Chapter 3 Impedance Matching Outcomes of This Chapter • What is impedance matching? • Why do we need impedance matching? • What kinds of impedance matching techniques do we have? • How to implement impedance matching? Concept of Impedance Matching Impedance matching: to transform the impedance from one to the other Z in Zin Z0 or other given values (LNA, PA) Impedance matching between two transmission lines Importance of Impedance Matching • Maximum power is delivered when the load is matched to the line. • Impedance matching sensitive components improves S/N ratio of the system when they are properly matched. (LNA) • Impedance matching in a power distribution network will reduce amplitude and phase errors. Categories of Impedance Matching • Lumped element matching network --capacitors and inductors • Distributed element matching network --open/short stub, and transmission line • Hybrid matching network --Both lumped and distributed elements Categories of Impedance Matching Matching network Z0 Load ZL Z in Reactive but not resistive components are used in matching network, Why? Reactive components: store energy but not consume energy, lossless Resistive components: consume energy but not store energy, lossy Factors in Matching Network Selection • Complexity --as simple as possible when specifications are met --simple matching network is more reliable, cheaper and less lossy • Bandwidth --perfect matching only at a single frequency --some systems operating over a band of frequency Factors in Matching Network Selection • Implementation --some type of matching can not be realized, i.e., microstrip series open/short stub --specific type of matching network maybe preferable compared to others, depending on transmission line • Adjustability --matching network may require adjustment --some networks are adjustable after fabrication, open stub (adjustable) vs short stub (non-adjustable) Matching Network Design Methods jX Z0 jB jX ZL Z0 jB Zin Zin (a) (b) Purpose: Zin Z0 Analytical solutions Smith Chart solutions ZL Analytical solutions Analytic solutions jX Z0 jB ZL Zin Z L RL jX L (known) 1 Zin jX jB 1/( RL jX L ) Z in Z 0 (known) (B,X: unknown) Analytical solutions 1 Z 0 jX jB 1/( RL jX L ) Rearrange above equation and separate into real and imaginary parts B( XRL X L Z 0 ) RL Z 0 X (1 BX L ) BZ 0 RL X L X L RL / Z 0 R X Z 0 RL B RL2 X L2 1 X L Z0 Z0 X B RL BRL 2 L Solutions 2 L Drawback: complex, time-consuming, non-straightforward Basics of Smith Chart Matching Connection of reactive components with load Series connection: jX Z L RL jX L Zin Z in Z L jX RL j ( X X L ) Move on constant impedance circle Inductor: add a positive reactance, move clockwise Capacitor: add a negative reactance, move anti-clockwise Basics of Smith Chart Parallel connection: jB YL GL jBL Yin Yin YL jB GL j ( B BL ) Move on constant impedance circle Inductor: add a negative susceptance, move anti-clockwise Capacitor: add a positive susceptance, move clockwise Basics of Smith Chart Shunt L Series L Series C Shunt C Basics of Smith Chart Two important circles Constant resistance circle: z=1+jx Constant conductance circle: y=1+jb The real part has been transformed to 50Ω. Only the imaginary part need to be cancelled out to realize 50-Ω matching. Basics of Smith Chart Impedance: 1+jx Admittance:1+jb Two important circles Basics of Smith Chart Z Z0 Z Z0 VSWR Vmax 1 Vmin 1 Constant VSWR circles Basics of Smith Chart Q=f0/BW, low Q results in wide bandwidth. Techniques of Impedance Matching • Two lumped elements matching * • Multiple lumped elements matching • Single-stub matching * • Quarter-wavelength matching * • Tapered line matching Two Lumped Elements Matching Matching network: L-type L ZL C Low pass L High pass C ZL Example Design a lumped element matching network to match a 50 source to the impedance of Zin = 10 - j 10 at 500 MHz. Source 50 LC Matching Network Zin=10 - j10 Normalize Zin : (10 - j10)/50 = 0.2 - 0.2j Always follow the constant resistance or conductance circles Start from 50-Ω Source 2 solutions Solution 1: paths 1 and 2 Solution 2: paths 3 and 4 ZL Z0 Solution 1: path 1 and 2 Path 1: Shunt Inductor Path 2: Series Capacitor Path 1 Path 2 C 50 L Zin=10-j10 50 L Y0 Y1 Path1: Change in susceptance j(ΔB)= -2j-0 Change in susceptance comes from adding a shunt inductor Z0 j B j L 50 2 2 500 106 L L 7.96nH C 50 L Z1 ZL=10-j10 Path 2: Change in reactance j(ΔX)= -0.2j-(0.4j)=-0.6j Change in reactance comes from adding a series capacitor 1 j X jCZ 0 1 0.6 2 500 106 C 50 C 10.61 pF Solution 2: path 3 and 4 Path 3: Shunt Capacitor Path 4: Series Inductor Path 4 Path 3 L 50 C Zin=10-j10 50 C Y0 Path 3 Y1 Path 3: Change in susceptance j(ΔB)= 2j-0 Change in susceptance comes from adding a shunt capacitor jB jCZ0 2 2 500 106 C 50 C 12.73 pF L 50 Path 4 C Z1 ZL=10-j10 Path 4: Change in reactance j(ΔX)= -0.2j-(-0.4j)=0.2j Change in reactance comes from adding a series inductor j L j X Z0 2 500 106 L 0.2 50 L 3.18nH Start from Load Z= LC Matching Network 10-j10 50 L Z=10-j10 C 50 L Z=10-j10 C YS Y1 , Z1 ZL Z1 1 1 X 0.2 CZ 0 2 500 106 C 50 Y1 Y0 B Z0 L 2 50 2 500 106 L Any Problems ??? Z=50 C 31.83 pF L 7.96nH Steps Step 1: Normalize ZL* : (10+ j10)/50 = 0.2+ 0.2j, find the point in Smith Chart Step 2: Move on constant conductance circle until it intersect constant resistance circle 1+jb circle, record the susceptance change and determine the value of lumped C. Step 3: Move on constant resistcance 1+jb circle to the center point, record the reactance change and determine the value of L. L ZL=10+j10 C Y1 , Z1 YS X Z=50 YS * L ZL Z1 Y1 Y0 B CZ 0 Z0 2 500 106 L 0.2 50 L 3.18nH 2 50 2 500 106 C C 12.73 pF Possible Three Elements Matching Possible Four Elements Matching What is the benefit of multiple elements matching? Bandwidth! Basics of Smith Chart Q=f0/BW, low Q results in wide bandwidth. Single Stub Matching Matching network consists of a transmission line and stub (open or short stub, series or shunt) Single Stub Matching-From Load 1+jb -jb θ yL Goal: match YL to Y0 using transmission line and stub Transmission line: choose proper distance d so that Y=Y0+jB Stub: choose proper length L so that the stub susceptance is -jB, then the imaginary part is cancelled, resulting in a matched condition. θ L L L The location of i should be… ZL Zi Z0 i Zi Z0 …(1) Z L Z0 L Z L Z0 …(2) Transmission Line Equations Z L jZ 0 tan Zi Z0 Z 0 jZ L tan …(3) Sub. (3) into (2), Z L jZ 0 tan Z0 Z0 Z 0 jZ L tan i Z L jZ 0 tan Z0 Z0 Z 0 jZ L tan Z L jZ 0 tan Z 0 jZ L tan i Z L jZ 0 tan Z 0 jZ L tan i Z L Z 0 jZ L tan jZ 0 tan Z L Z 0 jZ L tan jZ0 tan Z L Z 0 1 j tan i Z L Z 0 1 j tan cos j sin i L cos j sin L i e j 2 L 2 Observations: 1. The locus of Г is a circle with center of the Smith Chart and radius |Г|. i 2. Adding a transmission line with length θcorresponds to rotating by 2θ on the circle. 1+jb -jb θ yL Step 1: transform yL to be 1+jb Step 2: adding a shunt stub with input admittance -jb Example Design a distributed matching network to convert the impedance, ZL = 60j80 to 50 ohm. θ1 Z0 θ2 Step 1: Normalize admittance : 50 yL 0.3 j 0.4 60 j80 ZL Impedance: 1+jx Admittance:1+jb Two important circles Step 2: Allocate yL on the Smith Chart, move on the constant VSWR circle until it intersects the circle 1+jb θ1 ZL y1=1-j1.45 1 104 Step 2: Add a shunt open/short stub with susceptance -jb to cancel out the imaginary part y2= j1.45 Z0 104° θ2 ZL Open Circuit Stub: y2= tan θ2 θ2 =55.8° Short Circuit Stub: y2= -cot θ2 θ2 =145.8° Step 3: Determine the length of shunt stub with susceptance -jb Open stub θ2 =245.6 °/2= 122.8° S.C. O.C. Short stub θ2 =65.6 ° /2 =32.8° Single Stub Matching-From Source Design a lumped element matching network to match a 50 source to the impedance of Zin = 10 - j 10 at 500 MHz. Source 50 Single Stub Network Zin=10 - j10 Normalize yL : 50/(10 - j10) = 2.5 + 2.5j Single Stub Matching-From Source yL Step 1: allocate the point yLand draw constant VSWR circle. Single Stub Matching-From Source Z0 1 Path 1 2 θ1 Open stub θ1 =0.17λ=61.2o Short stub θ1 =0.42λ=151.2o Step 2: move on the constant conductance circle from 1 to 2 (path 1), record the change in susceptance Zin Single Stub Matching-From Source θ2 Z0 1 θ1 Z L yL 3 Path 1 Path 2 2 θ2 =0.034λ=12.2o Step 3: move on the constant VSWR circle from 2 to 3 (path 2), find the rotation angle. Double Stub Matching Single stub matching requires changing the location of the stub. In practice, this is difficult for adjustable tuner. Double stub matching removes the difficulty. Quarter-Wavelength Matching Matching between real impedances, no imaginary part. Zl Z0ZL l 4 Quarter-Wavelength Matching Multiple reflection analysis of quarter-wave transformer. Reflected signals are cancelled out and the line is matched. Quarter-Wavelength Matching ZLZ, bandwidth increases. broader bandwidth multisection transformers. Tapered Line Matching Benefit: Wide matching bandwidth is possible. Summary • Concept and importance of impedance matching • Two lumped elements matching • Single stub matching • Quarter-wave impedance matching