AccuSine PCS+ The Schneider Electric solution for active harmonic filtering in industrial installations. $FFX6LQH3&66SHFL¿FDWLRQV PB502824_R.eps Harmonic compensation offer 7HFKQLFDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Standard RMS output current ratings 60 A, 120 A, 200 A, 300 A - 380 V AC to 480 V AC 47 A, 94 A, 157 A, 235 A - 480-600 V AC 40 A, 80 A, 133 A , 200 A - 600-690 V AC Electrical System Characteristics Nominal voltage 380-480 V AC; +10%/-15% 480-600 V AC; +10%/-15% 600-690 V AC; +10%/-15% Nominal Frequency 50/60 Hz, ±3 Hz auto sensing Number of phases 3-phase, with or without neutral Operation with single phase Yes; no effect on neutral current loads Technical Product Characteristics Power electronics Topology Losses Current transformers (CT) Quantity of CT CT VA loading Spectrum cancellation Control basis CT Position Harmonic Attenuation Harmonic Operational Features Harmonic avoidance Parallel operation Parallel operation options Parallel sequence options Parallel redundancy Parallel HMI control Parallel communications Power factor correction Mains current balancing (1) Default and preferred control method. (2) Auxiliary CT required for paralleling of units with Load sense CT position. (3) Auxiliary CT required for paralleling of units with Source (mains) sense CT position. 12 Control response time Harmonic correction time Reactive correction time Display Languages Operator interface Display parameters IGBT; 3 level inverter Digital harmonic FFT Digital reactive power At 480 V AC < 3 %; at 690 V CA < 5 % Any ratio with 1 or 5 ampere secondary Type 1 accuracy 50/60 or 400 Hz rated Grounded 2 or 3 for 3-wire electrical system 3 required for 4-wire electrical system Pȍ 2nd to 51st, discrete; fully selectable per harmonic order (amplitude and on/off) Closed loop for new installations (1) 2SHQORRSFRPSDWLEOHIRUUHWUR¿WDSSOLFDWLRQV Closed Loop Control: Source sense (at mains) CT or Load sense CT for single unit (2) Open Loop Control: Load sense CT or source sense CT for single unit (3) Closed Loop: < 3 % THD(i); max 20:1 THD(i) reduction with load harmonic current above 50 % of AccuSine PCS+ rating Open Loop: < 5 % TDD Requires 3 % or higher inductive impedance per nonlinear load % THDi set point % THDv set point 2XWSXWDWVSHFL¿FKDUPRQLFRUGHUWXUQHGRIILIUHVRQDQFHRUODFN of impedance detected; or manually turned off Up to 10 units per set of CT (to 51st order), any size combination %DFNZDUGFRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWK$FFX6LQH3&6RSHUDWHGLQSDUDOOHO &RQWDFW\RXU6(VDOHVRI¿FHIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVRIPRUHWKDQ units Master/Master (masters receive mains CT) Master/Slave Multi-Master/multi-slave 6DPHDV$FFX6LQH3&6IRUUHWUR¿WV Lead/lag with unit rotation: one unit operates to full capacity before next unit turns on; timed rotation. Load Share: All operating units function at the same ouput percentage. Any unit with CT connections will automatically become master if WKHFRQWUROLQJPDVWHULVWDNHQRIÀLQH $XWRPDWLFLQFUHDVHLQRXSXWRIDOOXQLWVWRPDNHXSFDSDFLW\RI DQ\RI¿OLQHXQLW Any unit permits viewing and changing parameter settings of complete system or any other unit in parallel system Proprietary COM Bus between operating units Optimized unity PF, Leading (capacitive) or lagging (inductive) SRZHUIDFWRU &RVij WRWDUJHW Negative sequence current injected to balance fundamental current on the mains due to load imbalance (inherently corrects GLVSODFHPHQW3) &RVij ȝV 2 cycles 1/4 cycle PP49*$7)7NFRORUWRXFKVFUHHQ English Magelis HMI STU touch panel screen 100's: includes