Unit One Introduction About Technology Contents Technology Instructional Technology Instructional Tech. & Edu. Tech Educational Technology Why to Use Educational Technology Cont’d Brainstorming 1. What is technology? 2. How do you define instructional technology? 3. What is the difference between instructional and educational technology? 4. Why we use educational technology? What is Technology Technology branch of knowledge that deals with the creation a nd use of technical means and their interrelation wi th life, society and the environment. According to UNESCO, technology is the extension of our human capability in order to satisfy our needs or wants. Cont’d Technology is often used as the generic term to encompass all the technologies people develop and use in their lives. The UNESCO (1985) defines technology as the know-how and creative process that may assist people to utilize tools, resources and systems to solve problems and to enhance their control over the natural made environment in an endeavor to improve the human condition. Cont’d Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives. So, basically, whenever we use our scientific knowledge to achieve some specific purpose, we are using technology. 1.2 Instructional Technology Cuban defines instructional technology as: • Any device available to teachers for use in instructing students in a more efficient and stimulating manner than the sole use of the teacher’s voice. • The application of our scientific knowledge about human learning to the practical tasks of teaching and learning’. Cont’d • Technology of instruction is ‘a particular, systematic arrangement of teaching/learning events designed to put our knowledge of learning into practice in a predictable, effective manner to attain specific learning objectives. Cont’d • “…instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning” (Association for Educational Communication and Technology) • Instructional Technology/media for learningteaching process provide with the tools to engage learners powerfully in the learning process. It greatly enhance the effectiveness of communication. Educational Technology • According to (AECT) defined educational technology as “ The study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources Cont’d • Educational Technology is the process of integrating technology into education in a positive manner that promotes a more diverse learning environment and a way for students to learn how to use technology as well as their common assignments Cont’d • The term ‘technology’, as applied to the process of education, includes ways of organizing events and activities to achieve educational objectives as well as the materials and equipment's involved in the process. • It incorporates tools and materials that present, support, and reinforces teaching and learning. • The devices used range from the pad and pencil to the computer. Educational Technology….. Cont’d has three domains of use: Technology as a tutor (computer gives instructions and guides the user), Technology as a teaching tool, and Technology as a learning tool. • It is a systematic and organized process of applying modern technology to improve the quality of education • It is a systematic way of conceptualizing the execution and evaluation of the educational process, • includes instructional materials, methods and organization of work and relationships, Cont’d 1.3 Instructional Tech. & Edu. Tech Differences • Instructional Technology is more scientific and uses a systems approach to solve instructional problems. It is ‘research in and application of behavioral science and learning theories and the use of a systems approach to analyze, design, develop, implement, evaluate and manage the use of technology to assist in the solving of learning or performance problems’. Cont’d • Educational Technology is more the way of using technology to support the environment of learning (Cutshall, 1999), • ET involves processes, methods and techniques, products, resources and technologies organized into workable systems 1. 5. Why to Use Educational Technology? Educational technology improve efficiency in education in terms of: a) Increasing the quality of learning or the degree of mastery b) Decreasing the time taken for learners to attain desired goals c) Increasing independence of learners, and the flexibility in the provision of education and training d) Increasing the efficiency of teachers (without reducing the quality of learning) in terms of numbers of learners taught e) Reducing costs without affecting quality Unit 2 Media in the Instructional Process 2.1 Instructional Media • Media is anything used to send message(s) from the sender(s) to the receiver(s), so it can be aroused the learners’ thought, feeling, and interest to gear the students’ learn. (Sadiman et al, 2002) • A medium (plural media) is a channel of communication, derived from the Latin word meaning “between”. The term refers to anything that carries information between a source and a receiver. Cont’d All the materials and physical means an instructor might use to implemen instruction and facilitate students‘ achievement of instructional objectives. 2.2 Media and Teaching Aids • Both, instructional media and teaching aids, have functions to make learners easily understand the teaching materials • Teaching aids are used by teachers to impart and emphasize on information, stimulate interest, and facilitate the learning process. They range from simple to sophisticated ones and they can be aural, visual, or computerized. • teaching aids are the objects and the content of the objects is the instructional media. Cont’d • The use of variety of teaching aids have successfully transformed most classrooms from traditional setup, where teachers do most of the talking and students are passive listeners, into participatory learning centers facilitating productive learning. 