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Radiotherapy: Uses, Complications & Management

Uses, complications and management
Radiation - high energy particles & electromagnetic waves emitted by
radioactive substances.
Classified as ionizing (unstable atoms giving off energy) or nonionizing(radio,microwave,UV).
Radiotherapy- therapy using ionizing radiation,to control or kill unwanted cells
All forms of ionizing radiation are caused by unstable atoms. In order to reach a
stable state, they must release their extra energy or mass in the form of radiation
Forms of Radiation
Alpha- big,positively charged. Has two protons and two neutrons. Does not travel
far in air,difficult penetration through dead skin,but causes serious damage if
Beta- smaller than alpha but bigger than gamma. Negatively charged,either an
electron or a positron, smaller mass,can travel further in air, can penetrate skin a
few centimeters
NeutronCan travel far in air,lack of a charge- can't ionize an atom directly,but if indirectly
absorbed into a stable atom,makes it unstable and more likely to emit off ionizing
Forms of radiation
Electromagnetic waves:
Gamma rays - does not consist of any particles,mass or charge, but energy being
emitted from an unstable nucleus.produced by natural decay of radioactive
substances.can travel far through air.
X-rays - similar to gamma radiation, with the primary difference being that they
originate from the electron cloud.are longer-wavelength and lower energy than
gamma radiation
-In 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays while conducting experiments in
applying currents to different vacuum tubes and noticing rays penetrating through
to react with a barium solution.He took the first photo (of his wife’s hand and
skeletal structure) with the new rays
-1896 Henri Becquerel’s discovered that uranium salts gave off similar rays
-His doctoral student, Marie Curie, named it: radioactivity.
-She also discovered additional radioactive elements: thorium, polonium, and
radium. She was awarded the Nobel Prize twice, once alongside Henri Becquerel
and her husband Pierre in Physics for their work with radioactivity.
-curative if cancer is localized to one area of the body(tumor or disease process,
draining lymph node beds)
-adjuvant therapy- performed in addition to the surgical resection with the goal of
treating the resection bed and regional lymph nodes for:
-large tumors
-recurrent tumors
-extracapsular lymph node involvement
-positive resection margins.
-induction therapy- Large tumors may be treated preoperatively with radiation
therapy to reduce the tumor size and difficulty of surgery
-prevention of recurrence after surgery to remove a primary malignant tumor
(eg. early stages of breast cancer).
-synergistically with chemotherapy
How is radiation measured?
By the energy absorbed from a radiation source per unit mass of tissue.
The current unit of measure for therapeutic radiation is the Gray (Gy).
The Gray is defined as the absorption of 1 J of ionizing radiation by 1 kg of tissue.
Becquerel’s (Bq) - Becquerel is the SI unit for radioactivity. One Bq equals one
decay per second
Curie (Ci)- (1 Ci equals 370,000,000,000 decays per second) named after Marie
and Pierre Curie. Widely used.
type of tumor
area of treatment
goal of treatment
-curative treatment usually ranges from 69 to 80 Gy.
-adjuvant treatments within 40 to 60 Gy
The total treatment is usually divided/fractionated over several sessions. This
allows the non-diseased, tissue that surrounds the tumor, to recover better than
giving one large dose
Irradiation vs Contamination
The two main forms of radiation exposure are:
-irradiation - radiation waves that pass directly through the body. Is a local
therapy applied to a specific body site
-contamination - in contact with and retention of radioactive material(industrial
accident)- either fixed or removable. rare.
Radiation vs Surgery:
local treatment of disease
preservation of surrounding uninvolved structures
length of treatment.
Availability of service.
Access to facilities and equipment
Additive and chronic effects of radiation therapy
Delivery of radiotherapy
Via external or internal routes
External- most commonly used is external beam radiotherapy. A variety of low
energy radiation beams can be delivered in this manner, and allows for daily
fractionated delivery of radiation over a several week course.
Can be given preoperatively, intraoperatively, or postoperatively.
Internal- Delivery of radiation from within the patient's body is termed
brachytherapy. allows for continual treatment of the tumor with radiation over a
course that usually lasts several days.
Delivery of radiotherapy
advantages of internal radiotherapy :
decreased treatment time
greater ability to spare uninvolved local tissues
Also for patients who have been previously irradiated and are no longer
candidates for external beam therapy - having already reached the maximum
commonly used for the treatment of pelvic cancers such as cervix or prostate,
adjunctive therapy for soft tissue tumors
Radiation Damage
Interaction of radiation with water molecules within the cell creates free radicals
that cause direct cellular damage
DNA exposure to radiation results in two different modes of cell death: mitotic
(clonogenic) cell death and apoptosis.
