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Sociology True/False Exam Questions

True/False Questions
1. According to Max Weber, authority is just another word for power.
2. Traditional authority gains importance as a society becomes industrialized.
3. Authority refers to power that people perceive as coercive.
4. Weber’s idea of the routinization of charisma states that charisma does not exist
in the modern world.
5. A large majority of the world’s people live in nations that are considered to be
politically free.
6. Just as the economy is becoming more and more global, so is the world
developing a single global political system.
7. In the 2015 federal election in Canada, Alberta was the province where a
majority of people voted Liberal.
8. Canadians are highly concerned with the religiosity of our political leaders, with
less emphasis on physical fitness or athletic ability.
9. The pluralist model states that the United States is far less democratic than
most people would like to think.
10. The Marxist political-economy model suggests that capitalist societies are
democratic, giving some political voice to everyone.
11. Political revolutions tend to occur when and where living standards are the
12. Nuclear proliferation is the process by which the two super-powers engage in an
arms race.
13. Parents and children form an extended family.
14. Another name for the extended family is the conjugal family.
15. Exogamy means that parents of similar social position pass on their standing
to their children.
16. Around the world, most marriages have been polygamous.
17. The structural-functional approach points out how family perpetuates social
18. Romantic love is the basis of marriage in pre-industrial societies.
19. “Latchkey kids” is the name given to children who go to daycare after school.
20. One reason for today’s high divorce rate in Canada is that women are more
economically dependent on men.
21. Most cases of family violence involve men as both victims and offenders.
22. In recent years, same-sex marriage has become legal throughout the United
23. In vitro fertilization refers to conception by an unmarried couple.
24. The concept “sacred” refers to the familiar, everyday elements of life.
25. The same elements of life are defined as sacred throughout the world.
26. Faith refers to what we know to be true based on what our five senses tell us.
27. A totem is any object defined by members of a society as profane.
28. Karl Marx investigated the positive functions of religion for social life.
29. All world religions define women as more morally worthy than men.
30. State churches are found in societies that hold to the “separation of church
and state.”
31. Members of denominations typically accept religious pluralism.
32. Members of a sect accept the surrounding society as good.
33. Churches place greater importance on the personal experience of conversion
than sects do.
34. Animism refers to the belief that God is an active force in the world.
35. Polytheism refers to accepting many religions as true.
36. Christianity is one religion that has never experienced internal divisions.
37. Judaism has the most followers of all world religions.
38. Confucianism is closely linked to the culture of the Middle East.
39. Americans are more private about their faith than Canadians.
40. Secularization refers to the historical rise in the importance of religion.
41. Only some social institutions evolve over time—others, like religion, do not
42. Most spiritual “seekers” are closely tied to established denominations.
43. Many fundamentalists oppose conservative political goals.
44. Historically, the poorest people in every society have been the most likely to
go to school, so that they could learn what they needed to know to earn a living.
45. In low-income nations today, the vast majority of young people reach secondary
46. In India, fewer boys than girls reach secondary school.
47. Following a social-conflict approach, schooling helps to eliminate social
48. Social-conflict theory supports the policy of tracking to give all students
instruction geared to their abilities.
49. The concept of “functionally illiteracy” refers to people who leave school
before graduating.
50. A unified cultural identity, “Canadian,” is emphasized in Canadian public schools,
but not in Canadian private schools.
51. Student loans and bursaries in Canada provide the opportunity for everyone to
attend a post-secondary institution.
52. Aboriginal children in residential schools were told that their native language and
religion were treasures that should be maintained.
53. Dropping out of high school has little to do with one’s rate of pay later in their
54. Home schooling is more popular in Canada than in the United States.
55. Schooling in Canada has always favoured theoretical learning over practical