Uploaded by Randalyn Durmis

SI System Measurement Worksheet

Name: __________________________________
Pd: _______
Basic SI System Measurement Activity
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ m
__________ cm
__________ cm
__________ cm
__________ cm
10. The depth of the desk seat
__________ cm
__________ cm
11. The thickness of the desk seat
__________ cm
__________ cm
12. The width of the book
__________ cm
__________ cm
13. The height of the book
__________ cm
__________ cm
__________ cm
__________ cm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
18. The diameter of a penny
__________ mm
__________ mm
19. The width of a rubber band
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mm
__________ mL
__________ mL
23. Amount of water in the flask
__________ mL
__________ mL
24. Amount of water in the graduated cylinder
__________ mL
__________ mL
Measurements usually made in meters:
1. The height of the cabinets
2. The length of the rolling lab table
3. The width of this room
4. The height of the door in this room
5. The width of the door in this room
6. The width of the hall outside this room
7. The height of my partner
Measurements usually made in centimeters:
8. The height of the desk seat from the floor
9. The width of the desk seat
14. The height of my partner
Measurements usually made in millimeters:
15. The height of these CAPITAL LETTERS
16. The height of these small letters
17. The thickness of a pencil or pen
20. The thickness of a door key
21. The length of a door key
Liquid measurements:
22. Amount of water in the beaker
Name: __________________________________
Pd: _______
Answer the following questions using your previous measurements.
25. How many centimeters high were the cabinets? (#1)
26. How many millimeters wide is the hallway outside of the classroom? (#6)
27. How many kilometers tall is your partner? (#7 or #14)
28. How many meters thick is your pencil or pen? (#17)
29. How many decimeters long is a door key? (#21)
30. How many liters of water were in the beaker? (#22)