Reducing Early School Leaving: Course Outline

Early School Leaving refers to those young adults and adolescents who
leave education and training before the end of compulsory schooling,
before reaching a minimum qualification or before completing upper
secondary education. Early school leaving is a serious issue which affects
not only the individual but also society as a whole. There are numerous
reasons as to why some students leave education prematurely such as:
personal or family problems, learning difficulties and socio-economic
issues. However, it is also important to consider the educational system
and the school environment as factors which might result in early school
leaving. Malta has one of the highest rates of early school leavers in the
EU. This is why it is crucial to understand the phenomenon of early school
leaving and consider how it can be identified, monitored, prevented and
tackled when it does transpire.
Main Objectives
This course will be split into 4 main areas:
1) Identification and monitoring signs of early school leaving;
2) Preventing early school leaving
3) Interventions effective to tackle early school leaving
4) Compensation measures to address early school leaving.
This training aims to:
 Understand the causes and effects of early school leaving and
identify early warning signs of students that are at risk.
 Recognise the crucial role that both parents and the school have
on students and build educators’ competence in supporting the
learning and wellbeing of students at risk of early school leaving.
 Explore various preventative techniques and interventions
necessary to reduce early school leaving
Identification and Monitoring Signs of Early School Leaving
 Investigating consequences of early school leaving (both at a
personal and societal level)
 Understanding and recognising reasons which may lead to early
school leaving
 Risk factors for leaving school prematurely
 Understanding school disengagement
 Early warning signs
 Identifying the role and importance for parents and teachers to
monitor education and early warning signs
 How can students be monitored to prevent early school leaving?
Preventing Early School Leaving
 Understanding the need of different support systems for students
 Whole school approach
 Making school curriculum engaging and relevant for all student
 Understanding the need for student inclusion
 Strengthening teacher-student and family-student relationships
 Parents as co-educators
 Role of career guidance
 Importance of early identification of students with learning
Interventions for Tackling Early School Leaving
 Early warning systems (Taking attendance, performance in school)
 Focus on the needs of the individual student (mentoring support
and tailored teaching)
 Multi-disciplinary approach
 Bringing the parents and school together to work around the
 Teacher empowerment and support
 System of community-based action and psychosocial support
 Transition programmes between schools
 Importance of out-of-school activities
Compensation Measures to Address Early School Leaving
 Understanding the importance of compensation
 Indications of successful reintegration into the educational system
 Characteristics of second chance education
 Institutions providing second chance education
 Importance of recognising and validating prior learning and work