Matching Game for the Body Systems Games are a great way for students to learn! This matching game works best if you can laminate the cards or print them on card stock for multiple use in your classroom. There are several ways you could play this game: Go-Fish style, regular flipped upside down matching, or a speed race in small groups. When they are matching, they will have 4 cards together to make a set: - Name of the system What its functions are Objects in that system Picture of the system Each category is in a different font so the whole 4 card set should have one of each font plus a picture They are already set up as the answer key (besides the pictures) so make sure to mix up the cards before handing them to students. Happy Science Teaching and God Bless!! MELANIE COVERT EDUCATION EMPOWERMENT [Company address] Skeletal System For Support, a frame for our body Bones Digestive system Helps us get energy from our food Mouth, Stomach, Liver, Small and large Intestines Nervous system Communicates with the rest of the body Brain, spinal column and nerves Circulatory system Pumps the blood around our body Heart and blood vessels Respiratory system Gets oxygen from air into our body Lungs, wind pipe, diaphragm Muscular System Allows us to move and gives us strength Muscles, Ligaments, and tendons