Uploaded by Jessie Arnold

Anatomy Review Notes

Which is larger, the clitoris or bulbourethral gland?
o Clitoris
Some chemicals can act as both neurotransmitters and hormones
o True
Which structure attaches the pituitary to the hypothalamus?
o Infundibulum
Oxytocin and ADH are produced in the?
o Hypothalamus
What connects the anterior pituitary to the hypothalamus?
o Hypophyseal portal system
Which is not an anterior pituitary hormone?
o Oxytocin
Which cell develops into a plasma cell?
o B cell
Which is false about the posterior pituitary?
o It is connected to the hypothalamus by the hypophyseal
portal system
What is the effect of PRL?
o Milk synthesis
What is false about Parafollicular cells?
o Located in the thymus
Which of the following is not a formed element in the blood?
o Globulins
What is the name for an immature red blood cell?
o Reticulocyte
Low oxygen levels lead to all of the following except:
o Secretion of EPO by the red bone marrow
Which is not a mechanism of Hemostasis?
o Agglutination
Plasma proteins are produced by the:
o Plasma cells and liver
An individual with blood type A+ will have anti-D antibodies.
Which hormone does the Pineal Gland produce?
o Melatonin
Which is a function of the Thymus?
o Leads to development of T cells
Which is not a Lymphatic organ?
o Liver
Which receives lymph from right arm, right side of head and thorax?
o Right lymphatic duct
What describes the right side of the heart?
o Pulmonary circuit; blood arrives from the body and is sent to
the lungs
What is another name for the mitral valve?
o Left AV valve/bicuspid valve
The SA node has a resting membrane potential.
What occurs during Ventricular Filling?
o The pressure of the ventricles drops below the atria
What phase does the S1 sound occur?
o Isovolumetric contraction
What variables govern stroke volume?
o The amount of tension in the ventricular myocardium right
before contraction
o How hard the myocardium contracts
o The BP in the aorta and pulmonary trunk
Where is BP the lowest?
o Veins
Where is blood flow the slowest?
o Capillaries
Alveolar gas exchange occurs across the:
o Respiratory membrane
A part of the lungs has increased ventilation, which of the following
will most likely occur?
o Vasodilation of arteries serving that portion of the lungs
Increased ventilation leads to:
o Increased perfusion
Which is better at compensating long-term (days/longer) pH
o Kidneys
Hypoventilation is associated with:
o Acidosis
What is a function of the kidneys?
o Excretion of wastes
o Eliminating or conserving water
o Secretion of EPO
o Acid-base balance
o Secretion of renin
The functional unit of the Kidney is:
o Nephron
The Descending Limb is impermeable to ________ while the
Ascending Limb is impermeable to ________.
o Solutes, water
If GFR is too low, dehydration and electrolyte depletion may occur.
Which is not a GI tract tissue layer?
o Muscularis interna
Which gastric phase involves the brain?
o Cephalic phase
_______ produces bile, while _______ stores bile
o Liver, Gallbladder
What organ creates insulin and glucagon?
o Pancreas
Where does most chemical digestion and absorption occur?
o Small intestine
What part of the Large Intestine is the appendix attached to?
o Cecum
Membrane that lines the wall of the abdominal cavity:
o Parietal peritoneum
What do the chief cells produce?
o Pepsinogen
What is a gamete?
o Sperm
What muscle wrinkles the skin around the testicles?
o Dartos
There are ______ divisions during meiosis, producing _________ cells?
o 2,4
What produces the fluid that contains fructose for energy for
o Seminal vesicles
What is the structure that attaches the ovaries to the pelvic wall?
o Suspensory ligament
What day of the Ovarian Cycle does ovulation occur?
o 14
Estrogen from a developing follicle stimulates:
o Mitosis in the basal layer
What causes the endometrium to thicken in the secretory phase?
o Corpus luteum secretion of progesterone