1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND MODELLING OF SIX PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR 1.1 INTRODUCTION: In the environment of industrial drives, the Variable speed AC induction motors are replacing the DC motor based drives because having the inbuilt disadvantage of mechanical brushes and commutator, which undergo wear and tear with time. In past decade the technology opportunities in the area of multi- phase Induction Motors undergo a significant evolution. But soft control of torque and speed of these multi- phase induction motors have forever been a confront to the engineers. The Six phase AC motors are used for high power industrial drive systems [1]-[8]. The important motivations and the list of significant inherent advantages multi level inverter fed six phase behind the study of induction motors are “Enhanced system reliability, reducing the rotor harmonic current losses, lowering the dc-link current harmonics, reduced torque ripples, reduced harmonic power loss, better power distribution per phase, improved power characteristics and improved efficiency when compared to that of the three phase counterpart” [3], [9]-[12]. The six phase induction motors have several applications 2 in “Traction, Hybrid electric vehicles, electric ship propulsion, and the more electric air craft.”[13]- [15] Multi phase (more than three phase) induction motors are obtained by replacing the 3 -phase windings with more number of phases [8]. Conventionally the three phase motors were used for the drive applications since, easy availability of three phase power sources. But in the present day with the arrival of inverter semiconductor technology switches, generation derived of from power multi phase power sources is not a problem. Consequently control of multi phase motors in high power industrial applications is now easily achievable. In a three phase machine the conductors are distributed in slots symmetrically for each phase group and the conductors belonging to each individual phase group are connected in series. By subdividing each phase group of a usual three phase motor into equal subgroups by disconnecting the series connections of the conductors, more number of three phase groups can be obtained from the same motor. In this way the multi phase motors such as six phase, nine phase, twelve, fifteen, eighteen phase motors can be produced from a three phase motor by subdividing the phase groups into two, three and four subgroups respectively [3]. “Six phase induction motors can be obtained by splitting the individual three phase groups into two equal halves” [4]-[8]. 3 In this approach the two set of three phases group with isolated neutral are generated, which are 30 electrical degree phase separated in space (Fig.1.1). The authors [16] have demonstrated through analog simulation of six step voltage fed dual-three phase induction motor drive. The performance of the d-q model for dual three phase Induction motor is established [1]. Main advantage of six phase Induction Motor is it can be started and run with some phases open and performance in this faulted form can be almost similar when all phases energized. The pulse width modulation (PWM) inverters offer easy and efficient control of voltage and frequency. The PWM inverter decreases the amplitudes of lower order harmonics in the motor terminal voltage by shifting the dominating harmonics towards higher frequencies. In pulse width modulation control schemes for dual 2 level inverter fed six phase induction motor, has effective phase voltages consequent to the reference phase voltages are produced by switching the inverter poles between voltage levels of +Vdc/2 and –Vdc/2, where Vdc is the ‘DC-link voltage’ of the voltage source inverter for appropriate durations, during the switching period. If the pole voltages of the inverter are permitted to vary between more than two levels, subsequently a multilevel inverter system can be accomplished [17]-[22]. Since the transition voltage levels in each switching is lesser than that in the two-level inverters, there is less switching losses in multi -level