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External Fixation: Frame Biomechanics & Techniques

External fixation
Frame (bar/ring) + pins/wires/screws
Neutralize deforming forces
Provide rigid stability to maintain the fracture
Temporary reduction at length to avoid collapse of fracture
Frame biomechanics
Most important factors: the strength, competency of pin-bone interface
1. Pin geometry and thread design
Screw diameter  stiffness (strength) of the frame, risk of stress Fx at entry portal
Screw hole >30% diameter  45% reduction of torsional strength of bone
In adult, pin diameter 6mm. is maximum
Small pitch height, low pitch angle  dense cortical bone
Large pitch height, high pitch angle  cancellous bone
Conical pins (taper thread)  optimize screw-bone contact
A. The use of tapered pins facilitates subsequent pin
B. Self-drilling pins with drill-type pin tip.
C. Pins with a larger thread diameter suitable for
cancellous bone insertion.
D. Pins with small pitch angle and narrow thread diameter
are applied in cortical bone.
E. Hydroxyapatite-coated pins improve the pin–bone
interface by encouraging direct bone apposition and
FIGURE 7-9 Various thread designs are used for specific
The pin-bone interface, biomaterials
Titanium & titanium alloys (vs stainless steel): lower pin-bone interface stress than, lower rate of pin sepsis
HA-coated taper pin: increase strength of fixation, lower rate of pin tract infection (cancellous > cortical)
Pin insertion techniques
Oversize pins >0.4mm. mismatch  stress fracture
Predrilling (sharp drill): reduce thermal necrosis, bone damage
Self-tapping: increase purchase bone
Self-drilling: increase heat, microfracture at both cortices, decrease pull out strength but clinically does not appear
to be any increase incidence of pin tract infection or other pin associated complications
Pin bone stress
Large pin fixation
Monolateral frames types
Separate bars, attachable pin-bar clamps, bar-tobar clamps, separate Schanz pins
Relative flexible
Compression technique: arthrodesis, osteotomy,
nonunion repair
Distraction technique: deformity correction,
intercalary bone transport, limb lengthening
Simple monolateral fixators
Simple four-pin frame concept
Allowing individual pins to be placed at difference
angles and obliquities
Uniplanar, minimizing the transfixion of soft
Shear force can inhibit Fx healing and bone
FIGURE 7-13 A simple four-pin external frame is the basic
building block for more complex frame configurations.
Increase stability (rigidity) of simple frame EF
Increase number and size of pins, bars, side (monolateral, bilateral), planes
Increase maximize pin separation distance, interconnecting bar distance
Increase connection between planes, delta frame
90o of two plane (but some parts of anatomy can’t do that)
Minimize distance between bone and connecting bar
The weakest part of system is junction between fixator body (bar) and clamp or Schanz pin and clamp (the device
should be routinely tightened during Rx)
FIGURE 7-12 Factors affecting the stability of monolateral
external fixation include pin distance from fracture site, pin
separation, bone–bar distance, connecting bar size and
composition, pin diameter, pin number, and pin–bone
A, pin to center of rotation;
B, pin separation;
C, bone–bar distance.