THDi, THDv, oscilloscope for viewing many selected parameters, phasor diagrams, load power, measured currents for Ih, Is, If, I neg seq, PF (Cos f), injected currents for Ih, I reactive, I neg seq, etc. AccuSine PCS+ $FFX6LQH3&66SHFL¿FDWLRQV Communications Capability Discrete input/outputs Noise level (ISO3746) Color Earthing (Grounding) systems Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP 4 input and 4 output dry contacts; assignable <70 db at one meter from unit surface 5$/(QFORVXUH5$/3OLQWK ÀRRUVWDQGLQJXQLWV Supports TT, TN, and IT grounding systems; Solidly, low, and high resistance grounded; ungrounded; corner grounded delta; high leg delta (0&¿OWHUJURXQGVZLWFKIRU,7KLJKUHVLVWDQFHJURXQGRUFRUQHUJURXQGHGV\VWHPV Environmental Conditions $$ $,3,38/7\SH2SHQ 8/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQV&WR& $OORWKHUV&WR& 'HUDWHSHUGHJUHH&WR& Relative humidity to 95 %, noncondensing Seismic rating complies with IBC and ASCE7 Operating Altitude 1000 m (derate 1 %/100 m above), max 4800 m $XWRPDWLFUROOEDFNRIRXWSXW 2FFXUVZKHQHYHUKHDWVLQNWHPSHUDWXUHVHQVRUH[FHHGVWHPSHUDWXUHOLPLW Ambient temperature shutdown $EVROXWHVKXWGRZQLIDLULQOHWWHPSHUDWXUHUHDFKHV& Preset output limits (rms) 3URJUDPPDEOHVHWOLPLWGXHWRDOWLWXGHRUDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHEHFRPHV¿[HGRXWSXWOLPLW Storage (in original shipping 7HPSHUDWXUH&WR& Relative humidty: to 95 %, noncondensing container) Clean, dry, and protected No conductive particles permitted "Contaminant Levels - operating Chemical Class 3C2 Mechanical Class 3S2 (IEC 60721-3-3)" No conductive particles permitted "Contaminant levels - transport Chemical Class 3C3 Mechanical Class 3S3 and storage When stored in original shipping container (IEC 60721-3-3)" No conductive particles permitted Operating Temperature Reference Standards &((0&&HUWL¿FDWLRQ,(&(1(1&ODVV$(1 IP00, IP20, IP31, IP54, UL Type 1, UL Type 2, UL Type 12, UL Type Open cULus (UL508 , CSA 22.2 No. 14) &(&HUWL¿HG$%6/OR\GVRWKHUORFDOVWDQGDUGV Design Protection (enclosure) Standards compliance/ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ Installation Wall mount Free Standing Circuit protection IP00, IP20, UL Type 1, & UL Type Open IP31, IP54, UL Type 2, & UL Type 12 IP00 and IP20 - external means required )UHHVWDQGLQJHQFORVXUHV,QFRPLQJFLUFXLWEUHDNHURUIXVHGGLVFRQQHFWZLWKPHFKDQLFDOGRRULQWHUORFN WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&QRF8/XVUDWLQJN$,(& UL Type 1, IP00, UL Type 2, and IP20 - bottom only Free standing - top and bottom entry through gland plates to vertical bus bars Conformal coating on all PCBAs Polution Degree 2 6HSDUDWHDLUSOHQXPVIRUKHDWVLQNVHFWLRQDQG3&%$VHFWLRQ +HDWVLQN KLJKKHDWSOHQXP LQSXWIURPERWWRPDQGH[KDXVWRXWWRS $OOFRPSRQHQWVLQKLJKKHDWSOHQXPUDWHG,3RUEHWWHU !QR¿OWHULQJUHTXLUHG 3&%$DLUVXSSO\PXVWEHFOHDQDQGGU\ ¿OWHULQJPD\EHUHTXLUHG No conductive particles permitted. AIC Rating Cable entry PCBA protection &RROLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ Service provisions HMI (Magelis STU) Plain language output (no cryptic codes) USB port for upload of new software and download of operational records USB port: commission, program, or diagnostics via a laptop computer when power is on or off; laptop provides power to control board when no unit power is present On-board step-by-step process; CT automatic sizing, phase rotation, and polarity; external transformer ratio and phase shift; heat test, and more Service port Commissioning Typical applications Oil and gas s s s s s Water Oil and gas platforms. Port cranes. Steel. Water/Wastewater. HVAC. Cement