inverters. The reduced voltage ripple in these multi-level inverters also 4 reduces the current ripple in the inverter phases. Multi-level inverters are obtained from a number of minor discrete voltage sources, and they produce the output voltage wave forms with more steps of smaller m agnitudes. Multi Level Inverters have drawn marvelous interest in power industry. Significant inherent advantages offered by the multi-level inverters compared to their two-level inverters counterparts are summarized as follows [23]-[27]: 1. “It is achievable to obtain refined output voltage waveforms moreover with reduced total harmonic distortion (THD) by increased number of voltage levels of inverter (stepped output voltage waveforms) 2. It is feasible to reduce the electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems by lowering the switching rate of change of voltage (dv/dt) 3. It is possible to realize machine currents with reduced harmonics, resulting into compact torque pulsations in the drive system; resulting in fewer stress on the insulation of machine phase windings 4. The Inverter is able to operate with lower switching frequency and therefore the switching losses are reduced. 5. Lesser amplitudes of alternating Common Mode Voltage and hence lesser bearing currents”. Thus, although it was initially designed to reduce the 5 harmonic contents in the output voltage waveforms, the multi-level inverters have very quickly established themselves as a preferred option for realizing high-voltage high-power drives for industrial, marine, utility and traction applications, using power devices of lower voltage ratings. “Today, multi-level inverters are extensively used in high-power drive applications for laminators, mills, conveyors, pumps, fans, blowers, compressors, etc.” [11]. Reduction in Harmonic losses are prime requirement in the application of high power drive. Multilevel inverters and inverter fed multiphase motors are very promising in this respect. Multi-level inverters has materialized as a favored solution for high-voltage high-power industrial induction motor drive applications. Multi-level inverters have much reduced harmonic content in output voltage waveforms and facilitate them to be operated at much smaller frequencies resulting into lesser switching losses. A simplified SVPWM method for three level inverters has been developed [28].The Space- vector pulse width modulation (SVPM) procedure for dual three phase drive has been developed in [5]. Because having limited range of switches the traditional 2-level inverter may not be functional in high voltages. Thus, in the recent years Multi level inverters are widely used for high voltage applications. Hence in this thesis, different dual multi level inverters are used independently to analyze the performance of six phase induction motor. 6 1.2 ASSERTION OF PROBLEM In this thesis it is proposed to analyze the Six Phase Induction motor using Space- vector PWM of dual two level inverter and different dual multi level inverters independently with MATLAB/Simulink software. The investigations are carried out by following steps. Development of MATLAB/Simulink model of Six Phase Induction motor. Development of MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 2-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 3-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor Development of MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 4-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor Development of MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 5-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor Development of MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 6-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor Development of MATLAB/Simulink based algorithm for dual 7-level Inverter fed Six phase Induction motor 1.3 METHODOLOGY Survey, Study and analysis of pertinent Literature. 