Mahayana Buddhist Tripitaka in 12 Divisions -三藏十二部 Sanzo twelve Is by the Tibetan Tripitaka, Vinaya, of possession. The reservoir is learning hand in hand; law is that possession quit school; of Tibetan wisdom is that school. After the Buddha into nirvana, led by five hundred card Large fruit Venerable Kassapa Ocean Cave assembled in Aescin Sanzo. Ananda said to the Buddha life were recorded, as by the reservoir. You Boli precepts of His Holiness the provisions of the Buddha, to rectify a legal possession. Venerable Kassapa the Great disciples of the Buddha's experience reading legal research, collected as of possession. Twelve is the classic genre, divided into twelve. There Verse says: "Long lines and isolated from the reChung, karma and self-metaphors, said there has not been capable Bunsen, square wide record of meeting and granted." ① long line: a long line by line is the text of Scripture. ② re-Chung: the long line of argumentation, by way of re-verse once again. ③ isolated from: a single solitary in the verses, and before and after the passage does not matter. ④ metaphor: The example to illustrate the passage of the argumentation. ⑤ karma: karma describes some things happen. ⑥ Since said: usually someone please France, the Buddha was saying, except the Amitabha Sutra, and no one requested the law, since the Buddha said. ⑦ Bunsen: Buddha Dharma benefit living past experience. ⑧ skill: Buddha Ocean by way of the line in the story. ⑨ never had: never seen the supernatural change. ⑩ side wide: that the majority of by Founder, a harmony not affect the state. ⑾ Discourse: Buddhist disciples of the report by the law, or the record of the discussions the Buddha and his disciples. ⑿ granted in mind: the Buddha to Buddha granted in mind, when Buddha, Pure Land, etc. in any predictions. This will be Sanzo twelve, a brief introduction, there is a first impression to teach you. I hope you in-depth by the Tibetan, Hui Ruhai Chile. - 【Containing "Venerable Master Cheng Yen Lu"】 Twelve After, also known as twelve to teach, or twelfth through. Buddha said that all laws can be revised for a more unifying Luo, class set of the Tripitaka by law. Because of all genres, and by the scriptures the things contained in the different phases, so the separation of twelve kinds of names from the Tripitaka, Tripitaka twelve known by, the total claimed by all, not called Twelve, but not everyone has been Twelve of the name. Twelve by means books can be handed down by the second part of the Tripitaka. Sanzo that by (the Buddha, said pro), law (on the precepts of Buddha), on (the Buddha said so), twelve by the Buddha divided into twelve categories, also known as the twelfth of the teaching, that is, long lines, heavy song, alone, the analogy, karma, no question from that, Bunsen, skill, and not so, of Canton, on the proposal, granted in mind. Twelve After, also known as twelve to teach, or twelfth through. Buddha said that all laws can be revised for a more unifying Luo, class set of the Tripitaka by law. Because of all genres, and by the scriptures the things contained in the different phases, so the separation of twelve names from the Tripitaka, Tripitaka twelve known by, the total claimed by all, not called Twelve, but not everyone has been Twelve of the name. First, the repair Doro, prime DA cable, this translated into deeds by or through, such as the "four Nikaya", various Mahayana, and three baskets outside the ring after all the classic, all names by deed. But here said lease by, a single means a statement in the context of the long straight line verses, it is also called a long pass through. Second, only the night, this should be translated or re-Chung Chung, Chung has some words, four, five, Twentysomething one, three, four, five, six for a song variable. Where it is in the verse to verse genre by a long line before re-Chung meaning of Scripture, such chanting the name "heavy chanting." Third, and Galois that, granted this translation in mind, where the Buddha by the Buddha to come will be granted when the record when the Buddha, the Enlightened by Conditions in later when the moral, people in the future, the world attained its note, later recorded by more than sentient beings results