HVAC s s s s s Building Wind mills Automotive. Process plants. Pulp and paper. Wind and solar farms. Lifts (ski or building). Marine vessels… 13 Harmonic compensation offer Selection Table +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current )UHTXHQF\ +] Reference Number Enclosure Information Rating 60 120 200 300 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 PCSP060D5IP00 Style Frame (1) Weight Cable entry kg IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 1 88 PCSP060D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 2 277 PCSP060D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing PCSP060D5N12 UL Type 12 PCSP060D5IP54 IP54 280 PCSP120D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 3 113 PCSP120D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 4 287 PCSP120D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing PCSP120D5N12 UL Type 12 PCSP120D5IP54 IP54 293 PCSP200D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 5 171 PCSP200D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 6 397 PCSP200D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing PCSP200D5N12 UL Type 12 PCSP200D5IP54 IP54 PCSP300D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 7 210 PCSP300D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 8 422 PCSP300D5IP31 IP31 PCSP300D5N12 UL Type 12 PCSP300D5IP54 IP54 402 Floor Standing 436 Note: $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current 47 94 157 235 )UHTXHQF\ +] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 (1) See pages 20 to 22. 14 Reference Number PCSP047D6N2 Enclosure Information Rating Style Cable entry UL Type 2 Floor Standing Top or Bottom PCSP047D6IP30 IP31 PCSP047D6N12 UL Type 12 PCSP047D6IP54 IP54 PCSP094D6N2 UL Type 2 PCSP094D6IP31 IP31 PCSP094D6N12 UL Type 12 PCSP094D6IP54 IP54 PCSP157D6N2 UL Type 2 PCSP157D6IP30 IP31 PCSP157D6N12 UL Type 12 PCSP157D6IP54 IP54 PCSP235D6N2 UL Type 2 PCSP235D6N12 IP31 PCSP235D6IP30 UL Type 12 PCSP235D6IP54 IP54 Frame (1) Weight 9 460 kg 471 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 9 498 507 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 653 675 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 757 770 Selection Table +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current 40 80 133 200 )UHTXHQF\ +] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 Reference Number Enclosure Information Rating Style Cable entry PCSP040D7N2 UL Type 2 Floor Standing Top or Bottom PCSP040D7IP31 IP31 PCSP040D7N12 UL Type 12 PCSP040D7IP54 IP54 PCSP080D7N2 UL Type 2 PCSP080D7IP31 IP31 PCSP080D7N12 UL Type 12 PCSP080D7IP54 IP54 PCSP133D7N2 UL Type 2 PCSP133D7IP31 IP31 PCSP133D7N12 UL Type 12 PCSP133D7IP54 IP54 PCSP200D7N2 UL Type 2 PCSP200D7N12 IP31 PCSP200D7IP30 UL Type 12 PCSP200D7IP54 IP54 Frame (1) Weight 9 483 kg 494 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 9 533 542 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 708 730 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 826 839 (1) See pages 20 to 22. AccuSine+ Wall Mount Conversion Kit b Converts IP00 (UL Type Open) to IP20 (UL Type 1) wall mounted enclosed assemblies. b Includes HMI mounting plate and cable entry enclosure for mounting on the bottom of the IP00 assemblies. Wall mount kit reference 3&63:0.,7$ Assembled dimensions - IP20 IP20 assembly Cable entry enclosure Unit rating (A) Weight (kg) Weight (kg) Width Depth 1530 421 349 97.3 8.7 PCSPWMKIT120A 120 1730 421 384 122.0 9.3 PCSPWMKIT300A 200 1642 575 435 180.0 8.6 PCSPWMKIT300A 300 1882 575 435 218.6 8.6 <Sans lien d'intersection> 