2.3 Communication • Is transmission of information from one place to another, that is the capacity of an individual to pass his/her feeling, ideas, to another ; the capacity of groups, organizations, materials, etc. to convey effectively information to where it is required. • Consists of the sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people. 2.3.1 Non-Verbal Communication • communication without words. You communicate non verbally • when you gesture, smile or frown, widen your eyes, move your chair closer to someone, wear jewelry, touch someone, or raise your vocal volume—and • when someone receives these signals. THE CHANNELS OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION • The Body: Body Movements, Body Appearance, • Facial Communication: Facial Management Techniques •Intensifying: helps you to exaggerate a feeling; •De-intensifying: helps you to underplay a feeling; •Neutralizing: helps you to hide feelings; •Masking: helps you to replace or substitute the expression of one emotion for the emotion you’re really feeling; • Encoding–Decoding Accuracy: • Eye Communication: Eye Contact and Eye Avoidance, Pupil Dilation, 2.3.2 Verbal Communication • The sharing of Information between Individuals by using speech • Individuals need to effectively use verbal communication that employs readily understood spoken words, as well as ensuring that the articulation, stress and tone of voice with which the words are expressed is appropriate. Processes in communication Communication as a process involves five different elements, namely: • Source (Encoder) • Message • Channel • Receiver (Decoder), • Destination Key Elements Required for Communication to Occur Source • Is the initiator, or origin, that puts the model into action. • It is an individual or group that has a specific reason to begin the communication process. • That is, there is a message that they wish another to receive. Cont’d Encoder • It takes the concept that the source wants sent out, and puts it into a suitable format for later interpretation. • Encoding When you put your ideas into speech, or written form you’re putting them into a code. • speakers or writers are often referred to as encoders. Cont’d Message • The information, idea, or concept that is being communicated from one end of the model to the other is the message. • Most of the time, in human communication, the message contains a distinct meaning. Types of massage • Feedback Messages: self-feedback, you also get feedback from others. • Meta-messages A meta-message is a message that refers to another message; it is communication about communication. • Workplace Messages: often classified in terms of their direction. Work Place Messages • • • • Upward communication Downward communication Lateral communication Grapevine/gossip communication: don’t follow any of the formal, hierarchical lines of communication established in an organization in classrooms. Cont’d Channel • It is essential for meaningful communication that a suitable means to transmit the message be selected. • The channel is the route that the message travels on, be it verbal, written, electronic, or otherwise Cont’d • The vehicle or medium through which messages pass. • In face-to-face conversations, for example, you speak and listen (vocal channel), but you also gesture and receive signals visually (visual channel). • You also emit and smell odors (olfactory channel) and often touch one another; this (tactile channel). Cont’d • • • • • • • Face to- face contact, Telephones, E-mail, Movies, Television, Smoke signals, And telegraph all are types of channels. Cont’d Noise • An interference or distortion that changes the initial message; anything that can misconstrue the message may be noise. • Noise can be physical, as in an actual sound that muffles the message as it is being said, or it can be semantic. • In order for communication to be effective, noise must be reduced. Types of Noise • Physical noise: screeching of passing cars, the hum of a computer, sunglasses, blurred type or fonts that are too small or difficult to read, misspellings and poor grammar, and popup ads. • Physiological noise: visual impairments, hearing loss, articulation problems, and memory loss. Cont’d • Psychological noise: preconceived ideas, wandering thoughts, biases and prejudices, close-mindedness, and extreme emotionalism. • Semantic noise: language or dialectical differences, the use of jargon or overly complex terms, and ambiguous or overly abstract terms whose meanings can be easily misinterpreted. Cont’d External • – Sunlight from windows • – Room Temperature • – Computer’s Fan • – Open/Close doors • – Chattering • – Construction Site Cont’d Internal • – Language • – Homesick • – Hunger • – Sleepiness • – Worry Cont’d Decoder • Before the message reaches the intended recipient, it must be decoded, or interpreted, from its original form into one that the receiver understands. • This is essentially the same interaction as that of source and encoder, only in a reversed sequence. • listeners or readers are decoders. Cont’d Receiver • In order for communication to be executed, there must be a second party at the end of the channel the source has used. • The receiver takes in the message that the source has sent out. Cont’d Feedback • For meaningful communication to come to fulfillment, it is vital that the receiver provides feedback to the source. • Feedback relates to the source whether their message has been received, and most importantly, if it has been interpreted accurately. • Without feedback, the source would never know if the communication was successful. Cont’d Effects • For every communication act, there is some consequence. • These are intellectual or cognitive effects. • For example, you may gain knowledge or learn how to analyze, synthesize, or evaluate something. • You may acquire new feelings, attitudes, or beliefs or change existing ones (affective effects). • You may learn new bodily movements, such as how to throw a curve ball, paint a picture, give a compliment, or express surprise (psychomotor effects). 