reported by the 1 Department, the name "granted by the mind." Fourth, Jiatuo, the translation of Feng Song, or isolated from the song, non-long lines, straight to verse shows all phenomena of the classics, such as the "Dhammapada", etc., the name "Feng Song by." Fifth, gifted Tuona, this translated or no question that since said that upon, ask the person where there is no utterance of the Buddha from the scriptures, such as "Amitabha Sutra," name ", said since the Classic." Sixth, Nepal Tuona, the origin of this translation by fate or by, such as "Dazhidulun" Volume Thirteen: "that from the karma of the Buddha Law, the Buddha said that the matter any cause, repair Doro, someone asked, therefore, to adjoin Nai Yeah, there is a matter committed, so the knot was a warning, the origin of all things Buddhist language, all names Nigeria Tuona. "If there must be cause for the law, that is heard by the Law Xianfo fate, and karma Foshui Fa cultivation cart before the horse, such as in all by the "order products", hence the name "karma by." VII, Awa Tuona, the translation of metaphor, where metaphor mentioned by the law to metaphor to justice at the show, named "metaphor through." Eight multi-purpose gamma Emperor Iraq, this translation thing, or, if by the phrase, namely, by the disciples of Buddha Shengwen speaking world industries such as the calendar of the last verse, and the fatwas sophisticated free Tao at the fate of that name "The ability . " IX She Tuo gamma, this based upon students, where their past by the Buddha Bodhisattva Road, the repair Zhuku line and benefit living beings the cause of the scriptures line, the name "Jataka." X. adjoin a little Buddha, the translation side wide that all the Mahayana by the generic term, but also refers to the word wide management is widely argued dharmas by profound truth. Such as "Buddha to hold by the" Volume: "After twelve, the only side in the Guang is the bodhisattva possession, more than eleven, is Shengwen possession." Square wide by Theravada, only the broad language such by Man, the name "wide by side." XI, A floating Tuo Bodhidharma, the translation has not been there, that says the heavens by the stature, the earth trembled, gone with the rare, and Foli incredible things in the scriptures, the name "never had been." Second, gifted boys and girls, homes, translation of this proposal, that is, all by the Buddha says, if the proposal asks for the respondent on the grounds, that the scriptures were wide, the name "On the proposal through." 2 三藏十二部 三藏就是经藏、律藏、论藏。经藏是说定学;律藏是说戒学;论藏是说慧学。释迦牟尼佛入 涅盘之后,大迦叶尊者率领五百证果罗汉在七叶窟结集三藏。阿难尊者将佛一生所说的法, 记录成为经藏。优波离尊者将佛所规定的戒律,整顿成为律藏。大迦叶尊者将佛弟子读经研 律的心得,收集成为论藏。 十二部就是经典的体裁,分为十二部。有偈云:“长行重颂并孤起,譬喻因缘与自说,本事 本生未曾有,方广论议及授记。” ①长行:就是经文一行一行的长文。 ②重颂:将长行的义理,用偈颂方式重新说一遍。 ③孤起:单孤的偈颂,与前后经文没有关系。 ④譬喻:用比方来说明经文的义理。 ⑤因缘:叙述某种事发生的因缘。 ⑥自说:平时有人请法,佛才说法,唯独阿弥陀经,无人请法,而佛自说。 ⑦本生:佛说过去弘法利生的经历。 ⑧本事:菩萨罗汉在因地所行的事迹。 ⑨未曾有:从来没有见过的神通变化。 ⑩方广:就是方正广大的经,有圆融无碍的境界。 ⑾论议:佛弟子研究经律的报告,或者佛与弟子讨论的记录。 ⑿授记:佛给菩萨授记,何时成佛、在何净土等等的预言。今将三藏十二部,简单介绍,教 你们先有个印象。希望你们深入经藏,智慧如海。 --【载《宣化上人开示录》】 十二部经,又称十二分教,或十二分经。佛说的一切法,皆可统摄为一修多罗,类集为经律 论三藏。由于一切经的经文体裁和所载的事相不同,故从三藏分出十二种名称,通称三藏十 二部经,总则称一切经,别则称十二部,但并非每一经都具有十二部之名。 十二部经,是指流传下来的经书可按三藏十二部分。 三藏即经(佛亲说)、律(佛说关于戒律)、论(菩萨等说),十二部即佛说经分为十二类 ,亦称十二分教,即长行、重颂、孤起、譬喻、因缘、无问自说、本生、本事、未曾有、方 广、论议、授记。 十二部经,又称十二分教,或十二分经。佛说的一切法,皆可统摄为一修多罗,类集为经律 论三藏。由于一切经的经文体裁和所载的事相不同,故从三藏分出十二种名称,通称三藏十 二部经,总则称一切经,别则称十二部,但并非每一经都具有十二部之名。 一、修多罗、素怛缆,此译为经或契经,如《四阿含》、诸大乘经、戒经以及三藏外的一切 经典,皆名契经。但此处所说的契经,是单指经中直说法义的长行经文,故又称长行经。 二、只夜,此译重颂或应颂,颂有一定的字句,四、五、七字一句,三、四、五、六为一颂 不定。凡经中偈颂,以偈颂体裁重颂前经长行经文之义,此类颂经,名“重颂经”。 3 三、和伽罗那,此译授记,凡经中佛于菩萨授当来必当成佛之记,于缘觉后世当得道,于声 闻人今后世得道,记余六道众生后世所受果报之处,即名“授记经”。 四、伽陀,此译讽诵,或孤起颂,不依长行,直以偈颂显示诸法的经,如《法句经》等,名 “讽诵经”。 五、优陀那,此译自说或无问自说经,凡无请问者佛自宣说之经文,如《阿弥陀经》,名“ 自说经”。 六、尼陀那,此译因缘经或缘起经,如《大智度论》卷三十三:“说诸佛法本起因缘,佛何 因缘说此事,修多罗中有人问故,毗柰耶中有犯是事,故结是戒,一切佛语缘起事,皆名尼 陀那。”如来说法必有因缘,即经中见佛闻法因缘,及佛说法教化本末因缘之处,如诸经“ 序品”,故名“因缘经”。 七、阿波陀那,此译譬喻,凡经律中所说譬喻,以譬喻显示法义之处,故名“譬喻经”。 八、伊帝目多伽,此译本事,或如是语经,即经中讲弟子菩萨声闻等过去世行业事历之经文 ,及教令精进求道解脱因缘之处,即名“本事经”。 九、阇陀伽,此为本生经,凡经中佛说自身往昔行菩萨道时,修诸苦行,利益众生所行因缘 之经文,名“本生经”。 十、毗佛略,此译方广,即一切大乘经之通称,又指词广理正,广辩诸法甚深真理的经。如 《菩萨地持经》卷三:“十二部经,唯方广部,是菩萨藏,余十一部,是声闻藏。”小乘的 方广经,唯以语广,此类经文,名“方广经”。 十一、阿浮陀达摩,此译未曾有,即经中说诸天身量,大地震动,旷古稀有,以及佛力不可 思议之事的经文,名“未曾有经”。 十二、优波提舍,此译论议,即佛所说诸经,若作论议问答辩理,分别广说之经文,即名“ 论议经”。 Source: 百度知道 Jan 2006 4