Vessels- constrictive microangiopathic changes to small-and medium-sized
vessels + inhibition of fibroblast function, increased risk of anastomotic failure.
Early effects
Early effects-first few weeks following therapy. usually self-limiting. Result from
damage to rapidly proliferating tissues, such as the mucosa and skin.
Erythema and skin hyperpigmentation
Dry desquamation -low to moderate doses of radiation,
moist desquamation- higher doses,
stasis and occlusion of small vessels- significant when planning pedicled/free flaps
inhibition of Fibroblast proliferation
Late effects
Late/chronic radiation effects- anytime from weeks to years. can be permanent
tissue fibrosis.
delayed wound healing.
lymphedema (as the result of cutaneous lymphatic obstruction)
malignant transformation,
mammary hypoplasia,
General principles of treating irradiated wounds
Pre radiation: Planning preoperatively :This is often seen in the breast
mastectomy and immediate recon patient -requires potential postoperative
Post radiation: recurrent or new tumor, or a radiated wound not amenable to
primary closure, +-exposure of vital structures -requires resection followed by
Intraoperative radiation therapy: occasionally used in the treatment of sarcomas,
pelvic tumors, and other malignancies. Apply the reconstructive ladder- a primary
layered closure can be attempted if possible
General principles of treating irradiated wounds
In a wound with late radiation changes: Rule out the presence of a recurrent or
new tumor : radiographs, CT scans, MRI’s and histology
If tumor is present- surgical resection + reconstruction of the defect
-If tumor is not present- removal of all nonviable irradiated tissues, may require
multiple debridements
-Primary closure or skin grafting ? poor vascularity and fibrosis- fail
-muscle flaps transposed? Poor vascularity -poor healing
-Larger defect ?
Principles of Reconstruction
-well vascularized nonirradiated soft tissue flap.
-flap must be approximated with well-vascularized tissue
-Flap planning -choice? healing +preservation of function
-irradiated muscle- Risk of partial or complete muscle necrosis.
-irradiated pedicle- higher complication rate
-use nonirradiated muscle flap or the greater omentum
-If these are not available- free tissue transfer
-evaluate the tissue surrounding the defect.
-non melanoma skin cancers can be treated with irradiation with a 90% cure rate
-but prolonged treatment +access?
-complications: fibrosis, ulceration, ectropion, osteitis,chondritis
-poor surgical candidates
-post op for positive cutaneous margins or perineural invasion
-post op keloids and hypertrophic scars- fibroblast inhibition
Tumor control - usually sarcomas
Limb salvage
Preservation of function- neurotized muscle recon
Coverage of all vital structures- role of reconstructive ladder?
-Multidisciplinary- oncologists, vascular, orthopedic( osseus defects:prosthesis,arthroplasty,bone
grafts) ,plastics
-Surgery+intra/post op radiotherapy
-Internal/external radiotherapy - if radiation given preop: internal or lower dose external
Ease of recon after radiotherapy depends on:
-Use of autologous or prosthetic materials:
Delayed wound healing
Implant exposure
Capsular contractures
-patient group
Patient group:
1-is undergoing mastectomy and needs postoperative radiation,because of tumor
size or nodal involvement
2-received radiation therapy to the breast and now needs recon: well vascularized
tissue via autogenous reconstruction > prosthetic implants alone
Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (TRAM) flap or a latissimus dorsi
muscle flap with an expander/implant
Increased incedence of TRAM flap failure when pedicle has been exposed to
Here, we can minimize complications by:
-flap delay
-bipedicled TRAM flap
-turbocharging the flap (controversial)
Or a free tissue transfer using a flap not exposed to radiation
-immediate reconstrucion vs delayed reconstruction?
-potential need for postoperative irradiation is often uncertain at the time of
-delayed autologous reconstruction is superior to immediate reconstruction and
postoperative radiation of the flap
-delay reconstruction until the final decision about postoperative irradiation is
Head and Neck
-wound healing and preservation of function
-primary goal: complete healing without infection(dehiscence -vessel
rupture&anastomotic leak- life threatening), or intraoral breakdown that may result
in fistula formation.
-secondary goal : maintenance/restoration of function.