5 “W”s of Communication Design (Lasswell). • Who says : Information Source • What : Contents • Through Which media : Media/Methods • To Whom : Target Audience • With What effect : Intended Effects W“ Communication questions as extended by Coopen (1989) • Who? • Says what? • with what purpose? • by what means? • in which channel? • To Whom? • in what situation? • with what effect? Shannon and Weaver's Model of Communication Information Source • ========>Message Sent Transmitter •========>Signal Sent Sources of Noise • ========>Signal Received Receiver • ========>Message Received Destination • Finally, the receiver must convey the message to its destination Skills of Human Communication • • • • • Self-presentation skills Relationship skills Interviewing skills Group interaction and leadership skills Presentation or public speaking skills Types of Communication One-Way: directive, one way influence, no feedback, receiver is passive Transactional: an exchange of values between two or more, convenient and effective Or • Open: Self communication with materials, own records, comments • Restricted: attached to secrets, involves misunderstanding Forms of Human Communication • • • • • Interpersonal Communication (Interviewing) Small group Communication Public Communication Computer-mediated Communication Mass Communication Transactional model of Communication Have four Communication Context; • Physical context is the tangible or concrete environment, the room, park, or auditorium; • Cultural context involves the lifestyles, beliefs, values, behavior, and communication of a group; Cont’d • Social-psychological context has to do with the status relationships among speakers, the formality of the situation, the norms of a group or organization; • Temporal context is a message’s position within a sequence of events Barriers that may hinder the communication process Internal and/or external, verbal and nonverbal. Verbal barriers include • inadequate knowledge or vocabulary; • differences in perception, which are influenced by age, socioeconomic background, culture, educational background, and experiences; Cont’d • differences in language; • inappropriate use of expressions such as slang, jargon, and euphemisms; and abstraction and ambiguity. Cont’d • Nonverbal barriers include conflicting or inappropriate signals, such as facial expressions, gestures, and attire; differences in perception; inappropriate emotions, such as too much emotional involvement, prejudice, stereotyping, and boredom. • Other barriers include physical, competing, and mental distractions. Important methods to overcome barriers of communication involves four steps: • (1) knowing the barriers to communication, • (2) predicting when those barriers may occur within any given communication situation, • (3) identifying those barriers when they do occur, and • (4) developing strategies to overcome them Unit 3 Categories of Instructional Media and Their Use in Learning Instructional Media and Teaching Aids • Both, instructional media and teaching aids, have functions to make learners easily understand the teaching materials. • teaching aids are the objects, and • the content of the objects is the instructional media. Example: The board is teaching aid and what is on the board is instructional media. TEACHING AIDS The thing which I hear, I may forget . The thing which I see ,I may remember . The thing which I do , I can not forget. • The supply of teaching aids to every school is essential for the improvement of the quality of teaching . It should indeed bring about an educational revolution in the country The psychology of using Teaching Aids We learn1.0% through TASTE 1.5% through TOUCH 3.5% through SMELL 11.0% through HEARING 83.0% through SIGHT Cont’d We Remember20% of what we HEAR 30% of what we SEE 50%of what we SEE & HEAR 80% of what we SAY 90% of what we SAY &DO Advantages of Using Media/Teaching Aids • offer teachers powerful means to make their teaching effective ; • helps students in greater acquisition of knowledge and ensures longer retention; • provides interactive learning environment; • easily motivates the learners; • it enhances a multisensory interest Cont’d • learning becomes more immediate and productive. • gives classroom instructions a more scientific base • enables teachers to transfer the knowledge in an organized way and more systematically. • helps teachers to draw and fix the attention of students towards teaching. Cont’d • • • • Draws attention and concentration improves classroom discipline. enhances comprehension skills Enhances the clarity of communication. Cont’d • helps in stirring the imaginational, thinking process • Develop the reasoning power of the students. • helps the teachers to save their time and energy. • offers opportunities of individual learning. Basis for the Classifications of Teaching Materials Frames of references for the classifications of instructional materials 1. Overall property of the teaching materials e.g. • Opaque projected teaching materials • Transparent- still projected teaching materials • Transparent moving teaching materials… Cont’d 2. Operation difference of the teaching materials e.g • Mechanical teaching materials • Manual teaching materials 3. Ways of producing the teaching materials e.g. • Commercial teaching materials • Local teaching materials • Industrial teaching materials Cont’d 4. The sense perception the teaching materials appealing to e.g. • Visual teaching materials • Aural teaching materials Classifications of Teaching Materials Primary – included • actual objects, • living plants, and animals in their natural habitats, • cattle on the farm, • fish in the aquarium, • the songs of birds, heard as they come directly from the songsters. Cont’d • Secondary – In this group are models, for instance, mounted birds or animals, presentations, or preserved fish. In this group, there is alienation from the reality of the primary groups Cont’d • Tertiary: this group contains films with accompanying sounds, filmstrips, slides, blue prints, photographs, charts, blackboard drawings and imaginative dramatizations as heard through the medium of radio or tape record. • These tertiary aids are clearly inferior to the secondary, as the secondary are to the primary Types of Instructional Media A common grouping/types of media may be made as: • Print Media i.e. News Paper, Magazines, Digest, Journals, Bulletins, Handouts, poster etc. • Graphic Media i.e. Overhead transparencie Charts, graphs, Models, diagrams, Maps, globes Photographic Media i.e. Still Pictures, Slides, Filmstrips, Motion pictures, Multi-images etc. • Audio Media i.e. Audiotape, Audiocassettes, Records, Radio, Telecommunication etc. Cont’d • Audio-Visual Media: Television/Video i.e. Broadcast television, Cable television, (Videotape Video cassettes, Videodiscs, Teletext, Videotext etc. • Computers i.e. Minicomputer, Microcomputer etc. • Simulations and Games i.e. Boards, Written, Human, interaction, Machine etc. Classification of Instructional Media • Non-Projected Media • Projected Media Other Classification • Audio Media • Video Media • Hyper Media • Gaming Media Cont’d • Projected Visual Aids Film strip and film strip projectors Slides and slide projectors Over head projectors Film and Film projectors Cont’d • Non-Projected Visual Aids includes, Mass instruction Chalk boards Marker boards Felt boards Hook and loop board Charts and wall charts Posters and Flip Charts Projected Media • Slides, filmstrips, and overheads, Films, Film Strip, Colored Slides • Loop (Colored Film Cassette ) • Slide Projector, Epidiascope • Overhead projector , LCD Projected Media Cont’d Use to: • Allow all students to view the same material at the same time. • Offer the students other perspectives on the material Projected Teaching Aids • Are those aids help in their projection on the screen. • When a projected aid is used, an enlarged room is either totally or partially darkened. • It includes the following aids. Cont’d I. Film:• Motion pictures usually termed as films represent an effective instructional device calling upon auditory as well visual senses of the learners. • They are useful and suitable aids in order to cater the students attention and create interest among them towards effective learning. • They provide a lot of information to the learners apart from their recreational value. Cont’d • Educational films may be prepared on any content material or any aspect of knowledge, correct attitude and behavior. • Usually we have available general educational films, classroom films, basic teaching films and supplementary teaching films. Cont’d II. Film – Strips:• A film – strip is 35mm wide and has a series of 12 to 48 picture frames arranged in a sequence so that they develop a theme. • A film – strip can be prepared by taking a series of photographs using a 35mm camera and then by taking a positive print of the negative film on another 35mm film. Cont’d • They are then projected on a slide projector or a film strip projector. • A film – strip is, “a short length of film containing a number of positives, each different but usually having some continuity, intended to be projected as series of still pictures by means of film strip projector . • These are available in market and in libraries. Cont’d iii. Over – head Projector Over – head projector is a device that can project • chart, • diagram, • anything written on transparent sheet etc upon a screen on the white wall in front of students in a class. Cont’d • The name ‘over-head projector’ comes from the fact that the projected image is behind and over the head of the speaker/ teacher. • In it, a transparent visual is placed on a horizontal stage on top of light source • The light passes through this transparency and then is reflected at 90̊ angle on the screen at the back of the speaker. Cont’d Overhead projector had been the most widely used audiovisual device in classroom and training sites Advantages of Overhead Projector : brightness eye contact ease of use abundance of material manipulate Iv slides Slides are suitable for use at all grades and curriculum areas high quality , easy of production, and flexibility of use have made computer-based slides popular PowerPoint Slides PowerPoint presentation software is easy to use and makes colorful projected presentation There are templates that provide a set of colour scheme and font choice Cont’d allows the user to include music, animation and video files possible to add hyperlinked button to other programs data projector makes PowerPoint presentation most popular in this time data projector brings the ability to show full-motion video in additional to the still image of traditional presentations Cont’d Data projectors becomes popular in this days with the following advantages : Image choices:-it enables to project anything that appear on your computer monitor Vast capacity :- the computer can store a seemingly infinite numbers of visuals Cont’d Interactivity :- you can change the display just before or even a showing Inspiration:- interactive medium when