a classroom response program called Top Hat (www.tophat.com)
as a replacement for the i-clicker. It costs $16.00 per semester or $32.00 per year. You will be able to
submit answers to in-class questions using Apple or Android smartphones and tablets, laptops, or
through text message. You can visit the TopHat Overview (https://success.tophat.com/s/article/StudentTop-Hat-Overview-and-Getting-Started-Guide) within the Top Hat Success Center which outlines how
you will register for a Top Hat account, as well as providing a brief overview to get you up and running
on the system. An email invitation will be sent to you by email, but if don’t receive this email, you can
register by simply visiting our course website.
**Note: The course join code for CHM-1045, U02 that meets from 9:00-10:15 am is: 851886 and the URL:
https://app.tophat.com/e/851886 .
**Note: The course join code for CHM-1045,U03 that meets from 2:00-3:15 pm is: 254788 and the URL:
(4) In-Class Worksheets booklet: It costs * and you can purchase it from RICOH@FIU in the Graham
(5) Calculator with a logarithmic key. I recommend the Sharp EL 531 calculator, ISBN: 2811030204836,
available at the bookstore (~$15.00).
**Note: Graphing calculators are not allowed. Computing apps from iPhone, tablets, cannot be used as
during exams.
Class Pages on Blackboard: Each student in this class has access to a Blackboard conference available via:
https://fiu.blackboard.com/. To access your account for username enter your FIU MyAccounts username and for
password enter your FIU MyAccounts password. The Blackboard conference titled ‘1171 - CHM1045 - General
Chemistry I - Sections U02 & U03 - SPRING2017’ stores lectures related materials. Notes used by Dr. West,
Learnsmart assignments and Connect quizzes, other worksheets, answers to exams, and periodic class
announcements will all be posted at this location.
Learning Outcomes: By the completion of the course, successful students will have demonstrated
competence in each of the following areas:
Course specific:
Recognize elements in the periodic table and be able to describe their basic properties.
Solve simple problems using dimensional analysis approach
Understand chemical measurements and uncertainty in measurements
Identify types of chemical reactions and predict products and amounts of reactions
Understand the relationship between elements in a chemical formula or substances in a chemical reaction
Construct models for the 3-dimensional structure of molecules, and understand the correlations with
resulting chemical behavior and properties
Evaluate the critical role of energy in physical and chemical processes
Predict physical properties, chemical behavior and the reactivity of substances (combine with properties of
periodic table)
Evaluate graphical data to make inferences and to draw conclusions
Overarching Goals:
Apply what you have learned to new concepts in chemistry and in the world
Apply dimensional analysis to solve advanced problems
Apply scientific principles to world problems and current events, advertising claims based on underlying
Analyze a problem, propose possible solutions, and choose a course of action that can be supported with
scientific method type reasoning
Distinguish between the memorization process and the analytical reasoning
Work as a team to solve problems, committing to help your group members succeed in the course
Engage in self-regulated learning by identifying sources and resources
Attendance: During scheduled lecture times we will focus on topics and solving problems like those presented
in the textbook, at the end of each chapter. There is a 30-point grade reward for your coming to class. There is an
additional 45 points earned via the in-class participation activities. You are expected to attend all classes. Class
attendance will be evaluated using the Top Hat which will be used in most class periods. TopHat will work using a
cell phone, iPad, or computer. As such:
Please remember to bring your phone, iPad, or computer to class each session.
Please register for Top Hat and please ensure that your Panther ID is entered correctly.
***Note: Voting with Top Hat for another person who is not present in the class at that time of the Top Hat
poll can be grounds for academic misconduct. Grading penalties will be assessed.
All the exams are indicated in the Class Schedule table below, typically on Thursday night (8:15-10:15 pm). Use
your best judgment and do not make any plans that conflict with the exam dates. There are no opportunities for
make-up exams. Attending lectures will help you. There is a lot of material introduced in your book and a large
number of homework assignments. Throughout the semester, your instructor will show you how to manage it. In
addition, the most important concepts and details of experiments will be carefully explained. At times, we will also
explore other strategies and shortcuts to solving chemistry problems.
