TPE 415 PETROLEUM POLLUTION CONTROL ADESANYA ADEGBOYEGA AJEKIIGBE SAMAD OSUPORU OLUMUYIWA 171152 179361 171170 OUTLINE INTRODUCTION What are oil spills? What is a contingency plan? OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANS Aims of OSCP Elements of an OSCP Developing an OSCP Checklist for OSCP CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION An oil spill is the release of liquid petroleum into the environment due to human activity. It is a form of pollution and can occur on land or in marine areas. Some oil spills in history include Exxon Valdez (1989), Gulf war oil spill (1991), Deepwater Horizon (2010). CONTINGENCY PLANS A contingency is an event which may happen, the timing of which is obscure or unknown. A contingency plan is like a “game plan,” or a set of instructions that outlines the steps that should be taken before, during, and after an emergency. Contingency plans are needed to prepare a facility to minimize the impact of any foreseeable emergency. VARIOUS TYPES OF OSCP OIL SPILL CONTINGENCY PLANS Oil Spill Contingency Plans (OSCP) are carefully outlined plans for a safe response to an oil spill. The aims of an OSCP are: To provide direction and guidance to those involved in responding to an oil spill incident; To identify the most appropriate and successful response to minimise the damage (environmental, ecological, recreational or financial) that would be caused by an oil spill. ELEMENTS OF AN OSCP INTRODUCTION The purpose, the resources at risk and risk assessment. STRATEGY SECTION The geographical coverage, division of responsibilities and role of authorities. ACTIONS AND OPERATIONS Details of emergency procedures, individual action cards and notification flow charts. DATA DIRECTORY Relevant maps, lists, data sheets and support information. DEVELOPING AN OSCP Identify potential emergencies and complications Determine and define roles and responsibilities Identify risks and consequences Identify resources and capabilities Determine response actions Write and implement the plan CHECKLIST FOR OSCP After preparing, one should make sure the OSCP specifies: Dimensions of the plan Roles of lead agencies Notification procedure Oil pollution risk assessment Spill response strategies Waste disposal Ability to respond Response guide Health and safety Compensation and cost recovery Effects on the local economy CONCLUSION Planning for an oil spill emergency helps to minimize potential danger to human health and the environment by ensuring a timely and coordinated response. OSCPs should also be reviewed as frequently as possible when factors change and experience dictates.