viewers’ idea are fed in into the program and the outcome Non-Projected Media • Photographs, diagrams, and displays, Cartoons (Graphic) Charts, Flash Cards, Graphs • Black Board (Display), Bulletin Board, Flannel Board, Magnetic Board – Use to: • Illustrate concepts • Enhance direct instruction • Encourage students to look at data in diverse ways Cont’d Non Projected Teaching Aids • Teaching aids which do not help in their projection on the screen are called as nonprojected teaching aids. • It includes the following:1. Graphics:• Graphics are two dimensional aids. • These are related to writing, drawing, painting. • These aids involves the use of graphic presentation in the form of graphs, maps, diagrams, charts etc Cont’d graphic aids are as:I Diagrams:- A diagram is a drawing that shows arrangements and relations as of parts to the whole. • It is a visual symbol made up of lines, curves and geometrical forms. • These are used for teaching science, geometry, geography etc. Cont’d II. Graphs:- A graph is a diagrammatic treatment or representation of numeric or quantitative data. • They are considered as pictures which are self – explanatory and tells their story at a glance. • They are used for analysis, interpretation and for comparison. • The different types of graphs include line graph, bar graph, circle or pie graph, pictorial graph and flannel graph. Cont’d • III. Maps:- A map is an accurate representation of plain surface in the form of a diagram drawn to scale, the details of boundaries of continents, countries etc. • Give like location of mountains, rivers, altitude of a place, contours of the earth surface and important locations can also be represented accurately with reference to a convenient scale with suitable colour scheme. Cont’d • Maps are of different types viz cadastral maps, topographical maps, wall maps, atlas maps, relief maps, geographical maps, mineral maps, agricultural maps etc. • As a teaching aid, they are indispensable in teaching fundamental concepts such as size, distance, space, location and direction Cont’d IV. Posters:- A poster is a bold and symbolic representation of a single idea • . It is used in all walks of life, to convey, forcibly the desired information to a layman. V. Cartoons:- A cartoon is a metaphorical presentation in the form of picture or a sketch. • It is universal in appeal and conveys only one idea. Cont’d VI. Flash Cards:• Flash cards are pieces of card board or hand paper on which a word or words are written or some picture is drawn. • These can be used for word recognition, team competitions, teaching in speaking, teaching writing, match cards, order cards. Cont’d • VII. Charts:- A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic, numerical or vertical materials which presents a clear visual summary. • The most commonly used types of charts include outline charts, tabular chart, and organization charts. 3-D (three dimensional) teaching aids:• It is not always possible to bring real objects in the classroom due to the reason that they may be too large or too small in size to be brought in the classroom. • It may also be too dangerous and expensive for ordinary class use. • In such situations, a teacher searches for some good substitute for the real objects which are three dimensional in nature. Cont’d • These teaching aids have three dimensions – •length, •breadth and •height. • Models, mock-ups, globes, diorama, puppets and holograms are included under three dimensional aids. Cont’d • I. Models:- A model is usually the miniature structure of the original object. They are the replicas or copies of the real objects. • Thus they may be of the same size or large or smaller than the thing it represents. • They are generally of three types- solids, crosssectional and working models. Cont’d • II. Mock – ups:- It refers to a specialized model or working replica of the object being depicted. • A model is a recognizable imitation of an object, while a mock-up may or may not be similar in appearance. • These are often used in technical institutions for training purposes. Cont’d III. Globe:- A globe is the three dimensional representation of the surface of the earth on a very small scale. • It is a round shaped wooden or plastic model of earth. • It is used for teaching history and geography to the students. • It provides us information about areas, distances, directions, time location, symbols, colours, boundaries, rivers, change in weather, season, day and night etc. Cont’d • IV. Diorama:- A diorama is a three dimensional scene in depth incorporating a group of modeled objects and figures in a natural setting. • They are very effective in the teaching of biological and social sciences. Cont’d V. Holograms:• They are three dimensional images of wonderful reality. • There images are created on a holographic (lens less photography) plate without a camera. • They are less frequently used in schools, as preparing them requires lot of technical skills as well as equipment. Cont’d Display boards:• A display is an organized visual arrangement of learning materials on a vertical or horizontal surface and is usually designed to present significant information on a given topic Cont’d • • • • • • • Bulletin Board, flannel board, pocket board, peg board, hook and loop board, magnetic board and blackboard come under the general head of ‘display boards’ Audio Media • Cassettes and compact discs – Use to: • Allow students to hear other languages/dialects • Allow auditory learners to review the lessons • Encourage creativity through music Cont’d Radio (audio – aid) • The aids which use sense of hearing are called audio aids. • These include human voice, gramophone records, audio tapes/ discs, stereo records, radio broadcast and telephonic conversation. The