60 Height 15 Electronic VAR control AccuSine PFV+ The Schneider Electric solution for active reactive current compensation for specific and high performance solutions. $FFX6LQH3)96SHFL¿FDWLRQV 7HFKQLFDO6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Standard RMS output current ratings Electrical System Characteristics Nominal voltage PB502825_R.eps 60 A, 120 A, 200 A, 300 A - 380 V AC to 480 V AC 47 A, 94 A, 157 A, 235 A - 480-600 V AC 40 A, 80 A, 133 A, 200 A - 600-690 V AC Nominal Frequency Number of phases Operation with single phase loads 380-480 V AC; +10%/-15% 480-600 V AC; +10%/-15% 600-690 V AC; +10%/-15% 50/60 Hz, ±3 % auto sensing 3-phase, with or without neutral Yes; no effect on neutral current Technical Product Characteristics Power electronics Topology Losses Current transformers (CT) Quantity of CT CT VA loading Control basis CT Position Parallel operation Parallel operation options Parallel sequence options Parallel redundancy Parallel HMI control Power factor correction Mains current balancing Voltage support (Volt-VAR mode) Control response time Reactive correction time Display Languages Operators Display parameters Communications Capability Discrete input/outputs Noise level (ISO3746) Color Earthing systems (1) Default and preferred control method. (2) Auxiliary CT required for paralleling of units with Load sense CT position. (3) Auxiliary CT required for paralleling of units with Source (mains) sense CT position. 16 IGBT; 3 level inverter Digital 1/4 cycle response At 480 V AC < 3 %; at 690 V CA < 5 % Any ratio with 1 or 5 ampere secondary Type 1 accuracy 50/60 or 400 Hz rated Grounded 2 or 3 for 3-wire electrical system 3 required for 4-wire electrical system Pȍ Closed loop for new installations (1) 2SHQORRSFRPSDWLEOHIRUUHWUR¿WDSSOLFDWLRQV Closed Loop Control: Source sense (at mains) CT or Load sense CT for single unit (2) Open Loop Control: Load sense CT or source sense CT for single unit (3) Up to 10 units per set of CT (to 51st order), any size combination. %DFNZDUGFRPSDWLELOLW\ZLWK$FFX6LQH3)9RSHUDWHGLQSDUDOOHO &RQWDFW\RXU6(VDOHVRI¿FHIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVRIPRUHWKDQ units Master/Master (masters receive mains CT) Master/Slave Multi-Master/multi-slave 6DPHDV$FFX6LQH3&6IRUUHWUR¿WV Lead/lag with unit rotation: one unit operates to full capacity before next unit turns on; timed rotation. Load Share: All operating units function at the same ouput percentage. Any unit with CT connections will automatically become master if WKHFRQWUROLQJPDVWHULVWDNHQRIÀLQH $XWRPDWLFLQFUHDVHLQRXSXWRIDOOXQLWVWRPDNHXSFDSDFLW\RI DQ\RIÀLQHXQLW Any unit permits viewing and changing parameter settings of complete system or any other unit in parallel system. Optimized unity PF, Leading (capacitive) or lagging (inductive) power factor (Cos f) to target. Negative sequence current injected to balance fundamental current on the mains due to load imbalance (inherently corrects GLVSODFHPHQW3) &RVij 0DLQVYROWDJHVXSSRUWYLD9$5LQMHFWLRQ0DLQWDLQGH¿QHGVHW point voltage by injecting leading VARs to raise voltage and lagging VARs to lower voltage; includes speed of adjustment. ȝV 1/4 cycle 145 mm QVGA TFT 7-color touchscreen English Magelis HMISTU touch panel screen 100's: includes oscilloscope for viewing many selected parameters, phasor diagrams, load power, measured currents IRU,V,I,QHJVHT3) &RVij LQMHFWHGFXUUHQWVIRU,UHDFWLYH I neg seq, etc. Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP 4 input and 4 output dry contacts; assignable < 75 db at one meter from unit surface 5$/(QFORVXUH5$/3OLQWK ÀRRUVWDQGLQJXQLWV Supports TT, TN, and IT grounding systems; Solidly, low, and high resistance grounded; ungrounded; corner grounded delta; high leg delta (0&¿OWHUJURXQGVZLWFKIRU,7KLJKUHVLVWDQFHJURXQGRUFRUQHU grounded systems AccuSine PFV+ $FFX6LQH3)96SHFL¿FDWLRQV Environmental Conditions Operating Temperature Relative humidity Seismic rating Operating Altitude $XWRPDWLFUROOEDFNRIRXWSXW Ambient temperature shutdown Preset output limits (rms) 60 A, 120 A & 200 A: IP00, IP20, UL Type Open, & UL Type 1 FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV&WR& $OORWKHUV&WR& 'HUDWHSHUGHJUHH&WR& 0-95 %, noncondensing complies with IBC and ASCE7 1000 m (derate 1 %/100 m above) Occurs whenever any internal temperature sensor exceeds temperature limits $EVROXWHVKXWGRZQLIDLULQOHWWHPSHUDWXUHUHDFKHV& Programmable set limit due to altitude or ambient temperature EHFRPHV¿[HGRXWSXWOLPLW Storage (in original shipping 7HPSHUDWXUH&WR& Relative humidty: to 95 %, noncondensing container) Clean, dry, and protected No conductive particlas permitted "Contaminant Levels Chemical Class 3C2 Mechanical Class 3S2 operating No condutive particals permitted (IEC 60721-3-3)" "Contaminant levels transport and storage (IEC 60721-3-3)" Chemical Class 3C3 Mechanical Class 3S3 when stored in original shipping container No conducitve particals permitted Reference Standards Design Protection (enclosure) Standards compliance/ FHUWL¿FDWLRQ &((0&&HUWL¿FDWLRQ,(&(1(1&ODVV$ EN 61000-6-2 IP00, IP20, IP31, IP54, UL Type 2, UL Type 12 cULus (UL508 , CSA 22.2 No. 14) &(&HUWL¿HG$%6/OR\GVRWKHUORFDOVWDQGDUGV Installation Wall mount Free Standing Circuit protection AIC Rating PCBA protection &RROLQJFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ ,3 8/7\SH2SHQ DQG,3 8/7\SH FRQ¿JXUDWLRQV IP31, IP54, UL Type 2, & UL Type 12 IP00 and IP20 - external means required )UHHVWDQGLQJHQFORVXUHV,QFRPLQJFLUFXLWEUHDNHURUIXVHG GLVFRQQHFWZLWKPHFKDQLFDOGRRULQWHUORFN WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&N$F8/XVN$,(& WR9$&QRF8/XVUDWLQJN$,(& Conformal coating on all PCBAs 6HSDUDWHDLUSOHQXPVIRUKHDWVLQNVHFWLRQDQG3&%$VHFWLRQ +HDWVLQN KLJKKHDWSOHQXP LQSXWIURPERWWRPDQGH[KDXVWV out top. All components in high heat plenum rated IP54 or better => no ¿OWHULQJUHTXLUHG 3&%$DLUVXSSO\PXVWEHFOHDQDQGGU\ ¿OWHULQJPD\EH required). No conductive particles permitted Service provisions HMI (Magelis STU) Service port Plain language output (no cryptic codes) USB port to diagnose through a laptop computer when power is on or off; laptop provides power to control board when no unit power is present. Commissioning On-board step-by-step process; automatic sizing, phase rotation, and polarity for installed CT; external transformer windings and ratio, heat test, and more. Typical applications Oil and gas s s s s s Water Oil and gas platforms. Port cranes. Steel. Water/Wastewater. HVAC. Cement HVAC s s s s s Building Wind mills Automotive. Process plants. Pulp and paper. Wind and solar farms. Lifts (ski or building). Marine vessels… 17 Electronic VAR control Selection Table +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current )UHTXHQF\ +] Reference Number Enclosure Information Rating 60 120 200 300 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 EVCP060D5IP00 Style Frame (1) Weight Cable entry kg IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 1 88 EVCP060D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 2 277 EVCP060D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing EVCP060D5N12 UL Type 12 EVCP060D5IP54 IP54 280 EVCP120D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 