**Note: Each student in this class is always responsible for all information (for example Learnsmart Prep
assignments, Connect quizzes, and any other announcements) presented at each class meeting.
In-Class Participation: Class participation will be evaluated by requiring work to be turned in during class,
or at the beginning of class, and by participating in the activities presented in class. These assignments will be
based on the material done in class. We will often also use TopHat to solve as a class questions similar to those to be
tested on the actual exams.
**Note: Please, behave courteously in class. Talking on the cell phone during class, talking incessantly during
class and any other kind of disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. I WILL NOT HESITATE TO EXCUSE
DISRUPTIVE STUDENTS FROM LECTURES. If necessary, grading penalties will be assessed.
Reasonable Accommodation: Students requiring accommodations or modifications for a disability
should inform the instructor at the end of the first class meeting or as soon as possible. At that time the instructor
will refer you to the Disability Resource Center located in GL190. Disability accommodations or status will not be
indicated on academic transcripts. In order to receive accommodations in a class, students with sensory, learning,
psychological, physical or medical disabilities must provide their instructor with a Notification of Academic
Adjustment form from the center that will contain important information regarding the student's assigned
accommodations. A new form must be requested each semester. Students with a history of a disability perceived as
having a disability or with a current disability who do not wish to use academic accommodations are also strongly
encouraged to register with the Disability Resource Center. For further information, please visit the Center on the
web at drc.fiu.edu. To contact them use email: drc@fiu.edu or call: (305)-348-3532.
Academic misconduct: Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and
imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and
community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and
honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of
academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of
the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for
academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the
Student Handbook. Cheating is unfair to your honest classmates and absolutely will not be tolerated. The first
such infraction will be dealt with to the fullest extent permissible by the university. Cheating includes (but is not
limited to) any form of inter-student collaboration on exams or quizzes, use of prohibited materials or devices
during exams (viz. a graphing calculator, CELL PHONE), copying or distribution of quiz or exam answers prior to
the test, and plagiarism.
—SECTION 2: Performance Evaluation (Your Grade)—
Homework: There will be mainly two types of homework assigned this semester:
(1) Prep Quizzes will be assigned in LearnSmart for you to complete BEFORE coming to lecture.
These prep quizzes will usually be made available on Friday of each week and are based on the projected
lecture topics. These are designed to give you advance work on each topic and will be based on the ebook
included with the Connect site (Burdge, 2nd ed.) You will have to read the topics before taking the quiz. The
Prep Quizzes will be worth 30 points toward your final grade:
!"# %& '%"( )*+(,#+(- .%/0-,
1%-+2 )*+(0,#+(- .%/0-, 34+/2+52*
×30 = π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ 𝑄𝑒𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑒𝑠 π‘†π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’
**Note: You can complete these units as often as you would like in order to increase your grade. It keeps your
highest grade.
(2) Connect homework assignments will be assigned each day and are to be completed AFTER each lecture.
These will be typically due before the next class and will be worth 30 points. Please register for Connect
through Blackboard:
**Note: Three in-class homework quizzes (Q1,Q2, and Q3), worth 10 points each, will be given during the semester.
Your score on quizzes will be combined with Connect scores as your homework score. Selected questions from the
homework and from TopHat will be used to inspire the Q1,Q2,Q3 quiz questions.
Your Connect homework score can be calculated by the formula:
π‘†π‘’π‘š π‘œπ‘“ πΆπ‘œπ‘›π‘›π‘’π‘π‘‘ π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘ 
×30 + 𝑄R + 𝑄S + 𝑄T = πΆπ‘œπ‘›π‘›π‘’π‘π‘‘ π»π‘œπ‘šπ‘’π‘€π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘˜ π‘†π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘’
π‘‡π‘œπ‘‘π‘Žπ‘™ πΆπ‘œπ‘›π‘›π‘’π‘π‘‘ π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘–π‘›π‘‘π‘  π΄π‘£π‘Žπ‘–π‘™π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘’
Please ensure that you are signed up correctly into the systems as this would ensure that you get a grade for your
work at the end of the semester. You can complete these units as often as you would like in order to increase your
grade. It keeps your highest grade.