radio broadcasts are generally used: • to introduce a new lesson, • to present a complete lesson, • to review the previous lesson and to solve major problems occurring in a lesson. Motion Media • Videos, computer mediated instruction, and television – Use to: • Offer supplemental instruction • Experience concepts in a manner that is not available in “real life” – i.e. Magic School Bus Television • The television, queen of audio – visual aids or the electronic blackboard of the future, has become child`s third parent and a first teacher. • Educational televisions are of two types viz • open circuit television (OCTV) and • closed circuit television (CCTV) Hyper Media • Computer networks, software, and the Internet – Use to: • Offer resources beyond the library • Develop computer and word processing skills • Offer interactive learning Gaming Media • Computer games – Use to: • • • • Provide a playful environment for learning Structure learning through rules Motivating for tedious or repetitive content Uses problem solving skills Unit Four: Selection, Preparation and Utilization of Instructional Media Preparation of the Instructional Materials • The fact that instructional materials facilitate effective instruction is well documented in many educational literatures. • Instructional Materials for a given instructional objective may not necessarily be available • Thus, a need to prepare instructional materials that suit the purpose of instruction arises. Cont’d • The teachers, students or both can prepare the instructional materials. • The process of production in turn considers selecting, preparation and use of Instructional Materials. A model for selecting and applying technology in education characteristics: • It would work in a variety of learning contexts • It should be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of view • It will allow decisions to be taken both at strategic, institution-wide, and at instructional level Cont’d • It will easily be understood; • It will be pragmatic & cost effective • It will accommodate new developments in technology. • It will give equal attention to educational & operational issues SECTIONS Model for Selection S- students: • What is known about the students & the appropriateness of the technology for this particular group or range of students? E- Ease of use & reliability: • How easy is it for both teachers & students to use and manipulate? • How reliable and well tested is the technology? Cont’d C - Cost: • What is the cost structure of each technology? • What is the unit cost per learner? T- Teaching and learning: • What kinds of learning are needed? • What instructional approaches will best meet the needs? • What are the best technologies for supporting this teaching and learning? Cont’d I – Interactivity: • What kind of interaction does this technology enable for the students and teachers ? O - Organizational issues: • What are the organizational requirements and the barriers to be removed before this technology can be used successfully? • What organizational changes need to be made? Cont’d N- Novelty: • How new is this technology? • Is that updated or not ? S - Speed: • How quickly can courses be mounted with this technology? • How quickly can materials be changed? Factors in Media Selection Frost (1999) identify nine key factors that should influence media selection: • Institutional resource constraints • Course content appropriateness • Learner characteristics • Teacher attitudes and skill levels Cont’d • Course learning objectives • The learning relationships • Learning location • Time (synchronous versus asynchronous) • And media Richness level. Cont’d Reiser and Dick (1996) distill nine factors down to three major criteria for selecting instructional media: Practicality: Is the intended media practical in that the media is • Available, • Cost efficient, • Time efficient, and • Understood by the instructor? Cont’d • Student appropriateness: Is the intended media appropriate for the developmental and experiential levels of the students? • Instructional Appropriateness: Is the intended media appropriate for the planned instructional strategy? Instructional material selection The decision about whether to use a particular piece of instructional material depends on several factors. What are the objectives, goals and aims that the teacher wants to accomplish Who will be taught what are their age, intelligence and other factor Budget allotment budget limitations will determine the aids that may be purchases or rented Cont’d Size of the group: the number of people in the group or class will determine the kinds of aid that may be used. Ability of the instructor: it would be senseless to select instructional aid that an instructor cannot use effectively. Time allotment: the effective use of many aids requires a definite amount of time. Questions to be asked during the process of instructional material selection • Does it match with the curriculum? • Is it accurate and current? • Does it contain clear and concise language? • Would it arose motivation and maintain interest for the target group Cont’d • Does it provide for learners participation? • Is it of good technical quality? • Is there evidence of its effectiveness? • Is it free from objectionable bias and adversity? • Is a user guide or other documentation included? Considerations in Selecting Instructional Media • Messages (subject-matter content/knowledgy) • Objectives (introducing, motivating, practicing) • Learners ( learning style, skills, experience, needs) • Group size ( small, large) • Teaching method Cont’d • • • • Resources ( equipment's, facilities, costs) Time constraint ( preparation, usage) Location ( in class, outdoor, distance) Teacher skills, preferences, experiences