7 In this thesis a modular, SIMULINK Six phase induction motor model is developed. In the modular scheme every block solves one of the modal equations. The inputs given to Six phase induction motor are the load torque, the dual three-phase voltages and fundamental frequency. The outputs are the electrical torque, the speed of rotor and six phase currents. In order to study the performance of the six phase induction motor modal the Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation scheme of dual 2,3,4,5,6&7 inverter levels are used independently for six phase induction motor. 1.4 OVERVIEW OF THESIS Six-phase induction motors are realized by splitting the stator windings of three phase induction motor into two identical halves, which has a phase displacement of 30 electrical degrees between them. Fig.1.1 The winding disposition of six phase induction motor The dual three phase groups(Fig.1.1) named as A, B,C phase 8 group and M,N,O phase group, have an angular separation of 30 electrical degrees between them. Fig.1.1 exhibits the winding disposition of six phase induction motor. A,B,C phases are fed from inverter(X) of the six phases of the stator winding and M,N,O phases are fed from inverter(Y) with isolated power supplies(Fig.1.2). A M Vdc C N B Inverter (X) Vdc O SPIM Inverter (Y) Fig.1.2 Implementation of dual Inverter fed Six Phase Induction Motor with isolated power supplies. Similarly the following investigations are carried out and simulated to analyze the performance of Six Phase Induction Motor using multi level inverters. Inverter(X) and Inverter (Y) (Fig.1.2) are replaced with two identical three level SVPWM Inverters and fed to Six Phase Induction Motor. Inverter(X) and Inverter (Y) (Fig.1.2) are replaced with two identical four level SVPWM Inverter and another four level 9 SVPWM Inverter(dual four level inverter) respectively and fed to Six Phase Induction Motor. Inverter(X) and Inverter (Y) (Fig.1.2) are replaced with five level SVPWM Inverter and another five level SVPWM Inverter(dual five level inverter) respectively and fed to Six Phase Induction Motor. Inverter(X) and Inverter (Y) (Fig.1.2) are replaced with six level SVPWM Inverter and another six level SVPWM Inverter(dual six level inverter) respectively and fed to Six Phase Induction Motor. Inverter(X) and Inverter (Y) (Fig.1.2) are replaced with seven level SVPWM Inverter and another seven level SVPWM Inverter (dual seven level inverter) respectively and fed to Six Phase Induction Motor. The Thesis is organized into 5 chapters. Chapter-1 elucidates the introduction, Assertion of problem, Methodology of Research, Overview of thesis and illustrates the Modelling of Six phase induction motor . In chapter-2 discusses Simulation of Six phase induction motor by adopting both dual two level SVPWM inverter and dual three level SVPWM inverter independently and these simulated results are compared and presented. Initially the conventional ‘2-level’ SVPWM Inverter X and another ‘2-level’ SVPWM inverter Y are fed to both ends of Six phase Induction motor. Finally, the dual 2-level SVPWM inverters are replaced by the proposed dual 10 3-level SVPWM inverters to analyze the Six Phase Induction Motor. In chapter-3 deals with dual 4-level SVPWM inverter and dual 5–level inverters which are fed to six phase induction motor independently and simulation results of Six phase Induction motor are presented. The dual 6-level SVPWM fed Six phase Induction motor dual 7–level SVPWM fed Six phase Induction motor and simulated results are presented and compared in chapter-4. The investigations are concluded in the chapter-5. 1.5 MODELLING OF SIX PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR (SPIM) “The Six-phase induction motor can be comprehend by splitting the phase belt of a conventional Three phase Induction motor with an angular displacement of 30 electrical degrees”. Fig.1.1 exhibits the Winding disposition of Six phase induction motor. As exposed in the Fig.1.1, the six phases of the stator winding can be grouped into two separate three phase winding groups, and appropriately connecting the phasor groups. The two groups named A,B,C group and M,N,O group, have an angular displacement of 30 electrical degrees between them. while harmonic currents of the order 6x + 1 (x = 1,3,5,7,9 ....etc.,) are present in the