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Political Science Exam: Plato, Marx, Locke, Guardians

at BMCC. Explain why they would have to take
such classes, basing your ideas on what Plato
6. Discuss the position taken by Plato on the question of human ability and “intelligence”, expressed
in the discussion of the Phoenician Myth (what
we’ve called the “Myth of Metals”).
POL 260 - Second Exam
(Spring 2019)
Due date: in-class, on Friday, May 17th, 2019, from
No late submissions will be accepted for any reason.
You must answer all questions. Your answers should
directly address the questions being asked.
Your answers must be based on the readings, class
notes, and class discussions. Answers that were clearly not based on the readings or class conversations
will not be given credit.
You must cite the page number(s) when answering
each question.
1. Why would Socrates advocate the use of “Necessary Lies” in the initial education of children?
What is the purpose of such “lies”?
2. Some have written that the Guardians discussed by
Plato, were envisioned as a group of elitist dictators, whose absolute hold on power in society
would be used to ensure the safety well-being of
the community. Would Plato agree with this description of the Guardians?
3. According to our discussion of Karl Marx, what are
the two fundamental social classes in modern political communities, and how are they diļ¬€erent
from each other?
4. A number of political writers have written that
foundational works of liberal philosophy, such as
the Second Treatise on Government by John Locke,
contained radical democratic ideas. Do you agree?
5. Assume that BMCC is a college focused on educating future Guardians of New York City. You are a
professor advising the Guardians. Write-out the
curriculum of classes the trainee Guardians would
have to take in their first and second year of study