COGNITIVE DOMAIN PREPARED BY: MAIEL NOBLEZA SAMSON EVALUATION SYNTHESIS ANALYSIS APPLICATION COMPREHENSION KNOWLEDGE COGNITIVE DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE: Recognizes students’ ability to use rote memorization and recall certain facts. Test questions focus on identification and recall information. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Cite Define Identify Label List Match Name Recognize Reproduce Select State COGNITIVE DOMAIN COMPREHENSION: Involves students’ ability to read course content, interpret important anformation and put other’s ideas into words. Test questions should focus on the use of facts rules, and principles. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Classify Give examples Convert Describe Distinguish between Reproduce Interpret Summarize COGNITIVE DOMAIN APPLICATION: Students take new concepts and apply them to new situation. Test questions focus on applying facts and principles. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Apply Arrange Compute Relate Construct Demonstrate Discover Show Extend Operate Predict Solve Use COGNITIVE DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Students have the ability to take new information and break it down into parts and differentiate between them. The test questions focus on separation of a whole into component parts. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Analyze Associate Determine Diagram Differentiate Discriminate Distinguish Estimate Point out Infer Outline Separate COGNITIVE DOMAIN SYNTHESIS: Students are able to take various pieces of information and form a whole creating a pattern where one did not previously exist. Test question focuses on combining new ideas to form a new whole. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Combine Compile Compose Construct Create Design Develop Formulate Integrate Modify Revise Rewrite Tell Write COGNITIVE DOMAIN EVALUATION: Involves students’ to look at someone else’s ides or principles and the worth of the work and the value of the conclusion. Sample verbs of stating specific learning outcomes: Appraise Conclude Evaluate Support Assess Contrast Judge Compare Criticize Justify