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Data Mining Course Introduction - Spring 2017

CS11944 – Spring 2017
Introduction to Data Mining
Course Introduction
• What is this course about?
• Course Logistics.
Data Mining & Machine Learning are
Data Mining & Machine Learning are
Data Mining & Machine Learning are
Data Mining & Machine Learning are
Data Mining & Machine Learning are
In all of these applications …
Data is The Hero!
“More data usually beats better algorithms”
Data Explosion!
• Data is more than doubling every two years.
[EMC Corporation - June 28, 2011]
Where Does this all come from?
• Science
– The current NASA Earth observation satellites generate a
terabyte every day. [Principles of Data Mining-Bramer]
• Internet [www.statisticbrain.com]
– More than 50 Million tweets every day.
– More than 70 Million Facebook shares every day.
• Business?
– Wal-Mart, handles more than 1m customer transactions
every hour. [www.economist.com/node/15557443]
Data Explosion!
• What can we do with all of this data?
• Data Science is the hot new thing in Tech.
[Fortune, September 5, 2011]
• The ability to take data - to be able to understand
it, to process it, to extract value from it, to
visualize it, to communicate it, that is going to be
a hugely important skill in the next decades.
[Google’s Chief Economist Hal Varian, NYT 2009]
Machine Learning?
• “A breakthrough in machine learning would be worth ten
Microsofts” (Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft)
• “Web ranking today is mostly a matter of machine learning”
(Prabhakar Raghavan, Dir. Research, Yahoo)
• “Machine learning is going to result in a real revolution” (Greg
Papadopoulos, Former CTO, Sun)
• “Machine learning today is one of the hottest aspects of
computer science” (Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft)
What is This Course About?
• Techniques for finding Minerals and Jewels in
data! (Mining)
• Algorithms Vs Math?
• White Box Vs Black Box?
• Code Vs Psuedo-code?
Thanks to Dr. Ibrahim Balawi