stator windings the flux vector generated by one phase group (A, B, C) cancels the flux vector produced by the other (M,N,O) three phase group, thereby creating zero air gap flux due to these 11 harmonic currents[7]. while harmonic currents belonging to the 12x±1, where x = 0, 1,2,3,4,5....etc., harmonic group which include the fundamental component, flow in the stator windings the flux add each other to create a resultant air gap flux. Since the neutrals of the phase groups are isolated (see fig.1.1), no triplen harmonic currents will flow in the motor phases. Zhao Yifan and Lipo Thomas. A, have derived a model of six pha se induction motor[7] where, set of harmonic components belonging to the 6x +1 (x = 1,3,5,7,9 ....etc.,) order and the set of harmonic components belonging to the 12x ± 1w h ere x= 0,1,2, 3, 4, 5 . . . . etc. , or der a r e or thogona lly decomposed into two subspaces. This orthogonal decomposition of the different vector groups is accomplished by defining a general vector SK (wt ) as shown in equation (1.1) assumptions [7] have been made in deriving the dual three-phase induction machine model: sk (wt ) [cos(wt ) cos(wt ) cos(wt 4 ) cos(wt 5 ) cos(wt 8 ) cos(wt 9 )] ...(1.1) Where in equation 1 .1, ‘ ’ is equal to 3 0°, which correspond to the space phase separation between the two three phase groups and k=0,1,3,5,7,9,11.... etc., correspond to the fundamental and all harmonic order. The three sets of harmonics, consisting of the positive sequence 12x ± 1, where x= 0,1,2,3,4,5 ....etc., and the zero sequences z1 6x ± 1, where x = 1,3,5 ....etc., and z2 (triplen components) span subspaces defined 12 by equation1.2. The positive sequence 12x ± 1,where x = 0,1,2,3,4,5 ....etc., span the subspace S1, the zero sequence component zl defined by 6x + 1, where x= 1,3,5,7,9,11 ....etc., span the subspace S2 and the zero sequence component z2 defined by the triples order harmonics span the subspace S3 [7]. The two terms in each subspace represent the analogous orthogonal components in that subspace. These two orthogonal components in each subspace are obtained by substituting wt equal to 0 and π/2 correspondingly in equation (1.I). Hence a six dimensional matrix can be achieved by arranging the three subspaces as represented in equation It can be prominent that the harmonics spanning the subspace S1, S2 and S3 are orthogonal to each other as represented by equation (1.2b) S1● S2T = S1●S3T = S3●S2T = 0 ………………….. (1.2b) ref. [7] A transformation matrix C can be defined by multiplying equation (1.2) with a constant 1/√3 and the entire harmonic component voltages of the six phase machine can be decomposed into 13 their respective orthogonal subspaces by using this transformation matrix C as shown in equation (1.3). V 1 cos V 0 sin V1 1 cos 5 1/ 3 V2 0 sin 5 Vo1 1 0 1 0 Vo 2 cos 4 cos 5 cos 8 sin 4 cos 8 sin 5 cos sin 8 cos 4 sin 8 1 sin 0 sin 4 1 0 1 0 cos 9 Vas sin 9 Vms cos 9 Vbs .......... (1.3) sin 9 Vns 0 Vcs 1 Vos Vas , Vbs , Vcs are the phase voltages of A, B, C three phase group. Vms , Vns , Vos are the phase voltages of M,N,O three phase group. V , V are the two orthogonal voltage components of the 12x +1,where x = 0, 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 ... etc., order harmonic set spanning subspace S1. V1, V2 are the two orthogonal voltage components of the 6x+1, where x =1,3,5,7,9,…..etc., order harmonic set spanning subspace S2 Vo1, Vo2 are two orthogonal voltages of the triplen harmonic set spanning subspace S3. The equation (1.4) shows the transformation matrix used for the orthogonal decomposition. 1 cos 0 sin 1 cos 5 C (1 / 3 ) 0 sin 5 1 0 1 0 cos 4 cos 5 cos 8 sin 4 cos 8 sin 5 cos sin 8 cos 4 sin 8 1 sin 0 sin 4 1 0 1 0 cos 9 Vas sin 9 Vms cos 9 Vbs …….(1.4) sin 9 Vns 0 Vcs 1 Vos The constant 1/√3 is multiplied with eqn.(1.2) to obtain the transformation matrix (C) (eqn.1.4), so that (C)-1 equals to (C)T. Now 14 from the phasor diagram of the winding disposition of Fig.1.1, equation for stator voltage in Actual six dimensional space can be written as VS RS iS d (LSS iS LSr ir ) dt ………………………(1.5) Where in this equation (1.5) VS , iS and ir are the ‘input voltage’ , ‘stator current’ & ‘rotor current vectors’ correspondingly defined by equations (1.6), (1.7) and (1.8) correspondingly. T VS Vas Vms Vbs Vns Vcs Vos iS ias ibs ins ics ios T ims ir iar ibr inr icr ior T imr ………………….. (1.6) ………………… (1.7) …………….