Uploaded by Diana Jane Lagundino

Big Bang Theory Lesson Plan: Formation of Light Elements

3rd Quarter
SUBJECT: Physical Science
UNIT TITLE: Formation of Elements in the Universe
LESSON TITLE: Big Bang Theory, Formation of Light Elements
A) What skills & competencies, values & attitudes (7 self-mastery skills) are being developed? To what degree should students be assessed?
Learning to THINK: Understands the evidences in the formation of elements after the Big Bang and during star formation and evolution.
Learning to DO: Applies fundamental concepts in the formation of elements in solving environmental issues and problems
Learning to FEEL: Upholds the importance of the study of origin of elements in improving quality of life and solve environmental problems
Learning to COMMUNICATE: Expresses the importance of the formation of light elements ideas in preserving the environment.
Learning to INTUIT: Reflects how the knowledge in the formation of elements help predict and mitigate environmental hazards.
Learning to LEAD: Initiates the use of chemical, environmental and technological knowledge in solving physical problems in the environment.
Learning to BE: Scientific Innovator
MORAL/ETHICAL FORMATION: Promotes the use of scientific, technological, and environmental knowledge in a right way
SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS: Promotes the importance of the right use of technology
A. How can the knowledge of the formation of elements in the universe helped in the creation of new products used everyday?
B. Why is the distribution of chemical elements (isotopes) in the universe significant?
Power point presentation on Cosmology
Diagram of the Big Bang Model
Balloon, stickers, balloon pump
Video clips on the evidence of Big Bang
Particle Card
Article on The Cosmic Connection by Carl Sagan
Diagram of the life cycle of star
Laptop, power point application
Laboratory-based approach
ICT based learning
Game-based approach
Collaborative Learning
Independent learning
Project-based approach, ICTbased approach
Exit Card
Interactive discussion
Interactive discussion
Big Bang Simulation
Multimedia Presentation
Game on Nucleosynthesis
Diagram Analysis
Poster making, Power point presentation of
output, Infographics making
Writing learning on exit card
Attachment 1. Group Oral Presentation Rubric
Session 1
Activity 1. Discussion: Have the students answer the following questions:
a. How do you think did everything around us form?
b. Do you believe that all matter on Earth originated from protons and neutrons, and
through nuclear reactions? Why or why not?
 Call a volunteer to share their ideas. Take note of the students’ answers, which should be verified
during discussion.
 Briefly define cosmology as the study of how the universe began, how it continues to exist, and
how it will end.
 Offer examples of cosmologies from different religions and cultures based on their beliefs. Ask for
examples from the class.
 Challenge the class: Do you think there is proof that any of these stories or cosmologies are true?
1) ACTIVATE (Creating Focus and Purpose)
Activity 2: Use a chart or diagram to discuss the key stages of the Big Bang model.
a. The universe may have begun as an infinitely hot and dense initial singularity, a point with all of
space, time, matter and energy. This means that there was nowhere, when or what. There is no
space around the singularity – just nothingness.
b. All of it then began to rapidly expand in a process known as inflation. Space itself expanded
faster than the speed of light. In this still hot and dense mass of the universe, pairs of matter
and antimatter (quarks and antiquarks) were formed from energy, but these pairs cancelled
each other back into energy (annihilation).
c. The universe cooled down as it expanded. An excess of matter (electrons, protons, neutrons and
other particles) somehow came to be in a highly energetic “plasma soup.” Photons (light
particles) were being scattered everywhere in this “soup”. Protons and neutrons came together
to form different types of nuclei by nucleosynthesis or nuclear fusion.
d. Much later on, electrons started to bind to ionized protons and nuclei forming neutral atoms in
a process called recombination. The bound particles no longer scattered photons so light and
energy moved freely across space. The period was hence known as the “dark ages”.
e. Gravity caused these atoms to collapse onto one another to form stars and galaxies and
eventually, other matter. This still happens until today. Space also continues to expand at an
accelerating rate, thus increasing the distance between the matters inside it.
Activity 3: Group Activity
Cosmic Inflation Model.
• Balloons • Balloon pump (optional) • Small stickers (any design)
a. Stick small stickers randomly on the surface of the uninflated balloon.
b. Quickly inflate the balloon with a pump or your breath. Observe the stickers.
Guide Questions:
1. Why do the stickers appear to be moving away from each other?
2. Are the stickers moving across the balloon?
3. Do the stickers themselves grow in size?
Using different instruments can enable us to detect the light of other galaxies. This light is found to
be redshifted (the light looks “stretched”). This suggests that other galaxies are moving farther away
from ours. It was later determined that they are not moving away. Instead, space itself is expanding
in all directions causing all the galaxies to be relatively farther apart. From this “redshift” we learn
how fast the universe is expanding. Redshift is the first piece of evidence for the Big Bang model.
Session 2
Activity 4: Lecture cum Video Watch
 Discuss pieces of evidence to prove that the Big Bang occurred.
 Share with learners a video by Youtube animator Kurzgesagt: www.youtube.com/watch?
v=wNDGgL73ihY. This serves as a simple summary of the lesson that they may refer to as a more
detailed discussion of the BBT and other cosmological theories are discussed later on.
Activity 5: Nucleosynthesis Game
 Emphasize nucleosynthesis by playing the following game/activity
 The objective is to go through as many nucleosynthesis reactions as possible.