-Tertiary goal : cosmetically acceptable appearance.
Head and Neck
-aggressive- often requires surgery + radiotherapy
-high recurrence rates
-extensive surgery-huge defects, fistula a between the oral cavity and the neck
vessels, exposure of vital structures,that require soft tissue and/or osseous
-difficult reconstruction especially if previously irradiated site
-local and regional flaps have been used traditionally, but gold standard is free
tissue transfer
Head and Neck
Local muscle flaps:
Pectoralis major muscle flap
-limited by its bulk
-difficult arc of rotation
-limited reach into the oral region
Sternocleidomastoid and platysma
-not predictable in the irradiated neck
Head and neck
Free tissue transfer:
-vital structures located in the head and neck region, requires a stable closure.
thin fasciocutaneous flap (radial forearm flap)
intermediate thickness flap (scapula or parascapular flap),
variable thickness flap (anterolateral thigh flap).
Muscle flaps (rectus abdominis or latissimus dorsi) can also be used.
The greater omentum is excellent as a "carrier" for bone and skin grafts but offers no structural
Head and Neck
Abundant large caliber vessels in head and neck- but radiated?
Although the irradiated vessels may be adequate for use, difficult dissection due
to: inflammation,fibrosis,thickening of the tissue planes and absence of standard
anatomic landmarks
Preoperative : Plan A and plan B, assess vessels preop,use of contra lateral
Head and Neck
Osteoradionecrosis of the mandible or maxilla:
-requires resection/debridement of affected tissue followed by osseous reconstruction.
-The affected regions may be categorized into thirds:
lower third -mandible and neck region- fibula flap to deliver well-vascularized nonirradiated tissue
to the wound bed, prevents formation of chronic non-healing wounds + draining sinus tracts
middle third -maxilla and the orbit-primary vascularized bone grafts
upper third -skull base and cranium- skull base must be separated from the oronasal cavity to
prevent infection and csf leaks- composite rejections- free tissue transfers-but difficult especially if
previously irradiated site
Indications for radiotherapy to the chest wall:
-treatment of lymphomas
-large chest wall or pulmonary tumors
-recurrent malignancies after previous resections
Difficult to manage complications-houses vital structures
Multidisciplinary- cardiothoracics(chest wall recon,aero digestive tract or great
vessel injury)
radiation ulcers,
infected wounds,
persistent or recurrent tumors,
cardiac and pulmonary disorders
Often critically ill and require prolonged ICU stays
Chronic sinus tracts -sternal wires, retained suture, or persistent infected cartilage.
Multiple debridements- partial or full thickness defect?
Often full thickness defect:
-Requires chest wall recon with Prosthetic material eg Prolene mesh
-To retain intra thoracic negative pressure
Followed by flap coverage:
one or both of the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi,rectus abdominis
greater omentum :advantages are its large surface area(covers large and mounds
into irregular defects) and excellent vascularity.
Gynecologic malignancies/ anal and peri anal malignancies
-extensive perineal resections +radiation therapy resulting in perineal wounds not amenable
to primary closure
-female: vaginal reconstruction+pelvic defect -musculocutaneous,pedicled rectus
abdominis,flap of choice.other options,thigh muscles (rectus femoris and gracilis) and
fasciocutaneous flaps (anterolateral thigh flap)
VVF- greater omentum
-male :pelvic defect-delayed perineal wound healing , evisceration and adhesions deep in
the pelvis - musculocutaneous flap
Fat Grafting
-Treatment of radiation damage
-adipose-derived stem cells present within the stromal vascular fraction of the fat
-decreased inflammation and fibrosis
Radiotherapy has many benefits
But beware of late changes following irradiation -reconstructive challenges
Different locations offer different problems- be cognizant of these. Always have a plan B
But principles remain the same:Establish a diagnosis, if tumor present perform the appropriate workup.
Thoroughly debride the radiated wound of all nonviable tissue and foreign bodies Reconstruct osseous
defects with vascularized bone
Reconstruct soft tissue defects with well-vascularized, nonirradiated soft tissue
All neurovascular bundles, bone, tendon, and prosthetic material must be covered with healthy soft
In the case of pedicled flaps, it is better to base a flap on a nonirradiated pedicle, and in the case of free
tissue transfer, it is best to use nonirradiated recipient vessels.
1-Grab and Smith’s Plastic Surgery 7th Edition - Charles H. Thorn
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