3 113 EVCP120D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 4 287 EVCP120D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing EVCP120D5N12 UL Type 12 EVCP120D5IP54 IP54 293 EVCP200D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 5 171 EVCP200D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 6 397 EVCP200D5IP31 IP31 Floor Standing EVCP200D5N12 UL Type 12 EVCP200D5IP54 IP54 EVCP300D5IP00 IP00 (UL Type Open) Wall Mount Bottom 7 210 EVCP300D5N2 UL Type 2 Top or Bottom 8 422 EVCP300D5IP31 IP31 EVCP300D5N12 UL Type 12 EVCP300D5IP54 IP54 402 Floor Standing 436 Note: $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ $,38/7\SHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQUHTXLUHVRUGHULQJWZRLWHPV3&63',3DQG3&63:0.,7$DGGVPPWROHQJWKDQGNJ +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current 47 94 157 235 )UHTXHQF\ +] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 (1) See pages 20 to 22. 18 Reference Number EVCP047D6N2 Enclosure Information Rating Style Cable entry UL Type 2 Floor Standing Top or Bottom EVCP047D6IP30 IP31 EVCP047D6N12 UL Type 12 EVCP047D6IP54 IP54 EVCP094D6N2 UL Type 2 EVCP094D6IP31 IP31 EVCP094D6N12 UL Type 12 EVCP094D6IP54 IP54 EVCP157D6N2 UL Type 2 EVCP157D6IP30 IP31 EVCP157D6N12 UL Type 12 EVCP157D6IP54 IP54 EVCP235D6N2 UL Type 2 EVCP235D6N12 IP31 EVCP235D6IP30 UL Type 12 EVCP235D6IP54 IP54 Frame (1) Weight 9 1015 kg 1022 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 9 1097 1113 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 1439 1458 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 1668 1701 Selection Table +DUPRQLFDQG3)&RUUHFWLRQ9PRGHOV+] Rated current 40 80 133 200 )UHTXHQF\ +] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 Reference Number Enclosure Information Rating Style Cable entry EVCP040D7N2 UL Type 2 Floor Standing Top or Bottom EVCP040D7IP31 IP31 EVCP040D7N12 UL Type 12 EVCP040D7IP54 IP54 EVCP080D7N2 UL Type 2 EVCP080D7IP31 IP31 EVCP080D7N12 UL Type 12 EVCP080D7IP54 IP54 EVCP133D7N2 UL Type 2 EVCP133D7IP31 IP31 EVCP133D7N12 UL Type 12 EVCP133D7IP54 IP54 EVCP200D7N2 UL Type 2 EVCP200D7N12 IP31 EVCP200D7IP30 UL Type 12 EVCP200D7IP54 IP54 Frame (1) Weight 9 1064 kg 1075 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 9 1174 1188 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 1561 1579 Floor Standing Top or Bottom 10 1822 1845 (1) See pages 20 to 22. AccuSine+ Wall Mount Conversion Kit b Converts IP00 (UL Type Open) to IP20 (UL Type 1) wall mounted enclosed assemblies. b Includes HMI mounting plate and cable entry enclosure for mounting on the bottom of the IP00 assemblies. Wall mount kit reference 3&63:0.,7$ Assembled dimensions - IP20 IP20 assembly Cable entry enclosure Unit rating (A) Weight (kg) Weight (kg) Width Depth 1530 421 349 97.3 8.7 PCSPWMKIT120A 120 1730 421 384 122.0 9.3 PCSPWMKIT300A 200 1642 575 435 180.0 8.6 PCSPWMKIT300A 300 1882 575 435 218.6 8.6 <Sans lien d'intersection> 60 Height 19 Dimensions and installation guidelines Unit dimensions and installation guidelines for AccuSine PCS+ and PFV+ )UDPHVL]H¿JXUH Height Width Depth mm mm mm 1 1300 421 349 2 2092 800 500 3 1400 421 384 4 2089 800 5500 5 1323 582 438 6 2089 900 600 7 1560 582 438 8 2092 900 600 9 2100 1300 500 10 2100 1400 600 )UDPHVL]H IP31 W W DB300887.eps D DB300886.eps DB300895.eps DB300894.eps D D DB300888.eps W IP54 DB300889.eps )UDPHVL]H Exterior dimensions H H H )UDPHVL]H IP31 W W D DB300888.eps D DB300886.eps DB300899.eps DB300898.eps D DB300887.eps W IP54 DB300889.eps )UDPHVL]H H H 20 H IP31 W H D IP31 