MAKLUMAT KURSUS COURSE INFORMATION Hlm/Page: /x Fakulti/Pusat: Faculty/Centre: Fakulti Industri Asas Tani Jabatan: Program: Department: Programme: Jaminan Makanan Kod Kursus/ Nama Kursus: Course Code: F_E___3 Course Name: Food Safety And Quality Control Nama Pensyarah: Nama Penyelaras Kursus: Name of Lecturer: Name of Course Coordinator: Soon Jan Mei Prasyarat: Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar (JPP)/ Pre-requisite(s): Student Learning Time (SLT): xxx jam/hours (Borang/Form UMK/TNCA/SPKA/FKBF3) Kredit/ Credit: 3 SINOPSIS: This course focuses on safety and quality control of food products. The issues that will be discussed l include the food safety related hazards, toxicity, allergy, composition and antinutrients of food products. For quality determination, the concept and practices, control processes, quality control procedures, statutory regulations and legal requirements will be explained. Various requirements and rules related to risk analysis and human health, good hygiene practices, good manufacturing practices (GMP), HACCP, halal certification, ISO 9000, audits as well as a number of food safety and quality systems will be discussed. MATLAMAT (GOALS): 1. 2. 3. Issues pertaining safety and quality control of bioproducts Executing ways and means of ensuring proper safety and quality Valuing the importance of safety and quality control to ensure the safe use of products to consumers HASIL PEMBELAJARAN KURSUS: COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this course students will be able to: 1. Explain and describe on issues confronting foodsafety (A3, K2, EM1, TS2). 2. Identify various food safety and quality practices, systems and existing regulations in the industry (K1, P1, CT2, EM1). 3. Present individual project regarding safety and quality control of food and making suggestions as to the necessary steps needed to ensure that the required conditions for safety and quality control are met (K4, A3, CS3, LL1). SILIBUS DAN RANCANGAN PENGAJARAN: SYLLABUS AND TEACHING PLAN: Tutorial/Makmal Pembelajaran Kendiri Kajian Perpustakaan Peperiksaan Tugasan Jumlah SLT (jam) 1. Food Safety 1.1.1. Toxic compounds and risks of bioproducts 1.1.2. Antinutritional factors 1.1.3. Unpredictable interactions between food components 1.1.4. GRAS Concept 2. Toxic Compounds in Bioproducts 2.1.1. allergic response and allergens 2.1.2. Intolerances 3. Safety of Genetically Modified Food (GMF) 3.1.1. From lab to farm procedure 3.1.2. Design and management of GMF 4. Environmental Safety 4.1.1. Impact on biodiversity 4.1.2. Changes in agricultural techniques 4.1.3. Pesticide and herbicide resistance 4.1.4. Effects on economy and social 5. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) 5.1.1. Hazard Analysis 5.1.2. Determination of Critical Control Points 5.1.3. Determination of Critical Limits 5.1.4. Establish monitoring procedure 5.1.5. Corrective actions 5.1.6. Documentation and recording 5.1.7. Verification procedures 6. Good Manufacturing Procedures (GMP) 6.1.1. Building and premises 6.1.2. Personnel training 6.1.3. Cleaning and sanitation 6.1.4. Good operational practice 6.1.5. Pest control 6.1.6. Traceability 6.1.7. Monitoring & calibration 6.1.8. Approved supplier 6.1.9. Documentation 7. Risk Assessment Kuliah Bahan Kursus 2 1 2 3 0 0 8 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 0 2 9 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 2 1 10 2 1 2 2 0 2 9 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 7.1.1. Risk Analysis 7.1.2. Risk Management 7.1.3. Risk Communication Labeling and claims 8.1.1. Public perception towards bioproducts 8.1.2. Halal products Traceability and Product Recall 9.1.1. Objectives of Product Recall 9.1.2. Traceability code International and National Regulations 10.1.1. Codex Alimentarius World Health Organization (WHO) Convention and International Biotechnology Agreement 11.1.1. Cartagena Protocol 11.1.2. World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement Project Presentation Jumlah Jam 2 1 2 2 0 2 9 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 1 2 2 0 1 8 2 28 1 14 2 28 2 29 2 4 2 17 11 120 BAHAN PENGAJARAN / RUJUKAN: READING MATERIALS / REFERENCES: 1. Soon, J. M. And Baines, R. N. (2013). Managing food safety risks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press, Iowa. 2. Ali, Inteaz (2004).Food Quality Assurance: Principles and practice. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 3. Neal D. Fortin (2009). Food Regulation: Law, Science, Policy, and Practice. Wiley & Sons Publication, New Jersey. 4. Nurhan T. Dunford (2012). Food and Industrial Bioproducts and Bioprocessing. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Iowa. SKIM PENILAIAN: ASSESSMENT SCHEME: Penilaian Berterusan / Continuous Assessment: 60% Mid term Case studies / field trip Quizzes Assignment Mini-project Presentation Final exam Total 10% 10% 5% 10% 20 5% 40% 100% KEHADIRAN DAN PERATURAN AKADEMIK LAIN: ATTENDANCE AND OTHER ACADEMIC RULES AND REGULATION: 1. Kehadiran pelajar ke kelas (kuliah, tutorial, makmal, studio dll) tidak boleh kurang daripada 80% sebagai prasyarat menduduki peperiksaan akhir. Student attendance to classes (lecture, tutorial, laboratory, studio etc) must not be less than 80% as a prerequisite for final examination. 2. Pelajar yang tidak dapat hadir ke mana-mana kelas seperti yang dijadualkan kerana alas an yang munasabah (cuti sakit, kecemasan, aktiviti yang diluluskan, dll) mesti menyediakan bukti kepada pensyarah kursus, atau ia boleh dihalang daripada menduduki peperiksaan akhir (jika kedatangannya kurang daripada 80%). Students who cannot attend any scheduled classes because of acceptable reasons (medical leave, emergency, approved activities, etc) must provide proof to the course lecturer, without which he/she would be barred from sitting the final examination (if the attendance is less than 80%). 3. Semua peraturan akademik lain turut terpakai. All other academic rules and regulation apply. Disediakan oleh: Prepared by: Disemak oleh*: Checked by*: Tandatangan: Signature: Ahli Majlis Profesor Negara (UMK) Member of the National Council of Professors (UMK) Nama: Name: Tarikh: Date: Tandatangan: Signature: Nama: Name: Tarikh: Date: Diluluskan oleh Dekan/Pengarah: Approved by Dean/Director: Tandatangan: Signature: Nama: Name: Jawatan: Designation: Tarikh: Date: