Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Controls on CO2 Migration and Brine Displacement Sally M. Benson1 Ljubinko Miljkovic2, Liviu Tomutsa2 and Christine Doughty2 1Energy Resources Engineering Dept., Stanford University 2Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Acknowledgements • Funded by DOE Fossil Energy through the Zero Emissions Research and Technology Program (ZERT) • Outstanding co-authors from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Ljubinko Miljkovic – Liviu Tomutsa – Christine Doughty Some Key Issues for CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers • • • • • What fraction of the pore space can be filled with CO2? How big will the CO2 plume be? How much CO2 will be dissolved? How much will capillary trapping immobilize CO2? Can accurate models be developed to predict CO2 fate and transport? Viscous and capillary forces Heterogeneity Gravity Structure Answering these questions depends on the complex interplay of viscous, capillary, buoyancy forces and heterogeneity and structure on CO2 plume migration. Courtesy of Christine Doughty, LBNL Core-flood Set-Up for Relative Permeability Measurements Overburden Pressure: 100 bars μw μCO = 14.3 2 38 mm CO2 Brine 75 mm Differential Pressure Transducer CO2 Brine Pressure Data Acquisition Constant Displacement Pumps *Brine o Room Temperature: 16.5 C composition: CO2 saturated brine with 0.5 molar potassium iodide Constant Pressure (65 bars) Core-Scale Imaging of CO2 Distributions High Pressure Pumps Core Holder In Scanner CT Scans Measure Core Porosity 3.8cm Φ=0.22 7.8cm 0.12 0.22 4.0 Core Length (cm) 6.0 0.33 Porosity 0.28 0.22 0.16 0 2.0 7.8 Calculation of Permeability Porosity Kozeny-Carmen Φ i3 ki = S(1-Φi)2 Permeability Core Permeability Distribution 3.8cm k=301mD Permeability (mD) 7.8cm 30 500 1000 550 300 50 0 2.0 4.0 Core Length (cm) 6.0 7.8 Laboratory Injections of Various CO2-Brine Proportions • • Experimental Setup: ¾ 5%, 10%, 20%, 50%, 80%, 90%, 100% CO2 injections ¾ 3mL/min constant flow-rate ¾ 6.89MPa constant back-pressure ¾ 16 ±2°C lab temperature ¾ Brine contains dissolved CO2 ¾ CO2 contains dissolved water Measure CO2 Saturation with CT Scanner ¾ Digitally reconstruct image Relative Permeability Curves Relative Permeability CO2 Brine Saturation Brine Small-scale CO2 Saturation Variations 5% CO2 20% CO2 10% CO2 50% CO2 80% CO2 90% CO2 100% CO2 Sub-corescale saturation variations generally overlooked in relative permeability measurements. CO2 Saturation: 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Simulated Injection of Various CO2Brine Proportions • • • Simulation Cases ¾ 10%, 90%, 100% CO2 injections ¾ 3mL/min constant flow-rate ¾ 6.89MPa constant back-pressure ¾ 16°C constant temperature ¾ Brine contains dissolved CO2 ¾ CO2 contains dissolved water Core Characterization ¾ Porosity/permeability “map” coarsened ¾ Relative permeability/capillary pressure curves matched to experimental curves TOUGH2 (Pruess, LBNL) 180px 60px 36px Simulated CO2 Saturations Constant Pc Produces Homogeneous CO2 Saturations Porosity Lab Data Homogeneous Simulations Variable Φ, k Simulations 10% CO2 90% CO2 100% CO2 CO2 Saturation:0% 70% Fitting Capillary Pressure Curve 100,000 Simulation Input Curve* Hg Injection Data Curve Pc (Pa) Pc,i ∝ √ Φi ki Pcap = 4500Pa 10,000 2000 Pcap (Pa) 8000 given 20% CO2 1000 Brine Saturation *Silin et al. (submitted, 2007 Simulated CO2 Saturations Variable Pc Produces Small-scale CO2 Saturation Variations Lab Data Variable Φ, k Simulations 10% CO2 90% CO2 100% CO2 CO2 Saturation:0% 70% Variable Pc Simulations Capillary Pressure Curve Pcap (PA) Avg. Pc Φ=.22 k=301mD Pc Envelope CO2 Saturation: 0% 70% 100% CO2 90% CO2 Brine Saturation 10% CO2 Why should we care? Why Should We Care? Average CO2 saturation is: ‣ Decreased by sub-corescale heterogeneity ‣ Flow-rate dependent ‣ Affected by simulation grid resolution Subcore-scale Heterogeneity Decreases CO2 Saturation CO2 Saturation 100% CO2 Injection 90% CO2 Injection 10% CO2 Injection 0 2.0 4.0 Length Along Core (cm) 6.0 7.8 Effects of Flow Rate on CO2 Saturation Relative Permeability Fractional Flow (CO2 ) Injection Rate (mL/min) 90% CO2 Injection Simulation CO2 Saturation CO2 Saturation Brine Saturation Distance from Well (m) Buckley-Leverett 9.0 3.0 0.3 0.065 0.03 0.001 mL/min 0 1 2 Length of Core (cm) 5 6 7 8 Capillary Pressure (Pa) Capillary Pressure Distribution at Different Flow Rates Capillary Pressure Curves: Average: ϕ=0.22 k=206mD Upper Bound: ϕ=0.12 k=35.7mD Lower Bound: ϕ=0.25 k=444mD Brine Saturation 9 mL/min 3 mL/min 0.3 mL/min 0.065 mL/min 0.03 mL/min 0.01mL/min 90% CO2, 10% Brine Injection Variable Simulation Resolutions Grid Size: 0.6x0.6x3mm Grid Count: 67,350 Grid Size: 1x1x3mm Grid Count: 23,400 CO2 Saturation: 0% 30% 55% Grid Size: 2x2x3mm Grid Count: 5,400 CO2 Saturation Finer Simulation Grids Decrease CO2 Saturation Length Along Core (cm) Conclusions • Core-scale multi-phase flow experiments reveal strong influence of sub core-scale heterogeneity • Spatial variations in capillary pressure behavior control CO2 saturations • CO2 saturation: – Decreases due to bypass of low porosity regions – Decreases at lower flow rates – Predictions depend on grid size • Similar phenomena are expected at all spatial scales • Fundamental research needed to improve model predictions – Fundamental process understanding based on lab and field experiments – Up-scaling strategies that accurately include the effects of sub-grid scale heterogeneity – Calibration and validation of predictive models