Exams: The expected date for each exam is given on the attached calendar.
All semester exams will be
conducted on the designated date and time unless there is a compelling reason to change. The three semester
exams will be worth 100 points each. The final exam will be comprehensive and it will be worth 150 points.
Provided you have taken ALL THREE semester exams, your lowest exam grade can be replaced by your
final exam grade. The exams are scheduled as follows:
Exam 1: Thursday, February the 9th, from 8:15-10:15 pm.
Exam 2: Thursday, March the 9th, from 8:15-10:15 pm
Exam 3: Thursday, April the 13th, from 8:15-10:15 pm.
**Note: You have until January 25th to let me know that you have a conflict with the above times due to
having another class, or having to be in lab.
The Final exam will be held Wednesday, April the 26th, from 2:15-4:45 pm.
**Note 2: During exams you are only allowed to keep pencils, erasers, and a scientific non-graphing calculator
with you. You have to leave all other material in the front of the class. If you need scratch paper, it will be provided.
Graphing calculators will be confiscated and grading penalties will be assessed if the student is found with one
during the exam. Exam scores will be posted on blackboard. If your exam score is not posted, please come to see
me with a valid photo ID.
**Note 3: You cannot keep your cell phones or any other electronic devices with you during the exam. If you are
found with a cell phone it is grounds for academic misconduct.
**Note 4: You have until January 25th to let me know that you have a conflict with the above exam times due to
having another class, or having to be in lab.
**Note: If
you missed an assignment due to a major emergency (that can be documented),
you have 2 (weeks) from the date in due date of the assignment to submit documentation
and to have it fully resolved. Also, I will not accept any excuse beyond the last day of lecture
FINAL EXAM Final exam will be held on Wednesday, April the 26th, from 2:15-4:45pm.
This date will be confirmed later in the semester.
The course grade is computed as follows:
Graded Item
Learn Smart
In class
Final Exam
Total Points
Your Total Points
(90%) ≥ 553 points
(80%) ≥ 492 points
(65%) ≥ 400points
(50%) ≥ 307 points
(<50%) < 307 points
There is no extra
credit being offered
in this class outside
that mentioned in
this syllabus.
Note: I cannot discuss grades via email, due to FERPA and FIU privacy policies. You must come to office-hours to
discuss and to resolve any grade related issues.
—SECTION 3. How to succeed in your chemistry studies—
I want all of you to succeed in this course. However, this is going to take a lot of hard work. Plan on studying 2-3
hours for every hour of lecture. This is not a “listen and learn” type of course. Most of the learning will happen
later, while reviewing notes, your textbook and, most importantly while solving problems. In this course you will
find yourself frequently calling upon mathematical skills that you thought you had left behind for good a long time
ago. If you feel the need, please go back and review your math skills.
To learn chemistry and to become proficient at solving and discussing chemistry problems, you will need to
develop some conversancy with the chemical sciences. This means you will need to learn the terminology and the
writing conventions that chemical scientists use to describe theories and models of the physical world. Your
textbook is a very important tool. This conversancy begins with reading the Chemistry:Atoms First text and doing
the Prep Quizzes. Be prepared to discuss problems and concepts Your instructors and your classmates are both
communication resources for your development of chemical literacy. During a lecture, if you have a question please
bring it up to your instructor (there are no dumb questions, I guarantee there will be several other people with the
same question, who are too afraid to ask). However, please be respectful and raise your hand, rather than blurting
out the question.