Rules for each learner:
1. You must always have a particle card. If after a reaction you do not have one after a reaction,
you will randomly get a neutron card (n) or proton card (p+) before the next turn starts.
2. You must find a reaction partner after each turn based on the allowed reactions on your card.
One reaction = 1 point.
3. If you are holding a neutron card (n) or proton card (p+), you may either choose to keep your
card or you may swap with a partner (see Reaction List).
4. If you are unable to find a partner to react with, you must wait until the next turn.
5. If there are two products to the reaction (ignoring γ), you must agree who gets which particle
card. If there is only one product, you must agree who gets the product card and who is left
with nothing. He or she will randomly get a neutron card (n) or proton card (p+) before the next
turn starts.
6. Honesty system: keep track of your points!
Activity 6: Multimedia Presentation, Think, Pair, Share
 Have learners watch Carl Sagan’s The Cosmic Connection from this link:
 Answer the following guide questions. Use the Think, Pair, Share protocol and ask learners to
reflect and share their thoughts on the selection.
1. How does science say we are connected with the universe?
2. Carl Sagan, the author of the essay, famously says in Paragraph 16, “We are made of star stuff.”
What do you think he meant by that?
3. Draw out one of the theses of the text – We are as much a part of the universe as the stars.
Discuss how being made of stardust makes us cosmic and yet helps us realize that we are not the
center of the universe.
Activity 7: Multimedia Presentation
 Let the class watch a video about the formation and evolution of a star found at
 Ask the students to describe what happens during star formation and evolution based on the
video and write on the board the reaction involved in each of the stellar phases.
a. The light elements, which formed after the big bang serve as the starting fuel for star formation.
b. Nuclear fusion in stars maybe classified into two phases: the exothermic helium-forming reactions
and the burning reactions.
c. Elements beryllium to iron form through nuclear synthesis during stellar formation and evolution.
Activity 8: Diagram Analysis:
 Post a diagram of the life cycle of stars to let the students better understand the concept of star
formation and evolution. Allow them to interpret the diagram.
 Ask: How did Big Bang and stellar evolution influence the formation of elements?
Activity 9: Concept Mapping
 Let the students make a concept map. Alternative to this is a map that have mostly blank spaces.
Ask the learners to complete the diagram by filling in missing terms. They should come up with a
concept map like this.
Session 3
Activity 10. Performance Task (Social Responsiveness)
Junior Infographics Artist
Have group of learners research the Steady State Theory, which is the alternate scientific
cosmological theory proposed at the time.
In their output, they must:
a. Present the features of the Steady State Theory
b. Compare and contrast Steady State Theory to the Big Bang
c. Discuss the evidence that led to the Steady State Theory being discarded.
Learners may present their research in the form of a poster, PowerPoint presentation, an essay,
video, or infographic.
(See Attachment 1. Group Oral Presentation Rubric)
Note: Emphasize the importance of proper research skills, citation and creative outputs throughout
the task. If there is no time to present in class, they may present to you outside of class, or submit in a
form that can be viewed independently.
Session 4
Activity 11 Evaluation
I. Read each item carefully. Answer and choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Arrange the stages of the Big Bang Theory: recombination, inflation, Big Bang singularity, and
2. Given the composition of each nucleus, complete the nucleosynthesis reactions below:
D = 1 p+, 1 n T = 1 p+, 2 n 3He = 2 p+, 1 n 4He = 2 p+, 2 n 7Be = 4 p+, 3 n 7Li = 3 p+, 4 n
a. p+ + n + γ b. 3He + D + p+ c. 7Li + 2 4He
d. + D T + p+ e. ___ + 7Be + γ
3. Which of these is true about the Big Bang model?
a. The singularity is an established, well-defined part of the model.
b. Cosmic expansion stopped at some point in time.
c. Part of its proof is the amounts of H and He we have in the universe today.
d. The Big Bang was a big explosion that threw matter into many different directions.
4. Using one to two sentences each, explain the three pieces of evidence presented for the Big Bang
a. Redshift b. Relative abundance c. Cosmic microwave background
5. Which of the following processes is likely to generate the heaviest element?
a. CNO cycle b. r-process c. triple-alpha process d. Big Bang nucleosynthesis
6. Which of the following reactions is not a part of the alpha ladder?
a. 2412Mg + 42He
b. 15P + 2He
c. 3618Ar + 42He
d. 22Ti + 2He
7. If an element is used up by a star in fusion, it is sometimes called “burning” even though no actual
combustion occurs. Which of the following processes is likely to involve “carbon burning”?
a. alpha ladder b. CNO cycle
c. triple-alpha process
d. s-process
Write the missing part of the reaction
Modified True or False: If the statement is true, write True. Else, replace the underlined portion with
the correct word or phrase.
a. A star gets lighter as time goes on.
b. Most of the heaviest elements were formed in main-sequence stars.
c. The heavy elements in a star are found in its core.
d. In stellar nucleosynthesis, heavier elements are formed from combining lighter ones.
Activity 12. Journal (Individual): Allow the students to reflect and write their ideas to the question,
How did everything form? (Ethical)
Activity 13. Exit Cards: Write at least two things you learned about the lesson. Write also the things
that are not still clear.
Attachment 1. Group Oral Presentation Rubric