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Magnetic Fields Lesson: Plotting & Understanding

Magnetic Fields
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Learning Objective:
To plot the shape of magnetic
fields and understand how they behave.
Do now:
Without your books
can you recall the names of the
following symbols.
Learning Journey:
2. Can you correctly put all of
the symbols into a series and
parallel circuit.
Explain the difference between
permanent and induced magnets.
Permanent, Induced,
Plotting compass, Bar magnet,
Describe how magnets affect each
Describe the uses of permanent and
temporary magnetic materials.
Plot the shape of magnetic fields using
plotting compasses and describe
variations in strength.
Explain how a magnetic compass can be
used as evidence for the Earth’s
magnetic core
Did you get them right?
Series Circuit
Parallel Circuit
What is the scientific name for this
Permanent and induced
Watch the clip and answer the following questions…
State what happens when you put the opposite poles
of a magnet next to each other?
State What happens when you put the same poles
next to each other?
Explain how we know magnets produce a non-contact
Explain why a nail is considered an induced magnet.
Permanent and induced magnets
Self assess your answers using RED Pens.
State what happens when you put the opposite poles of a magnet
next to each other?
They will be attracted to each other.
State What happens when you put the same poles next to each
They repel each other.
Explain how we know magnets produce a non-contact force.
The magnets do not have to touch to experience a force or cause a
force on something else.
Explain why a nail is considered an induced magnet.
A nail would not be magnetised unless it is close to a permanent
magnet. When it is near a permanent magnet it becomes magnetic.
How do magnets actually work?
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcORdjvx
Compare and contrast permanent and induced magnets and
Explain how an induced magnet can be more useful.
Use the following key words:
Permanent, Magnetic field, Induced, Turned off,
Add any missing information to your
answer using RED pen.
A permanent magnet produces its own magnetic field which
cannot be turned on or off, it is there all the time. On the other
hand, an induced magnet only become a magnet when it is placed
in a magnetic field this means it can be turned on and off by
moving the permanent magnet closer or further away. This is
useful in scrapyards for moving large pieces of metal.
Magnetic Fields
The region around a magnet where it has a
magnetic effect is called its magnetic field.
When a magnetic
material is placed in a
magnetic field it will
experience a force.
What do these
magnetic fields look
magnetic field
Plotting a magnetic field
1. Place a bar magnet on a plain piece
of paper and draw around it.
2. Place a plotting compass at one
end of the bar magnet.
The north pole of the plotting
compass is attracted to the south
pole of the bar magnet (in this case).
3. Draw in a small arrow
head with a pencil next
to the south pole of the
plotting compass.
Plotting a magnetic field
4. Place the compass so that the
north pole of the compass now
points to the pencil mark you
have just made. Draw another
point next to the south pole of
the compass.
5. Move the compass again,
placing it so that the north
pole points to previous pencil
mark. Repeat this process until
the compass is next to the
north pole of the magnet.
Plotting a magnetic field
6. Now join up all of the points
with a smooth curve using a
7. The line you have drawn is
called a field line.
Add an arrow to this field line
to show the direction of the
magnetic field, which is always
north to south.
Plotting a magnetic field
8. Repeat the process with
the plotting compass,
this time place the
compass closer to the
bar magnet. Draw in
another field line and
add the direction of the
field again.
This is what your magnetic field should
look like now that you have complete
one side of your magnetic field
If you keep repeating the process several times on each
side of the magnet you will end up with a clear picture of
the magnetic field around the bar magnet.
It is important to remember however, The magnetic
field of a magnet is all around the magnet
Using your knowledge about how magnetic
fields behave, draw and describe how a
magnetic field will behave when you have…
• Two North poles facing each other.
• A North and South Pole Bar Magnet
facing each other.
Did you get them right?
Correct your diagrams if
you didn’t.
Evidencing the earths magnetic
• Think, pair, share: why do you think
the bar magnet in a compass will always
point north even when there is not a
magnet nearby?
• Lets find out…
Which way does a compass point?
Compasses point:
• North (geographically)
• South (magnetically)
Extension: Watch the following clip and explain how Aurora Borealis
occurs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaSFAbATPvk&feature=related
Aurora borealis
The ____________occurs
when charged
particles flowing out from the ___
sun become
magnetic field and enter
trapped by the Earth’s _______
Earth’s atmosphere near the ______
North pole.
the _______
These particles ______
Collide with atoms in the near
gain energy. This
atmosphere, and the atoms ____
energy is then emitted by the atoms as _____.
Plenary: Fill in the following table with
a tick
I can do this
Describe how magnets affect each other.
Explain the difference between permanent and
induced magnets.
Describe the uses of permanent and temporary
magnetic materials.
Plot the shape of magnetic fields using plotting
compasses and describe variations in strength.
Explain how a magnetic compass can be used as
evidence for the Earth’s magnetic core
I can do this
with help
I don’t