1. Systems and Software Development 1.1 The Systems Life Cycle 1 1.1.1 The Basic Cycle The basic cycle 3 Why a cycle? • All information systems need to change and evolve because of: ‣ expansion of a business or one of its operations, ‣ development of new business activities, ‣ the economic situation, ‣ technological advances, etc. 4 Why a cycle? • Changes nearly always involve greater use of computer systems which are used over long periods of time. • Software in these systems requires occasional improvement. • After the original design and implementation, further analysis, redesign and restructuring are required to accommodate changing needs. 5 Why a cycle? • This will continue through many cycles of analysis, design, implementation and use. • The whole project will cycle (possibly over a period of years), each phase provides information for the next. 6 Why computerise? • If there is a larger amount of data that requires repetitive processing. • If there is a need for better access to up-todate information. • If clerical costs could be reduced. • If there are indirect benefits to customer service or cash flow. 7