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Electrical Engineering References: Relay Coordination

University of the East
Electrical Engineering Department
1. Abdelaziz, A., Talaat, H., Nosseir, A., & Hajjar, A. (2002). "An adaptive protection
scheme for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays,". 61.
2. Bedeka, P. P., Bhide, S. R., & Vijay, K. S. (2009). Optimum Time Coordination of
3. Bedekar, P. P., Bhide, S. R., & Kale, V. S. (2009). Optimum coordination of overcurrent
relays in distribution system using dual simplex method. 555-559.
4. Chabanloo, R. M., Hossein Askarian, A., Kamangar, S. S., & Razavi, F. ( 2011). Optimal
Combined Overcurrent and Distance Relays Coordination Incorporating Intelligent
Overcurrent Relays Characteristic Selection. 1381- 1391 .
5. Chattopadhyay, B., Sidhu, T., & Sachdev, M. (1996). An on-line relay coordination
algorithm for adaptive protection using linear programming technique. 165-173.
6. Darne, R. A., & Korde, P. N. (2016). Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays using
Dual Simplex Method and Genetic Algorithm. 5-9.
7. Kahevnia, F. e. (2006). Considering relay coordination constraints.
8. Laway, N., & Gupta, H. (1993). A method for adaptive coordination of overcurrent relays
in an interconnected power system. 59-65.
9. Lee, C.-H., & Chen, C.-R. (2007). Using Genetic Algorithm for Overcurrent Relay
Coordination in Industrial Power System. 95-99.
10. Mishra, M., Krishna, A. S., & Thinakaran, R. (2015). Optimum Coordination of
Overcurrent Relays using Dual Simplex Method and Improved Harmony Search
11. Mohammadi, R., Abyaneh, H., Razavi, F., M., A.-D., & Sadeghi, S. (2010). Optimal
relays coordination efficient method in interconnected power systems. 75-83.
12. Moirangthem, J., K.R., K., Dash, S. S., & Ramaswami, R. (2013). Adaptive differential
evolution algorithm for solving non-linear coordination problem of directional
overcurrent. 329-336.
13. Rathinam, A., Sattianadan, D., & Vijayakumar, K. (2010). Optimal Coordination of
Directional Overcurrent Relays using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique. 43-46.
University of the East
Electrical Engineering Department
14. Razavi, F., Abyaneh, H., Al-Dabbagh, M., Mohammadi, R., & Torkaman, H. (2008). A
new comprehensive genetic algorithm method for optimal overcurrent relays
coordination. 713-720.
15. Rezaei, N., Hizam, H., Moazami, A., & Othman, M. L. (2015, July). Optimal
coordination of overcurrent relays in power systems. Optimal coordination of
overcurrent relays in power systems, 28.
16. Singh, M., & K., P. B. (2011). Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination in Distribution
System. 1-6.
17. Urdenta, A., Nadria, R., & Jimenez, L. (1988). "Optimal coordination of directional
overcurrent relays in interconnected power systems," . 903-911.
18. V., R., Gholinezhad, J., & Farhang, P. (2010). Optimal coordination of overcurrent relays
using Honey Bee Algorithm . 401-405.
19. Warne, D. F. (2005). Newnes Electrical Engineer's Handbook.