Monotube fixators
Fixed location for pin mounted in pin clusters thus
the ability to vary pin location substantially less
than simple monolateral fixators
Can’t minimize bone-frame distance (large body
Higher bending stiffness (large body
Maximize rigidity in the plane of the pins and
minimal at right angles to this plane
Lower holding strength of pin clamp
Steerage pin placement
Pins placed perpendicular to long axis of bone fails
to oppose the shear force vector
Pins placed parallel to the fracture line (oblique
Fx) and thus indirect opposition to shear force
vector, the shear force actively converted into
compression (dynamic stabilization of Fx edges)
For Fx obliquities <30o: standard mode of fixation
can be used
For Fx obliquities 30o-60o: steerage pin concept
can used
For Fx obliquities >60o: shear is dominating
(extreme) force; even with steerage pins
Small wire fixation
Multiple plane of fixation
Tethering soft tissues (use small wire to reduce this)
Eliminates the harmful effects of cantilever loading and shear forces
Accentuating axial micromotion and dynamization
A typical four-ring frame consists of eight crossed wires, two wires at each level, and four rings with supporting struts
connecting two rings on either side of the fracture
Circular fixators are less rigid than all other monolateral type fixators in all modes of loading, particularly in axial
However, this may prove to be clinically beneficial to allow for axial micromotion and facilitate secondary bone healing
Ilizarov fixator ทนต่อ axial motion (axial compression) ดีกว่า, แต่ทน shear force ได ้ใกล ้เคียง เมือ
่ เทียบกับ fixators แบบอืน
่ ๆ
The overall stiffness and shear rigidity of the Ilizarov external fixator are similar to those of the half-pin fixators in
bending and torsion
Increase stability (rigidity) of ring EF
1. Increase wire diameter
2. Increase wire tension
3. Increase pin crossing angle to approach 90o
4. Decrease ring size (distance of ring to bone)
5. Increase number of wires
6. Use olive wires/ drop wires
7. Close ring position to either side of fracture
FIGURE 7-6 Ilizarov's circular fixator using small
(pathology) site
tensioned wires attached to individual rings.
8. Center bone in middle of ring
Basic component: smooth 1.5, 1.8, 2mm.
Strength & stiffness: increase ~ diameter, tension
Beaded (olive) wires: compress to near cortex while far side tensioning, perform interfragmentary compression,
stabilization (that smooth wire can’t achieve)
Wire tension
Limb lengthening: high tension up to 50kg
Weight bearing and limb loaded: high tension up to 130kg
Additional tension ทีเ่ พิม
่ ขึน
้ อีกจากการดึงขาหรือลงน้ าหนักจะทาให ้ wire breakage ได ้ ดังนัน
้ initial tension ต ้องคานึงจุดนีด
้ ้วย
Ring diameter
Increase diameter  Increase bone-ring distance  decrease stability
Decrease diameter greater effect than increase wire tension
Wire orientation
Wires placed parallel to each other, and parallel to
the applied forces, provide little resistance to
The most stable configuration occurs when two
wires intersect as close to 90 degrees as possible
Changing pin orientation to a less acute angle
decreases the stiffness in AP bending but has a
lesser effect on lateral bending, torsion, and axial
Clinically, a wire divergence angle of at least 60
degrees should be attempt
Limb positioning in the ring
The location of the tibial bone in the limb is
actually eccentric to the external soft tissue
envelope compared with the humerus or the
To place a frame on a tibia with the center/center
orientation, a very large ring would be needed;
this would vastly increase the ring–bone distance
and further decrease the frame stiffness
Circular fixators are less rigid than all other
monolateral type fixators in all modes of loading,
particularly in axial compression
Wire connecting bolts
Mechanical slippage between the wire and the fixation bolt is the primary reason for loss of wire tension and thus
frame instability
When clamping a wire to the frame, the wire tension is reduced by approximately 7%
To prevent yield of the clamp wire system, the fixator should be assembled with sufficient wires to ensure that the
load transmitted to each wire by the patient does not exceed 15 Newtons
Placing at least two tensioned wires onto each ring present in the frame construct
Stiffness of a tensioned wire frame is more dependent on bone preload than on wire number, wire type, or frame
Preload stiffness can be increased simply by compressing the rings together and achieving bone-on-bone contact
Hybrid fixators
Take advantage of tensioned wires' ability to
stabilize complex periarticular fractures
Should include a ring incorporating multiple levels
of fixation in the periarticular fragment.