D DB300903.eps W D DB300903.eps D DB300902.eps IP31 DB300893.eps W DB300901.eps D DB300902.eps )UDPHVL]H DB300901.eps DB300900.eps DB300913.eps DB300912.eps )UDPHVL]H DB300892.eps W DB300900.eps DB300917.eps DB300916.eps W DB300891.eps DB300890.eps Unit dimensions and installation guidelines for AccuSine PCS+ and PFV+ )UDPHVL]H IP54 W D H H )UDPHVL]H IP54 W D H H H )UDPHVL]H IP54 W D H 21 Dimensions and installation guidelines Unit dimensions and installation guidelines for AccuSine PCS+ and PFV+ )UDPHVL]H ,39$& ,39$& W H H ,39$& ,39$& W H D DB300910.eps DB300907.eps DB300906.eps D DB300911.eps W 22 D DB300908.eps DB300905.eps DB300904.eps D DB300909.eps W H Current Transformers & Accessories Split Core Design 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV )LOH1R( Construction: 'LUHFWLRQDOVLOLFRQVWHHOLVXVHGIRUWKHÀH[LEOHFRUH6HFRQGDU\ZLQGLQJVDUHRI copper. Unit is encapsulated in silicone rubber which protects against moisture. dirt. oil and corona. 0HHWV,(& Standards 0.72 KV. BIL 10 KV Full Wave 50-400 Hz DW&DW& &WR& Up to 4000 Meters 4% 3% 2% 1% 3.65 m with spade connectors Transformer (red) - Leads (yellow) Round Split Core Design Reference Number by secondary current Maximum load Inside diameter (Amps) (ID) mm - A 5 Amps 1 Amp PCSCTFCL50054 PCSCTFCL50014 500 101.6 PCSCTFCL100054 PCSCTFCL100014 1000 101.6 PCSCTFCL150054 PCSCTFCL150014 1500 101.6 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 1600 101.6 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 500 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 1000 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 1200 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 1500 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 2000 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 2500 152.4 3&6&7)&/ 3&6&7)&/ 3000 152.4 PCSCTFCL200058 PCSCTFCL200018 2000 203.2 PCSCTFCL250058 PCSCTFCL250018 2500 203.2 PCSCTFCL400058 PCSCTFCL400018 4000 203.2 PCSCTFCL500058 PCSCTFCL500018 5000 203.2 PCSCTFCL2500511 PCSCTFCL2500111 2500 279.4 Note: Open split-core with a twisting motion only. %XUGHQ&DSDFLW\ ȍ 5 Amp 1 Amp 0.120 2.0 0.200 10.0 0.375 15.0 0.375 15.0 0.120 2.0 0.200 10.0 0.200 15.0 0.375 15.0 1.000 18.0 1.400 20.0 1.800 20.0 1.000 18.0 1.400 20.0 1.800 20.0 1.800 20.0 1.400 20.0 Weight (kg) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.4 Rectangular Split Core Design Reference Number by secondary current 5 Amps 1 Amp PCSCTFCL5005R PCSCTFCL5001R PCSCTFCL10005R PCSCTFCL10001R PCSCTFCL12005R PCSCTFCL12001R PCSCTFCL15005R PCSCTFCL15001R 3&6&7)&/5 3&6&7)&/5 PCSCTFCL20005R PCSCTFCL20001R PCSCTFCL25005R PCSCTFCL25001R PCSCTFCL30005R PCSCTFCL30001R PCSCTFCL25005R411 PCSCTFCL25001R411 PCSCTFCL30005R411 PCSCTFCL30001R411 PCSCTFCL40005R411 PCSCTFCL40001R411 PCSCTFCL50005R411 PCSCTFCL50001R411 Maximum load (Amps) 500 1000 1200 1500 1600 2000 2500 3000 2500 3000 4000 5000 Inside diameter (ID) mm A B 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 69.8 168.2 168.3 279.4 168.3 279.4 168.3 279.4 168.3 279.4 %XUGHQ&DSDFLW\ ȍ 5 Amp 1 Amp 0.12 2.0 0.2 10.0 0.2 15.0 0.375 15.0 0.375 15.0 1 18.0 1.4 20.0 1.8 20.0 1.4 20.0 1.8 20.0 1.8 20.0 1.8 20.0 Weight (kg) 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Dimensions Dimensions in mm B C 31.75 38.1 31.75 38.1 31.75 38.1 31.75 38.1 ID A 69.8 168.3 D 165.1 215.9 266.7 342.9 B 168.2 279.4 Dimensions in mm C D E 139.7 238 38.1 165.1 340 38.1 C Flexcore-rec.eps ID A 101.6 152.4 203.2 279.4 Flexcore-round.eps PCSCTFC-rec-open.eps PCSCTFC-round-open.eps Insulation Level Frequency Thermal Factor Operating