The General Chemistry1045 course is a work-through introduction to chemical science, meaning that you will
learn as you do: This must be an active process. Stay ahead of the material (in the worst case, stay on top of it) and
lectures will make more sense to you this way. Homework problems will also be assigned and various approaches to
solving chemistry problems will be presented. To learn chemistry, you must practice the problem-solving methods
introduced in class.
Your grade success in the lecture course will ultimately depend on your ability to quickly solve
challenging problems. I cannot stress the importance of doing lots of practice problems. You should solve all
of the problems part of the worksheets. You should also attempt to solve most of the end of the chapter problems. If
you have done all these, all the problems at the end of the chapter in your book, and the CHEMPAL worksheets, and
still feel the need for more practice, I will be glad to provide you with extra worksheets.
You must be stubborn when working practice problems! Always work each problem through to the finish (even if
you feel unsure of your approach), and then examine your work. Every chemistry problem you solve is a learning
experience. If you give up without solving then checking the problem and further thinking about the answer, then
you will not learn from that problem.
Do not attempt to study chemistry solely by reading. Proper use of Chemistry: Atoms First text will require a
pen, a notebook, and a scientific calculator—these are the physical tools with which you will work chemistry
problems. The conceptual tools (or mental tools) that you will employ are described in the Chemistry: Atoms First
textbook, but ownership of these tools can only be achieved through their use—and some mental exercise.
PROBLEMS! If you have trouble solving the homework problems assigned to you by the instructor, it might be
helpful to start with reviewing the exercises introduced to you in lectures meetings or to follow along solutions
provided for the sample problems recorded in the textbook.
To solve a typical sample problem start with writing down the variables you know and the unknowns that the
problem is asking you to find. You can specify these variables by using words, shorthand letter notation, cartoons,
diagrams, etc. Write various relationships that you studied (concepts, equations) that mention the known and the
unknown variables mentioned in your problem. Then propose solution steps that connect your known variables to
the unknowns that you are asked to find. The solution steps that need be proposed will strongly depend on the
assumptions implied by the context of the problem so make sure you think carefully about what the problem is
saying. Connect the solution steps in a sequence that leads from unknown to known variables. You can make the
connection using flowchart-style diagrams, paragraph sentences, bullet points, etc.
—SECTION 4: How to find individualized help for this course—
Option 1: Attend instructor scheduled office hours
Office hours are specifically reserved periods from your instructors’ schedule for you to stop by and discuss class
related material such as to have the instructor further clarify concepts, discuss solutions to practice problems, explore
issues related to grades and exams, as well as make the instructor aware of personal circumstances as outlined in
sections Excused Absences or Reasonable Accommodation of this document. There is no limit to the number of
times a student can visit the instructors during office hours throughout the semester and you are encouraged to ask for
help as often as needed.
My bark is pretty minimal and I am really rooting for you to do well in the course, so I dearly hope that you all ask
questions of me and attend some office hours and review sessions. There is no limit to the number of times a student
can visit during office hours throughout the semester and you are encouraged to ask for help as often as needed.
Please stop by if you need help!
At times it is common for multiple students to stop by during the same office-hours period. If when you arrive your
instructor is in the middle of explaining a concept to your classmates, you are very welcome to join and to listen
even if the topic covered is not related to your question. Issues related to grades and to personal circumstance are
discussed privately and sometimes you may be asked to wait in the hallway even during office hours. Keep in mind
that should the scheduled office hours conflict with your other scheduled activities, you can still see your instructor
in person by making an appointment via email or via phone. Any changes to above posted office hours will be
announced in class or on our Blackboard class page. Your instructor has a weekly schedule posted on the office door
(#334). You can also check those listings to learn if there are changes to above schedule.
***Note on email usage: While questions related to lecture material and practice problem can be successfully
explored via email exchange, you are strongly encouraged to see the instructor during office hours. When meeting in
person the instructor can better probe your understanding of the material and can then explain other notions and
concepts that you might not realize you are missing. If emailing to ask about your grade or to communicate with the
instructor as a follow-up of a special circumstance, please, clearly specify in which section you enrolled at the
beginning of the semester. Please make sure to use your FIU email account.
o If you have done all the problems at the end of the chapter in your book and feel the need for more practice,
come see me and I will be glad to provide you with extra worksheets.