Accomplished with at least three tensioned wires
If possible, additional level of periarticular fixation
is advantageous using adjunctive half-pins, in
addition to the tensioned wires
Multiple connecting bars or a full circular frame is
preferred with a minimum of four half-pins
attached to the shaft component
Biology of EF and distraction histogenesis
External bridging callus
Endochondral (indirect) bone formation
Reduce micromotion by increase frame stiffness  reduce healing rate
Large motion (large gap, less rigid)  increase blood vessels and fibrocartilage  decrease remodeling and bone
formation (hypertrophic nonunion)
Convert static fixator and allows the passage of forces across the Fx site to occur
Restore cortical contact and produce stable Fx pattern with inherent mechanical support
Active dynamization of the fracture occurs with weight bearing or with loading when there is progressive closure of the
fracture gap
Limited Open Reduction/Internal Fixation with External Fixation
Very useful in metaphyseal bone and has been shown to work well in periarticular fractures
Abandoned in diaphyseal regions because of the increased incidence of pseudoarthrosis
Distraction osteogenesis
Mechanical induction of new bone occurs between bony surfaces that are gradually pulled apart (the formation of a
physis-like structure)
With stable fixation  direct intermembranous ossification
Distraction osteogenesis also provides a significant neovascularization effect
Distraction rate of 0.5 mm/day or less  premature consolidation of the lengthening bone
Distraction rate of 2 mm/day or greater  undesirable changes within the distracted tissues
Distraction rate of 1 mm/day เหมาะสมทีส
่ ด
ุ (Ilizarov แนะนาให ้แบ่งเป็ น 4ช่วงในการยืดต่อวัน)
Motion present at the fracture site  bone resorption, local blood supply is traumatized by the moving bone ends 
atrophic fibrous nonunion
Circular frames ลด abnormal force ใน compression mode  ลดการทาลาย neovascular region --> ทาให ้มี endochondral
Metaplasia and differentiation responses: bone > muscle > ligament > tendons
Neurovascular structures จะค่อยๆเจริญขึน
้ แบบช ้าๆ, แต่จะไม่ทนต่อ acute distraction forces
Contemporary EF applications
Temporary spanning fixation for complex articular injuries
Valuable in polytrauma patient when rapid stabilization is necessary
For periarticular fractures, the decision to convert to definitive stabilization is usually based on the adequacy of soft
Latency period of at least 10 to 14 days is generally required to allow the soft tissues to recover to the extent where
contemporary internal fixation techniques can be undertaken safely
With long bone fractures (esp tibia), definitive conversion to IM nailing has within the first 2 to 3 weeks of frame to
avoid colonization of the medullary canal by the external fixator pins
Anterior pelvic external fixator constructs may be difficult in an obese patient.
C-clamp used to provide posterior stability temporarily
Pelvic frames are most useful in fractures that are vertically stable
Definitive Fx management
Choice of EF depends on location and complexity of the fracture, type of wound
The less stable the fracture pattern, the more complex a frame needs to be applied to control motion at the bone ends
If possible, weight bearing should be a consideration
If periarticular extension or involvement, the ability to bridge the joint provides stability for both hard and soft tissues
Allow for multiple débridements and subsequent soft tissue reconstruction
Pins are placed outside the zone of injury to avoid potential pin site contamination with the operative field
Ring fixators have a definite advantage for extra-articular injuries in that they allow for immediate weight bearing and
can gradually correct deformity and malalignment, as well as achieve active compression or distraction at the fracture
Monolateral applications
Major indication is in the distal radius and in the tibial shaft, followed closely by temporary application of trauma
frames for complex femoral and humeral shaft injuries
Much less common for forearm injuries
In distal radius Fx:
o 2 pins in the metacarpals, 2 pins in the distal aspect of the radius proximal to the fracture line, wrist position
can be adjusted into neutral or extension to help avoid finger stiffness and carpal tunnel syndrome without
compromising fracture reduction
o For unstable fractures, augmentation of the fixator construct with multiple dorsal and radial percutaneous
pins corrects the dorsal tilt and maintains the reduction
o External fixation devices function best when maintaining radial length alone.