Principles of Using Instructional Materials • No one type of method or material should be used to the exclusion of others. • Certain materials seem more appropriate than others for certain units • Too much materials used at anyone time may confuse rather than clarify learning. • Preparation for the proper use must always be made. • The materials should be made in to lesson and teaching procedures; and the learning situation. Cont’d • The students must be held responsible for what goes on during the class. • On the whole, examples, specimens, or demonstrations should be positive rather than negative. Be sure of the following details • How to make or where to borrow the required teaching material? • What materials are both necessary and available If a material is planned to be used because it is necessary it is of no use unless it is also available. • On the other hand, we do not use teaching aids simply they are available unless also they are necessary. Cont’d • Know how to operate them before taking them in to the classroom. • Think of an alternative in case of mechanical (technical) failure. ASSURE Model for Selection If you are going to use media and technology effectively , you must plan • systematically for their use The ASSURE model is a guide to major steps in planning ASSURE model , to assure effective instruction this model , begin by assessing your learners’ characteristics and learning objective to be attained ASSURE model based on the Following Assessment Who is your audience ? What are your objectives ? Which methods , medias and materials will you and your learners use ? How can you and your learners make best use the materials ? Cont’d How will you get your learners involved in learning ? How will you evaluate both your learners and instruction? what should you revise if you do the presentation again? Steps to Apply “ASSURE” Model • • • • • • Analyze learners Set learning objectives Select media, images, & design Utilize materials Require a learner response to the media Evaluate effect Cont’d • Analyze the learners:- identify the learner, General characteristics, specific entry competence (knowledge , skills and attitudes) about the topics and learning styles • State Objectives: Specifically stated what the learner will be able to do as a result of instruction, the degree of acceptable performance should be included Cont’d • Select methods , media and materials : build a bridge b/n the above two by choosing the appropriate methods, media and materials • Utilized media and materials : conduct the instruction using the selected media and materials Cont’d • Require learners participation: should require active mental engagement by learners. There should be activities that allow learners to practice the knowledge or skills • Evaluate and revise:- after instruction it is necessary to evaluate its impact and effectiveness and to asses students learning Unit 5 Digital Environment and Learning ICT in Education • ICT can be used as a substitute for almost anything in the class: pencil, book, telephone, TV, encyclopedia, map, library and many more. • Practically, with ICT, all the applications can be implemented using repeatedly very few basic techniques and devices Cont’d • A lot of solutions are offered seeing only a PC (which is a multi-tool in education) and the Internet (which is a big river of information and communication), in various issues and fields. • Since technology has helped many other branches of activity or areas of human life we expect that it will help education indeed . Cont’d ICT enhance • The quality of education • The accessibility of education • the flexibility of education delivery • learning motivation • scholastic performance • ICT increase flexibility of education delivery so that learners can access the education regardless of time and geographical barriers. Cont’d • In today’s highly competitive and global economy, education is no longer limited to the classroom. • It is attempting to reach people where they are. • ICTs can both assist education in traditional settings and help people rise to the challenge of lifelong learning Cont’d • Providing a more enriching and motivating learning environment both within and outside the classroom, ICT based learning can be both interactive and collaborative. • This new learning system also allows learning to be personalized to one’s needs in terms of both content (what you learn) and method (how and when you learn it). Cont’d • Useful tool for instruction, it makes the teaching and learning process more enjoyable, Interesting interactive • by using software programs, educational games, power point presentation and other audio-visual presentation e-Learning the use of Internet and Communication technologies to deliver a broad array solutions to enable learning reaches a wider target audience by engaging learners who have difficulty to attend in conventional classroom personalizing learning paths based on learners’ needs and using simulation and games Why Develop e-Learning because it can be as effective as traditional training at a lower cost (delivering ) reaches a wider target audience specially : geographically dispersed with limited time and/or resources to travel busy with work or family commitments which do not allow them to attend courses with a fixed schedule Cont’d located in conflict and post-conflict areas and restricted in their mobility because of security reasons limited from participating in classroom because of cultural or religious beliefs sessions facing difficulties with real-time communication (e.g. foreign language learners or very shy learners) e-Learning is a good option when • learners come from geographically dispersed locations • learners have limited mobility • learners have limited daily