Bohemian subculture VERONIKA CECHLOVÁ origins The word ‚Bohemian‘ was originally used in France in the 19. century Many young artists migrated to France at that time and moved to the neighborhood of gypsy minorities Those were known to be coming from Czech (former Bohemia) Since then, the word bohemians is used to describe someone with an untraditional lifestyle full of joy More than one specified interest (like music sence etc.), bohemians have similar characteristics of their nature philosophy and nature Energetic and very distinctive – the one fish floating against the stream No ordinary Open mided people No homophobia or racism They don‘t believe in marriage, patriarchism or byrocracy They support liberal or even anarchatical political regimes Opposite subculture to yuppies (young professional person working in a city) Bring the best out of life (You only live once) Lifestyle and features No big planning of events, mostly let things flow Manana attitude against responsibilities and activities that they don‘t like They are usually not very organised, people often see them as chaotic and messy Can be very devoted to their passion Being associated with drugs and alcohol They are sociable and spend most of their time with other bohemians in a pub or party Generally search for joyful moments types of people Artists, painters, musicians, photographers, actors, sculpturers.. People who need creativity to do their job Many psychadelic moods of the bohemians result in their works E.g. Painters often embody their vision when drunk or under the influence of drugs They search for inspiration in their adventure or love fashion Comfy clothes Nothing posch and branded No mainstream clothes Prefer to wear more distinctive clothes from secondhands, small markets etc. Fashion is not one of their biggest interest music Depending on the region, bohemians listen to all sorts of different music Many festivals E.g. spanish ‚bohemians‘ are associated with raggae Czech ones listen rock artists Salvador Dalí Mozart Picasso Gaudí sources