Temp Range Altitude . Accuracy 200:5 thru 300:5 400:5 thru 500:5 600:5 thru 800:5 1000:5 thru 6000:5 Secondary Leads Color 5HPDLQVÀH[LEOHIURPWR& D B D B A C A E 23 Current Transformers & Accessories Round Solid Core design 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV R )LOH1R( /5 Frequency 50-400 Hz Class N9N9%,/)XOO:DYH Flexible Leads 8/& CSA approved; 16 AWG (1.31 mm²), 609.6 mm Weight $SSUR[LPDWHO\NJ Accuracy 1% PCSCT7RL.eps Round Solid Core Design Maximum load (Amps) %XUGHQ&DSDFLW\ ȍ 1 Amp 5 Amp 1 Amp PCSCT7RL2011 200 0.5 5.0 PCSCT7RL3015 PCSCT7RL3011 300 0.5 5.0 PCSCT7RL4015 PCSCT7RL4011 400 0.6 7.5 PCSCT7RL5015 PCSCT7RL5011 500 1.0 10.0 3&6&75/ 3&6&75/ 600 1.2 12.5 PCSCT7RL7515 PCSCT7RL7511 750 1.2 12.5 PCSCT7RL8015 PCSCT7RL8011 800 1.4 20.0 PCSCT7RL1025 PCSCT7RL1021 1000 1.4 25.0 PCSCT7RL1225 PCSCT7RL1221 1200 1.4 15.0 PCSCT7RL1525 PCSCT7RL1521 1500 1.6 20.0 3&6&75/ 3&6&75/ 1600 2.0 25.0 Reference Number by secondary current 5 Amps 7rl-dim.eps Dimensions 28 X1 116.3 24 H1 63.5 Current Transformers & Accessories Auxiliary and Summing Transformers Description b The Reference 'PCSCT190X…' is an auxiliary transformer for use in the secondary of main current transformers to change the ratio. b The Reference 'PCSCT190XSUM…' is a summing transformer for use when WKUHHRU¿YHFXUUHQWWUDQVIRUPHUVQHHGWREHWRWDOL]HG R )LOH1R( /5 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV Frequency 50-400 Hz Thermal Factor DW&DW& Secondary Terminals Brass Studs No. 8-32 Weight $SSUR[LPDWHO\NJ Insulation Class N9N9%,/)XOO:DYH Note: Since these units are used in the secondary of another current transformer, they do not KDYHDYROWDJHUDWLQJ7KH\DUHJLYHQD9ROW+]+L3RWWHVW7KH\DUHGHVLJQHGWREH XVHGRQFLUFXLWVQRWWRH[FHHGYROWVWRJURXQGRUEHWZHHQZLQGLQJV <Sansliend'intersection> Auxiliary Transformers Reference number Current ratio Burden FDSDFLW\ ȍ PCSCT190X1000 5:1 0.5 PCSCT190X10005 1:5 0.5 PCSCT190X5000 5:5 0.5 Summing Transformers (1) Reference Number PCSCT190XSUM3 Current ratio Burden FDSDFLW\ ȍ 5+5+5:5 0.3 PCSCT190XSUM5 5+5+5+5+5:5 0.3 (1)$OOFXUUHQWWUDQVIRUPHUVWREHWRWODL]HGPXVWKDYHVDPHUDWLR <Sansliend'intersection> <Sansliend'intersection> Dimensions (mm) 25 Current Transformers & Accessories Shorting Terminal Block 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV R ( /5 Rating 600 V AC, 75 A Material 7KHUPRSODVWLFERG\UDWHG& Terminal screws QLFNHOSODWHG Terminals Brass, allows lugs up to 12.7 mm DQGSROHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ Shorting type with covers, shorting screws Surface mounting )ODWEDVHIRURQHSLHFHWHUPLQDOEORFN replacement <Sansliend'intersection> Shorting Terminal Block Reference number Terminals Dimensions (mm) A B PCS1708SC 8 146.1 136.9 3&66& 6 114.3 105.2 PCS1704SC 4 82.6 73.4 3&66& <Sansliend'intersection> <Sansliend'intersection> Dimensions <Sansliend'intersection> 3&66& 3&66& b Torque wire terminals to 0.565 nm. b Torque mounting screws to 2.26 nm. Accessories <Sansliend'intersection> b Parallel connection cables - CAT5 type. b Required to interconnect all units operating in parallel - need one per AccuSine+ unit. Reference PCSPNHA38244 26 Desription Length (m) Paralleling cable CAT5E 3 m 3 PCSPNHA38245 Paralleling cable CAT5E 4.5 m 4.5 3&631+$ Paralleling cable CAT5E 6 m 6 PCSPNHA38247 Paralleling cable CAT5E 7.5 m 7.5 PCSPNHA38248 Paralleling cable CAT5E 9 m 9 PCSPNHA38249 Paralleling cable CAT5E 12 m 12 PCSPNHA38250 Paralleling cable CAT5E 15 m 15 PCSPNHA38251 Paralleling cable CAT5E 18 m 18 PCSPNHA38252 Paralleling cable CAT5E 22 m 22 PCSPNHA38253 Paralleling cable CAT5E 30 m 30