SKH Lui Ming Choi Secondary School – SBA : Vitamin C content in vegetables Peter’s grandmother suffers from scurvy. Peter knows that the disease can be cured by taking in more vitamin C. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C. However, his grandmother also suffers from diabetes. Peter thinks that his grandmother should avoid eating too many fruits as they usually contain a lot of sugar. So, he decides to cook vegetables for his grandmother. He found that pepper, cauliflower, tomato, onion are good sources of vitamin C from the internet. He wondered which kinds of vegetables contain more vitamin C. Although Peter knows that vitamin C may be destroyed at high temperature, he decides to cook the vegetables in boiling water as his grandmother has only a few teeth inside her mouth. However, he wondered whether boiling will lower the vitamin C content of the vegetables significantly. You are going to design and carry out an investigation so that you can advise Peter how to prepare the vegetables for his grandmother. Material and apparatus: 1. Mortar and pestle 2. Muslin cloth 3. Filter funnel 4. Dropper 5. Syringe (1 ml) 6. DCPIP (0.01%) (10 ml) 7. Green pepper 8. Yellow pepper 9. Cauliflower 10. Tomato 11. Onion 12. Water bath (beaker and hot plate) 13. Test tubes 14. 10 ml measuring cylinder 11. Labels 13. Stop watch * Other apparatus and chemicals found in laboratory can be provided upon request