Option 2: Attend weekly CHEMPAL sessions that will be available soon, with one of the LAs:
CHEMPAL is Chemistry Peer Assisted Learning. This is a free tutoring service available to everyone. There
will be several sessions a week beginning tentatively Monday, January the 23rd. The location and timing of
these sessions will be available on Blackboard. If you attend 10 or more sessions during the semester, you will be
awarded an extra 10 points. You are welcome to go to as many sessions as you want – in fact you can attend
multiple sessions during the same week. However, please note that if you attend more than 1 session during the
same week, only one session can count towards this credit. If you attend less than 10 (ten) sessions, you will be
awarded 1 point for every session you attended, however please remember only one session per week counts
towards the credit. You must arrive on time, stay for at least 45 minutes and actively engage with the material
to receive credit. If you are disruptive, the preceptor will excuse you and you will not receive credit for that
session. Take advantage of this free tutoring service. For your own sake please keep track of the dates you went
to CHEMPAL. Later if there is a problem with the points, it will be easier to fix. It will be impossible for me to dig
through a semester worth of sign-up sheets to look to see if you attended a session unless you tell me the exact date
and time when you attended the session.
Option 3: Before Exams Attend Review Sessions with the Instructor
Each Thursday, 5:00-7:00 pm, SIPA: #125, before each exam, as follows:
Thursday, February 2nd from 5:00-7:00 pm
Thursday, March 2nd from 5:00-7:00 pm
Thursday, April 6th, from 5:00-7:00 pm
Thursday, April 20th, from 5:00-7:00 pm
A word on review sessions: To do well on the examinations scheduled in this course and to succeed in future
chemistry courses it is important for you to become very comfortable with developing solutions to exercises similar
to assigned homework problems and exercises from the worksheets. Your instructor considers review sessions a
time for you to work and to see detailed problems solved using the techniques introduced in class. During review
sessions you can also ask clarifications of concepts explained during lectures, or see solutions to graded assignments
as preparation for exams. For the most part you will decide the material covered during review sessions. So arrive
prepared to ask questions. At the beginning of a typical meeting we will make a list of problems and concepts that
needs reviewing. We will work our way up to solve from the easiest of problems to the most challenging one.
***Note: If you are comfortable solving the homework problems on your own and if you fully understand the
topics covered in lectures & textbook you don’t need to attend review sessions; no additional topics will be
Option 4: ask help from TAs. The chemistry help desk in CP-#378 is staffed with TAs who will be able to help
answer your questions.
Option 5: create small study groups and compare and discuss class notes together. This will help you
—SECTION 5: Detailed Class Schedule and Important Dates—
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5
Week 4
Topic Title, Book Pages #
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Discussion of syllabus
Chemistry Concept Inventory test
Classification and properties of matter (p.5-8) (CH1)
Measurements, Unit and Unit Conversions in Chemical Investigations
(p.8-14) (CH1)
Uncertainty in lab measurement and calculations (p.14-18)(CH1)
Problem Solving Using Dimensional Analysis (p. 20-22)
No classes MLK Day
Reg. Ends, 1/17
Atomic Number (Z), Mass Number (A), Atomic Symbol (X) (p. 39-40)
