Uploaded by David Sadonoja

Light Quiz

Name: ____________________________
Light Quiz
1. Match the words with its correct definition (1 mark each).
Light created by people.
Objects which produce light.
Material which lets some light through.
Artificial Light
Materials that let all light shine through.
Natural Light
Objects which reflect light.
Luminous Objects
Materials that block all light.
Nonluminous Objects
Light created by nature.
2. True or False (1 mark each).
a) Light does not travel in a straight line. _____
b) Transparent materials (glass, water) can bend light like a lens. _____
c) White light cannot be separated into a rainbow of colours called a spectrum.
d) The moon is a nonluminous object. _______
e) Black items reflect all the colours of the spectrum. _______
3. Write the colours of the rainbow (spectrum) (1 mark each).
_______________ , _______________ , _______________ ,
_______________ , _______________ , _______________
4. Print A beside the artificial light sources and N beside the natural light sources
(1 mark each).
a) computer _______
b) sun _______
c) fireflies ________
d) neon signs _________
e) flashlight ________
f) cell phone _________
g) stars _________
h) magma (lava) _________
5. Draw a diagram of how light travels in a straight line, hits a mirror and
reflects off it in a straight line (label the sources, reflected beam of light and
mirror (3 marks).