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School Policy Proposals: Smartphones, Excursions, Class Choice

1. SmartPhones should be banned from schools.
2. All school excursions should be free for students.
3. Students should be able to pick their own classes in middle school (grades 6-8
ages 11-13)
1. SmartPhones should be banned from schools.
2. All school excursions should be free for students.
3. Students should be able to pick their own classes in middle school (grades 6-8
ages 11-13)
1. SmartPhones should be banned from schools.
2. All school excursions should be free for students.
3. Students should be able to pick their own classes in middle school (grades 6-8
ages 11-13)
1. SmartPhones should be banned from schools.
2. All school excursions should be free for students.
3. Students should be able to pick their own classes in middle school (grades 6-8
ages 11-13)