Isotopes and Average Atomic Mass (p. 43-44)
General features of the periodic table (p. 45-46) (CH2)
The mole and molar mass (CH2) (p.46-49 )
Interconverting mass, moles, and number of atoms (p.49-50)
The Nature of Light (p.62-65) (CH3)
Bohr’s Theory for the Hydrogen Atom (p.70-77)
Quantum Mechanics (CH3) (p.79-82)
Quantum Numbers (CH3) (p.82-85)
Atomic Orbitals (p.85-89) (CH3)
Electron Configurations of Atoms (p. 89-93) (CH3)
Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table (CH3) (p.93-96)
Electron Configurations of Ions (CH4) (p.127-130)
The Periodic Table (CH4) (p. 111-116)
Effective Nuclear Charge (CH4) (p. 117)
Atomic Radius (p. 118-120) (CH4)
Ionization Energy (p.120-122) (CH4)
Electron Affinity (p.122-124) (CH4)
Ionic Radius (p. 130-132) (CH4)
Ionic Compounds vs. Covalent Compounds (CH5) (p.147-151),(154-156)
Naming of chemical compounds (CH5) (p.151-154),(160-164),(164-169)
8:15-:10:15 pm
Molecular Formulas and Empirical Formulas (CH5) (p.169-170)
Percent Composition of Compounds (p.171-173) (CH5)
Molar Mass (CH5), (p.173-175): Interconverting Mass, Moles, and
Number of Particles, Empirical and Molecular Formulas from Percent
Lewis Dot Symbols, The Octet Rule (CH6) (p.189-192)
Drawing Lewis Structures (p. 199-201)
Formal Charge (p.201-204), Resonance (204-206) CH6)
Exceptions to the Octet Rule (206-210) (CH6)
Electronegativity and Polarity (p. 193-196) (CH6)
Electron Domains and Molecular Geometry (CH7) (p.221-227)
Molecular Geometry and Polarity (CH7) (p. 229-232)
Intermolecular Forces (p. 232-236) (CH7)
Valence Bond Theory (CH7) (p. 237-240)
Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals (p. 240-254) (CH7)
Writing chemical equations (CH8), Balancing chemical
reactions (p.279-287)
Exam 1
(ch. 1-4 )
Week 9
Topic Title, Book Pages #
Calculations with balanced chemical reactions, Limiting
Reagents(CH8) (p.290-300)
Electrolytes, nonelectrolytes (weak, strong) (p.319-324)
Strong and Weak Acids (p.329-334)
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
No classes, SPRING BREAK
No classes, SPRING BREAK
No classes, SPRING BREAK
Redox Reactions (CH9) (p. 334 -344 )
Notions related to energy and energy changes-States and state
functions, Work and Heat, The First Law of Thermodynamics
(CH10) (p.379-384)
Enthalpy (CH10) (p. 384-390)
Calorimetry (CH10) (p. 390-400)
Hess’s Law (CH10) (p. 400-402)
Week 13
Week 15
Exam 2
(ch: 5-8)
last day for course
Standard Enthalpies of Formation (CH10) (p.402-405)
Week 14
8:15-10:15 pm
Precipitation Reactions (p.324-329) (CH9)
Acid-base reactions, Concentration, (344-360) (CH9)
Important Dates
The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases (CH11) (p.431-436)
Gas Pressure (CH11) (p. 436-440)
Gas Laws (Boyle’s, Charles and Gay-Lussac’s,
Avogadro’s)(CH11) (p.440-449)
The Ideal Gas Law (CH11) (p.449-453)
Real Gases (CH11) (p. 453-458)
Gas Mixtures (CH11) (p.458-462)
Reactions in gas phase (CH11) (p. 463-468)
Properties of Liquids (CH12) (p.486-491)
Properties of Solids (CH12) (p.491-500)(Selected Concepts)
8:15-:10:15 pm
Phase Changes (CH12) (p.506-512)
Phase Diagrams (CH12) (p. 512-516)
Review for the Final Exam (Material for Exams 1-2)
o Review for the Final Exam (Material Tested on Exam 3)
2:15-4:45 pm
Exam 3
(ch. 9-11)
Last Class
Final Exam
(CH12 +cumulative)
**Note : This schedule is intended only as a guide and will be changed during the course of the semester. Changes will be posted to the web
and announced in class. I reserve the right to change exam dates and or material to be included on each exam during the course of the semester. I
will attempt to give students one (1) week advanced notice for the new exam date if it changes. Changes will be announced in class and posted on