Uploaded by Sherry Peters

Vocabulary List: Expand Your Word Power

List 1
- astrobiology: the branch of biology concerned with the study of life on earth and in
- congeal: to make thick or hard, especially by cooling or freezing
- condole: to express sympathy or sorrow for one suffering misfortune or pain
- commiserate: express or feel sympathy or pity; sympathize
- belligerence: a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature
List 2
- automation: the use of machines rather than people to do work
- bibliophil: a lover or collector of books
- incompatible: not able to be together in a peaceful or happy way
- impetuous: done suddenly and without much thought; impulsive
- simulated: to imitate or reproduce the appearance, sound, or other external
characteristics or qualities of
List 3
- benediction: a blessing, esp. the one pronounced over the congregation by the
clergyman at the end of a religious service
- biohazard: a biological substance or condition that endangers human life or health
- diabolical: having qualities like those of the Devil or a devil; fiendish; malevolent
- subsatellite: an object carried into orbit in and subsequently released from a satellite or
- pediatrician: a medical practitioner specializing in children and their diseases.
List 5
- vociferous: crying out, esp. in protest; vocal; clamorous
- monocle: an eyeglass for only one eye
- inflexible: not able to be bent, or not easy to bend; stiff
- immeasurable: impossible to measure; very great
- monarch: a ruler such as a king, queen, or emperor
List 6
- bicentennial: occurring once every two hundred years, lasting for two hundred years or
a two hundred year anniversary
- triathlon: an athletic contest in which contestants participate in three continuous
events, usually swimming, cycling, and running, timed as one race
- fortification: something that adds strength or fortifies
- geothermal: having to do with the heat produced inside the earth
- protuberance: a thing that protrudes from something else
List 7
- decarbonize: to remove carbon from
- susceptibility: the state or fact of being likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a
particular thing
- orthography: the art of correct spelling
- monogram: a motif of two or more letters, typically a person's initials, usually
interwoven or otherwise combined in a decorative design, used as a logo or to identify
a personal possession.
- Supercilious: behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others
List 10
- hydroplane: A seaplane; a boat that can rise or light on water
- gratuitous: given or done free of charge
- reiterate: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
- perfunctory: carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection
- hydraulic: operated, moved, or brought about by means of water
List 11
- emancipate: Release; set free
- mellifluous: having a smooth rich flow
- disseminate: to spread abroad as though sowing seed
- interloper: one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity
- dutiful: filled with or motivated by a sense of duty
List 12
- missive: A note which can be sent by messenger
- mediator: a negotiator who acts as a link between parties
- bemusement: to make confused
- anagram: a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase
- solidify: to make solid, compact, or hard
List 14
- cacophonous: having an unpleasant sound
- necropolis: A cemetery, especially a large and elaborate one belonging to an
ancient city
- misconstrue: to interpret (something, such as a statement or action) wrongly
- abrasion: a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction
- plentitude: Abundance; state of fullness
List 15
- salutation: A polite expression of greeting or goodwill.
- circumspect: careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences: prudent
- paraphernalia: personal belongings: articles of equipment
- phosphorescence: luminescence that is caused by the absorption of radiations (such as
light or electrons) and continues for a noticeable time after these radiations have
- expediency: an enterprise requiring haste or caution
List 16
- sentry: guard, watch
- deconstruct: destroy , demolish
- contravene: to go or act contrary to: violate
- biosphere: The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms
exist or that is capable of supporting life.
- autobiographic: he biography of a person narrated by himself or herself
List 19
- unequivocal: admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding
- unanimity: everyone being of one mind
- perpetrate: to be responsible for; commit
- extraction: To draw or pull out, often with great force or effort
- scrimmage: a minor battle : skirmish
List 20
- vacuole: A small cavity in space or tissue which contains air or fluid
- inadvertently: Something that is done inadvertently is not intentionally done but is an
accident because one is not being attentive to one’s surroundings.
- extemporaneous: Something that is extemporaneous such as an action, speech, or
performance is done without any preparation or practice beforehand.
- dauntless: incapable of being intimidated or subdued: fearless
- subversive: A subversive act is one undertaken usually to overthrow or do significant
harm to a government or other institution.
List 21
- vivarium: A place, such as an enclosure or facility, used for keeping living animals for
observation or research.
- revitalize: to give new life or vigour to
- enamour: To inspire with love; captivate
- preexist: To exist before (something); precede
- adamantly: with great insistence or determination
List 23
- provenance: The provenance of something is its birthplace or the place from which it
originally came.
- adventitious: Something that happens unexpectedly and by chance that is not inherent
or natural to a given item or situation
- pericope: An extract or selection from a book, especially a reading from a Scripture
that forms part of a church service.
- hypothetical: based on possible situations or events rather than actual ones
- enslavement: the act of making slaves of your captives
List 24
- altercation: A heated, sometimes violent quarrel or conflict
- antescript: a note added before or above
- surreal: marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream
- contextualize: to place (something, such as a word or activity) in a context
- imminent: ready to take place: happening soon
List 25
- chronological: of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time
- Omnium-gatherum: a miscellaneous collection (as of things or persons)
- antipathy: a deep-seated dislike of something or someone
- unabridged: not shortened by condensing or rewriting
- empower: to give official authority or legal power to
List 28
- telemarketer: the marketing of goods or services by telephone
- theocracy: Government directed by priests or clergy representing God
- endothermic: characterized by or formed with absorption of heat
- obtuse: slow to understand things, or deliberately does not try to figure things out.
- tomfoolery: foolish behaviour; something trivial or foolish; nonsense
List 29
- transcript: a usually typed copy of dictated or recorded material
- epidemic: A widespread disease that comes “upon” people
- felicitous: pleasant, delightful
- cacophonous: harsh-sounding (Antonyms: harmonious, melodious, musical)
- obnoxious: odiously or disgustingly objectionable; highly offensive (Antonym:
agreeable, attractive)
List 30
- proclivity: the tendency to behave in a particular way or to like a particular thing.
- wretchedness: deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind
- nutritionist: a specialist in the study of nutrition
- prodigious: causing wonder or astonishment (synonyms: amazing, marvellous)
- protrude: to extend outward beyond a usual point (synonym: bulge, poke, swell)
List 32
- posterior: situated behind
- posterity: all future generations
- insignificant: lacking meaning or import
- traditionalism: adherence to the doctrines or practices of a tradition
- Homynyms: can, bear, kind (have the students come up with the definitions)
- Homonyms: same spelling, same pronunciation, different definitions
- Homophones: spelled differently, sound the same
- Homographs: same spelling, different pronunciation
List 33
- interior: the inside; the inner part
- influx: an inward flow
- catacomb: underground burial place
- catapult: an ancient apparatus for hurling stones
- Homographs: entrance, bow, desert (have students come up with the definitions)