o This is best accomplished with frames that do not span the wrist joint but just cross the fracture, leaving the
wrist free
In acute femoral Fx
o At least four pins placed along anterolateral aspect of femoral shaft
o Independent pins placed out of plane increased stability over monotube or simple monolateral frames
(straight line)
In acute humeral shaft Fx
o Pin tract sequelae and inhibit shoulder & elbow motion
o Most frequent indication is stabilization of severely contaminated open Fx or gunshot wounds that occur in
association with vascular disruption
In tibial Fx
o In general, the most proximal and distal pins are first inserted and the connecting rod is attached
o Alternatively, the proximal 2 pins and distal 2 pins connected by solitary bars (use as reduction tools). Once
reduction has been achieved, additional bar–to-bar construct is connected
o In highly comminuted Fx, weight bearing is delayed until visible callus is achieved
o Dynamization does seem to facilitate Fx healing if used within first 6-8 wk after Fx
o If discrepancy of >1.5-2 cm, dynamization is not indicated
Small wire EF
Ideally suited to high energy Fx involve metaphyseal regions
Olive wires con be used “tension-compression fixation”, similar to effect of small lag screws
“Hybrid” = traditional monolateral diaphyseal bar attached to solitary circular periarticular ring, at least 3 divergent
bars and 270o of separation
4-wire fixation construct = dual plating for bicondylar tibial plateau Fx
Bone transport
Cancellous grafting placed directly into the defect through posterolateral approach
Internal bone transport (primary method of bony reconstruction) indicated for defects greater than 4cm
Transport is delayed for at least 3wk after free flap coverage
If no flap, corticotomy and transport can be undertaken immediately at the time of wound closure
Latency period 7-10days allowed before initiation of transport
Distraction 0.25-0.5mm/day
Transport in acute fracture proceeds at much slower rate, 0.5-0.75mm/day (standard rate of 1mm/day typical for
standard limb lengthening
Acute shortening (decrease transport distance) greater than 4cm is not recommended
Docking site is impacted and gradually compressed 0.25mm every 48hr until docking site is radiographically healed
Hexapod fixators
Frame management
Pin insertion technique
Incising skin directly at site of pin insertion
Trocar and drill sleeve is advanced directly to bone
Predrilling, appropriate depth of pin is advanced to achieve bicortical purchase
Correct pin site insertion technique removes most of factors that cause pin site infection and subsequent pin loosening
Immediate postoperative compressive dressing should be applied, removed within 10d-2wk
If pin drainage does develop, providing pin care 3 times/day should be undertaken
Once healed, only showering is necessary
Removal of serous crust, recommendations include using NSS as the cleansing agent in concert with dilute HO
Avoid ointments for post cleansing care
ต ้องเห็น 3 ใน 4 neocotecies ใน regenerate zone, film AP + lat
Consolidation time อย่างน ้อย 1.5-2 เท่า ของ total distraction time
Infection, loosening, metal fatigue failure
Pin care
Frame removal
Pin complications
Premature consolidation
Most, incomplete osteotomy > premature healing of osteotomy site
Most common in pediatric population
Early phase: distract ต่อจนแยกกันใหม่ (audible ache, snap, pop + sudden pain & swelling)
้ ให ้หยุดดึงแล ้วเปลีย
่ นเป็ น compress จนหายปวด แล ้วค่อยดึงต่อ (ถ ้า premature consolidation fracture
แล ้วยังดึงต่อไปเรือ
่ ยๆ จะเกิด rupture neovascular channels  cyst  incomplete regenerate formation and failure
Most common causes of incomplete regenerate: disruption periosteum and soft tissue during corticotomy, too rapid
distraction, frame instability
Regenerate reFx or late deformity after removal of apparatus: premature frame removal before complete healing of
regenerate or Fx
From excessive joint distraction, extended period of time
Preventive measures: avoiding transfixion of tendons and maximizing muscle excursion before placing transfixion wires
or half-pins
Physical therapy, splinting is helpful
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