time to devote to learning • learners have at least basic computer and Internet skills Cont’d • learners are highly motivated to learn at their own pace • content must be reused for different learners’ groups in the future • training aims to build cognitive skills rather than psychomotor skills e-Learning approaches There are two general approaches to e-learning: 1. self-paced and 2. facilitated/instructor-led Self-paced , learners are alone and completely independent facilitated and instructor-led, courses provide different levels of support from tutors and instructors and collaboration among learners Self-paced e-learning • Learners are offered e-learning courseware (also called Web-based training (WBT) • Can be complemented by supplemental resources and assessments • Courseware is usually housed on a Web server, and learners can access it from an online learning platform or on CD-ROM • free to learn at their own pace and to define personal learning paths based on their individual needs and interests. Cont’d • providers do not have to schedule, manage or track learners through a process • content is developed according to a set of learning objectives and is delivered using different media elements, such as text, graphics, audio and video • It must provide as much learning support as possible (through explanations, examples, interactivity, feedback, glossaries, etc.), in order to make learners self-sufficient Instructor-led e-learning • a linear curriculum is developed that integrates contents and activities into a chronological syllabus • The course is scheduled and led by an instructor through an online learning platform • Content can be integrated with instructor’s lectures, assignments and collaborative activities Cont’d • Learners and instructors can use communication tools such as e-mails, discussion forums, chats, polls • whiteboards, application sharing and audio and video conferencing to communicate and work together • a final step typically includes an assessment to measure learning e-learning components E-learning approaches can combine different types of components: E-learning content: simple learning resources, noninteractive e-lesson, simulation etc E-tutoring, e-coaching, e-mentoring: support to learners through online tools Collaborative learning: range from discussions and knowledge-sharing to working together; chats, discussion forums and blogs, are used Cont’d Virtual classroom: • an instructor teaches remotely and in real time to a group of learners using (PowerPoint slides, audio or video materials). • It is synchronous learning Synchronous and asynchronous elearning E-learning activities can be synchronous or asynchronous Synchronous • events take place in real time communication between two people requires them to be present at a given time • Examples :- chat conversations and audio/video conferencing Cont’d Asynchronous • events are time-independent • A self-paced course is an example because online learning takes place at any time • E-mail or discussion forums are examples of asynchronous communication tools Quality of e-learning The quality of an e-learning course is enhanced by • learner-centered content: curricula should be relevant and specific to learners’ needs, roles and responsibilities in professional life. Skills, knowledge and information should be provided to this end Cont’d • granularity: content should be segmented to facilitate assimilation of new knowledge and to allow flexible scheduling of time for learning • engaging content: Instructional methods and techniques should be used creatively to develop an engaging and motivating learning experience Cont’d • interactivity: Frequent learner interaction is needed to sustain attention and promote learning • personalization: Self-paced courses customized to reflect learners’ interests and needs in instructor-led courses, tutors should be able to follow the learners’ progress and performance individually Advantages of eLearning • Flexibility:- eLearning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule • Mobile: As eLearning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones it is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or any other time that could normally be wasted Cont’d • No Travel: eLearning can be done wherever you have a device capable of doing so. Therefore again you can fit it in to your schedule, but also save money on the costs of travel • Lower cost: As you aren’t using a trainer’s time or any room or equipment, eLearning tends to be the much cheaper option Cont’d • Tailored to you:- eLearning courses aren’t confined to be fixed to try and suit the needs of the majority, everyone is able to learn at their own pace • Technological Possibilities:- The computer based nature of training means new technology is being introduced all the time to help with the learning • Global:- the same content regardless of their location, and in many cases, their nationality. Companies can be confident that their staff can receive world standard content Limitations of eLearning • Lack of Control: Learners with low motivation tend to fall behind when using eLearning as there are no set times to be doing it and they are responsible for the organization themselves • Learning Approach: It doesn’t appeal to all learning styles so some learners will not enjoy the experience – especially strong activists and pragmatists Cont’d • Isolated: lot of questions are easily answered when face to face with someone when you can guarantee an instant answer • Technology Issues: With heavy reliance on computers that eLearning brings, comes the potential risks that comes with it • Computer Competency: Some learners might not be too comfortable using computers, especially if their jobs don’t require them to