Pressure in Gases 13/06/17 23/2/15 Key words: Implode, Pressure, Collide, Temperature, Particles Starter: In this lesson we will be talking a lot about gas particles in the air. Describe what they are doing right now EXT: The picture on the right is what happens to a balloon when you put it in the fridge for 3 hours. Why does a balloon shrink? FREEZER for 3 hours Keywords: Implode, Pressure, Collide, Temperature, particle Learning objectives: Understand how particles affect pressure Explain using pressure why a can collapses Did you know… if you took a bag of crisps On a plane, after take off the bag would have expanded? Right now in this classroom there are gas particles moving and colliding. They are always moving! When they hit into you they cause a force. This causes a pressure on you. What is gas pressure caused by? This pressure is the same for everyone and it is the same on every part of your body. The air pressure is affected by two things… Quantity Temperature The higher you go up athe mountain the less pressure There are less particles higher you go. Less force is. Why? is exerted on you, there therefore, there is less pressure. Up a mountain Ground Level This is why a balloon which hasn’t been blown up fully is crinkled. It has a small amount of particles so it has a low pressure Low Pressure High Pressure Moving colliding which exerts a force on us SO…and what are particles doing again…? Can you tell me theare pressure difference if I showed Because there less particles higher up you picture? thethis mountain. Lower Pressure Higher Pressure The air pressure is affected by two things… Quantity Temperature Particles move faster as the temperature is increased = More pressure If it is cold the particles slow down which produces less pressure. So can you explain the balloon example picture? Activity: Complete you sheet which assesses your progress of the learning so far EXT: Can you use your knowledge to explain the ‘Did you Know’ Did you know… if you took a bag of crisps on a plane, after take off the bag would have expanded? cv cv It has slowed them down cv inflated Colliding Balloon pressure EXT: Can you use your knowledge to explain the ‘Did you Know’ Did you know… if you took a bag of crisps on a plane, after take off the bag would have expanded? As you take off you are going into less pressure atmosphere. Less pressure on the outside of the bag means there is more pressure on the inside relative to the outside so the bag expands. Activity: Copy and complete this word paragraph Keywords: higher, pressure, fast, more, number, particles, less particles fast Gases are made of ----------- that move -------number The -------of the particles hitting the sides of pressure the container causes the --------. More particles means more pressure ------higher Faster moving particles means --------pressure Water liquid exerts less ____ pressure than water vapour Learning objectives: Keywords: Implode, Pressure, Collide, Temperature Understand how particles affect pressure Explain using pressure why a can collapses Why does a can do this? There is more pressure inside the can than outside so the gas quickly moves which causes spray Which can has more pressure. Can you explain? The can on the left has more pressure inside because the particles inside are a higher temperature Collapsing Can Experiment Method Meth 1. Add a small amount of H2O to the inside of the can 2. Heat the can until steam is produced. Wait 20 s 3. With tongs grab the can and tip upside Down into cold water Meth Collapsing Can Experiment Meth Look what happens when you place a hot can into some cold water First Before the experiment there was an equal pressure between the can and outside Second As the can is heated the gas is expelled and then the water turns steam which increases the pressure on the sides of the can. Finally When the can is put into cold water the water vapour quickly condense back to water liquid which quickly reduces the pressure compared to the outside The pressure of the outside overwhelms the pressure on the walls of the can so it crushes Activity: Use your knowledge of pressure to explain why the can is crushed 1.Meth Explain what they did in the experiment 2. Use the sheet to explain the can crushes when put in cold water. TASK: Use the words above each picture to explain that part of the experiment. Pressure Outside Inside Equal Can Heating Increase/decrease Pressure Walls of the can Cold water Water vapour Condense Decrease Pressure Walls of the can surroundings implosion Review 1. The pressure outside and inside the can are equal 2. Heating increases the pressure on the walls of the can. 3. When the can is placed in cold water the water vapour condenses. This decreases the pressure on the walls of the can. The surrounding pressure is higher which cause an implosion of the walls of the can. Pressure Outside Inside Equal Can Heating Increase/decrease Pressure Walls of the can Cold water Water vapour Condense Decrease Pressure Walls of the can surroundings implosion Learning objectives: Keywords: Implode, Pressure, Collide, Temperature Understand how particles affect pressure Explain using pressure why a can collapses Plenary 1. Which of these is under greater pressure? 2. Complete the sentence “Right now particles are…? 3. The pressure of a gas is affected by what two things? 4. Which can has the higher pressure and why? 5. True/False: The balloon would expand if I took it up the mountain? 6. True/False: There is a different pressure on you sat down than me stood up? 6. What is wrong with this picture? 7. What happens to the pressure on the inside of a can when you put it in cold water? 1. Which of these is under greater pressure? 2. Complete the sentence “Right now particles are…? Moving & Colliding 3. The pressure of a gas is affected by what two things? Quantity Temperature 4. Which can has the higher pressure and why? Because it is warmer the particles move faster 5. True/False: The balloon would expand if I took it up the mountain? TRUE 6. True/False: There is a different pressure on you sat down than me stood up? FALSE 6. What is wrong with this picture? No arrows showing the movement of particles 7. What happens to the pressure on the inside of a can when you put it in cold water? Lower Pressure