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Train-the-Trainer Report: Air Force of Zimbabwe

23-25 JANUARY 2019
This report gives an overview of the 3-day Train-the-Trainer sessions that were conducted at Management
Training Bureau- Msasa, Harare from 23rd to 25th January 2019. It contains high level deliverables,
approaches and processes adopted, key activities and outcomes achieved, emerging lessons and
recommendations that can be adopted as baseline for further develop in the same ambit of performance
1.0 Training Objectives
The training objectives centred on the 3 training fundamentals of Knowledge/Theory; Skills and
Attitudes/Behaviours as follows;
① Knowledge/ theory: Provision of a clear understanding of training theories- Learning Theory and the
Experiential Style.
② An action plan (Skills): Facilitate an action plan intertwining theory and practice within the aviation
③ Attitudes/Behaviour/performance: Making a positive influence through localising the learning process
by implementing customised training methods, group discussions, exercises and provision of
relevant case studies that made learning content and processes appropriate and appreciated.
2.0 Training Activities
The trainer adopted the Experiential Learning Model that links theoretical training researches and fieldbased knowledge and experiences of participants to influence the learning process of the participants.
The training objectives included;
WHAT training tenets are and their benefits to AFZ.
WHY training was critical for the organisation and participants;
HOW to identify training needs.
HOW training methodologies are applied in the actual training room.
The training was delivered through theory by the Facilitator and practical demonstrations by the
participants. The training techniques adopted included guided brain-storming sessions, presentations,
facilitation, coaching and presentations. The presentations were professionally carried out and surpassed
the set out key deliverables. The table below shows the topics that were covered;
Squadron Leader Mandikiyana
Grp Cptn Gundidza
Sqn Ldr Zowa
Grp Cptn Masvingise
Grp Cptn Gumise
Deliver a training session on your proposed ICT security for AFZ to
Deliver your recommended on-the-job scheduling strategy for Josiah
Tungamiai Air Base during 2019?
Deliver a 2 day induction training session to diverse cultured Officer
Present on effective training evaluation techniques for Air Traffic
Controllers to Group Captains at Staff College.
Deliver the training on air traffic regulations to new engineers and air
traffic controllers.
The high level of presentation preparedness shows commitment, knowledge and skill in the various areas
of the organization. The ability of the team to give candid feedback to each other also enhanced the
training acceptability.
The greatest strength that was picked from Day One is that the participants operate as a Team. It was
relatively possible to use all forms of training to this group with much ease and comfort.
Seemingly, AFZ has a planned strategy on learning as shown by the warm learning environment with
a vast number of training aids available thus making the course delivery an interesting and practical
There is a high level of skills and knowledge as shown the high pass during the test where every
participant met and surpassed the 75% pass mark.
In light of the training observations, we propose;
a. PowerPoint presentation skills.
b. Exposure to eLearning to ensure adaptability to training trends.
c. Attachment to trainers and facilitators at Staff College to enhance knowledge transfer.
d. Emphasis by AFZ to inculcate its strategic direction- Vision | Mission | Values
In conclusion, the Trainer commends Air Force of Zimbabwe for being a learning organization with 100%
participation levels from participants and having clearly set out strategic training environment. From the
presentations carried out by the trainees, AFZ strategic objectives can be achieved through the high levels
of skill and knowledge at the organisation. A post-evaluation of the training at AFZ will be good to assess
the impact of the training and the suggested recommendations discussed with the Team.
Report Compiled by: Beauty Tsuro
MTB Train-the-Trainer Facilitator