(1.8) In equation (1.5) the stator resistance matrix [Rs], the stator self inductance [Lss] and the stator to rotor mutual inductance matrixes [Lsr] are defined by equations (1.9), (1.10) and (1.11) respectively. rs 0 0 [ RS ] 0 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 0 ………………………………..….(1.9) 0 0 rs 15 Lls 0 0 LSS 0 0 0 1 cos( ) cos(4 ) M cos(5 ) cos(8 ) cos(9 ) 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls cos( ) 1 cos(4 ) cos(3 ) cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos(8 ) cos(7 ) cos(3 ) 1 cos( ) cos(4 ) cos(4 ) cos(7 ) cos( ) cos(4 ) 1 cos(3 ) cos(3 ) 1 cos(8 ) cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos( ) cos(9 ) cos(8 ) cos(5 ) ….(1.10) cos(4 ) cos( ) 1 Where, Lls is the stator leakage inductance. M is the mutual inductance between any two windings with zero angular separation between them. θ is the phase angle between the (A, B, C) and (M,N,O) set of windings and is equal to π/6 Lsr cos( r ) cos( ) r cos( r 4 ) M cos( r 5 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 9 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 5 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 7 ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r 7 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 5 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r ) cos( r 9 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 5 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) .... (1.11) Where, θr is the relative position between the rotor and the stator. By applying the orthogonal transformation to equation (1.5) the stator voltage equation may be written as [C ]V S [C ]RS [C ] 1 [C ]i S Where, [C ' ][C ]1 [C ][C ]T I d [C ]LSS [C ] 1 [C ]i S [C ]LSr [C ] 1 [C ]i r dt ………(1.12) 16 i.e., [C ]1 [C ]T …………………………………(1.13) 1 cos cos 4 1 C (1 / 3 ) cos 5 cos 8 cos 9 0 sin sin 4 sin 5 sin 8 sin 9 1 0 1 0 cos 5 sin 5 0 1 cos 8 sin 8 1 0 ………..………..……….. (1.14) cos sin 0 1 cos 4 sin 4 1 0 cos 9 sin 9 0 1 Since [Rs] is a diagonal matrix with each diagonal element equal to Rs, the term [C][Rs][C]-1 = [Rs]…………………………………………………. (1.15) Now from eqn.(1.12), by applying both left and right transformation to the self inductance matrix of equation (1.10), equation (1.16) is obtained. C LSS C 1 Lls 0 0 C 0 0 0 1 cos( ) cos(4 ) [C ] M cos(5 ) cos(8 ) cos(9 ) 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 cos( ) 1 cos(3 ) cos(4 ) cos(7 ) cos(8 ) cos(4 ) cos(3 ) 0 0 0 1 C 0 0 Lls cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos(8 ) cos(9 ) cos(7 ) cos(8 ) 1 cos( ) cos(4 ) cos(5 ) 1 …….. (1.16) C cos( ) 1 cos(3 ) cos(4 ) cos(4 ) cos(3 ) 1 cos( ) cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos( ) 1 By applying the left and right transformation to the first term and doing the right transformation to the second term, equation (1.16) can be summarized to equation (1.17) 17 C LS S C 1 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 3 3 cos( / 2) 3 cos( ) 3 cos( / 2 ) 3 cos(4 ) 3 cos( / 2 4 ) (1 / 3 )[C ]M 3 cos(5 ) 3 cos( / 2 5 ) 3 cos(8 ) 3 cos( / 2 8 ) 3 cos(9 ) 3 cos( / 2 9 ) 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 …………………… (1.17) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 By simplification, the term C LSS C 1 can be written as C LS S C 1 3 3 cos( / 2) 0 M 0 0 0 The Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 3 cos( / 2) 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 transformed self 0 0 0 0 0 0 inductance 0 0 0 0 0 Lls ………………… (1.18) matrix can be further simplified and represented as Lls 3M 0 0 1 C LSS C 0 0 0 0 Lls 3M 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lls …………………….. (1.19) Likewise the rotor mutual inductance matrix of equation. (1.11) can be reduced and represented as shown in equation. (1.20). 18 C LSS C 1 3M cos( r ) 3M sin( r ) 3M sin( ) 3M cos( ) r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ……………………….. (1.20) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The neutrals of both the three phase groups are isolated and there are no triplen components in the phase currents, the subspace corresponding to the triplen components can be removed from equation(1.12) and the resulting equation simplified as Lls 3M V is 0 V i [ Rr ]4 x 4 s d V1 i1s dt 0 V 2 is 0 3M cos( r ) 3M sin( r ) d 3M sin( r ) 3M cos( r ) 0 0 dt 0 0 0 0 Lls 3M 0 0 Lls 0 0 0 is 0 is 0 i1s Lls i2 s 0 0 ir 0 0 ir ……………………………………………… (1.21) 0 0 i1r 0 0 i2 r where, is , is are the two orthogonal components of stator currents spanning subspace S1 . i1s , i2 s are the two orthogonal components of stator currents spanning subspace S 2 . ir , ir are the two orthogonal components of stator currents spanning subspace S1 . Ilr, i2s are the two orthogonal components of rotor currents spanning subspace S2. 19 Likewise to the equation (1.5), the rotor voltage equation can be written as, 0=[Rr][ir]+d/dt([Lrr][ir]+[Lrs][is]) rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 [ Rr ] 0 0 0 rs 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 rs Llr 0 0 Lrr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Llr 0 0 Llr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Llr 0 0 Llr 0 0 0 0 ………………………… (1.22) … (1.23) 1 cos( ) 0 cos(4 ) 0 M 0 cos(5 ) 0 cos(8 ) 0 Llr cos(9 ) cos( ) 1 cos(4 ) cos(3 ) cos(3 ) cos(4 ) cos(7 ) cos(8 ) cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos(8 ) cos(9 ) cos(7 ) cos(8 ) 1 cos( ) cos(4 ) cos(5 ) … cos( ) 1 cos(3 ) cos(4 ) cos(4 ) cos(3 ) 1 cos( ) cos(5 ) cos(4 ) cos( ) 1 (1.24) cos( r ) cos( ) r cos( r 4 ) Lrs M cos( 5 ) r cos( r 8 ) cos( r 9 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 7 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 5 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r 9 ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 7 ) cos( r 8 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 5 ) (1.25) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r 3 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) cos( r 5 ) cos( r 4 ) cos( r ) cos( r ) Where [Rr], [Lrr] and [Lrs] mentioned in equation (1.22) are named rotor resistance matrix, rotor self inductance matrix and rotor to stator mutual inductance matrix respectively, defined by the equations (1.23),(1.24) and (1.25). The orthogonal transformation can be applied to the rotor equation (1.22) and the resultant equation can be written as, 0 [C ]Rr [C ]1[C ]ir d [C ]Lrr [C ]1[C ]ir [C ]Lrs [C ]1[C ]is ……………........…. (1.26) dt Substituting equation (1.23) to equation (1.25) in equation (1.26) and performing orthogonal transformation, the final rotor equations can be represented as shown in equation (1.27). 20 i.e., Llr ir 0 i 0 [ Rr ]4 x 4 r d i1r dt 0 0 i2 r 3M cos( r ) 3M sin( r ) d 3M sin( r ) 3M cos( r ) dt 0 0 0 0 3M 0 0 0 Llr 3M 0 0 0 Llr 0 0 0 0 ir 0 ir 0 i1r Llr i2 r 0 0 is 0 0 i s ………………………………………….…. (1.27) 0 0 i1s 0 0 i 2 s From equation (1.21) and equation (1.27) the corresponding voltage equations spanning subspaces S1 and S2 can be separated out as shown by equation.(1.28.1) and equation (1.28.2). RS V V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RS 0 0 Rr 0 0 0 is i 0 s 0 ir Rr ir 0 3M cos( r ) 3M sin( r ) is Lls 3M 0 Lls 3M 3M sin( r ) 3M cos( r ) i s d ir 0 dt 3M cos( r ) 3M sin( r ) Llr 3M 0 Llr 3M i r 3M sin( r ) 3M cos( r ) ………………… (1.28.1) Where equation (1.28.1) represents for the subspace S1 and the equations for the subspace S2 are represented by equation (1.28.2) V1 RS V 0 2 0 0 0 0 Equation 0 0 RS 0 0 Rr 0 0 (1.28.1) 0 i1s Lls 0 i2 s d 0 0 i1r dt 0 Rr i1r 0 represents 0 0 Lls 0 0 Llr 0 0 that machine model is converted to the an 0 i1s 0 i2 s …. …..(1.28.2) 0 i1r Llr i1r complete equivalent six phase two phase induction machine. To analyze the performance of the Six phase Induction Motor controlled by the Space-vector PWM scheme with the dual Two Level 21 and dual Three-level Inverters independently fed six phase Induction Motor the investigations are carried out by using MATLAB/Simulink software which is explained in the chapter-2.