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Adventure Leadership Journal Assignment: Team Building & Trust


Thinh Nghiem

MGMT 4710

May 2, 2019

Journal Assignment

Session One:

The main purpose of the first class was to get people to know other, to learn each other names through lots and fun activities. Unlike a usual class, Adventure leadership class layouts in a tight circle, people tightly wiggle in their own seat which really get people out of the comfort zone. First and foremost, professor Grey started off with class norms. Whenever someone is talking, everyone else stay quiet and listen, and that is the way we show our respects. I believe respect is no doubt one of the most crucial factors in a workplace. After filling out some paper work for the class, we gathered together and played some activities, which he called SAGS game. The first game started by everyone introduce names along with one descriptive and one gesture. By that way, I began to remember every single person name. Next activity imitated a workplace environment, everyone stands on their own circular ropes, which resemble working in separate cubicles. During break we come out of the cubical tried to talk with every single person in the room about a given topic, that is when people start to have a sense of connection to the workplace. Lastly, we tried out with a problem-solving game, the whole class need to find a way that everyone can get through the rubber circle as fast as possible. Everyone really tried their best to contribute their ideas, and all ideas were taken into consideration. We solved the game by dividing the class by group of the and in order hop in and out of the circle. The class ended by recap all activities we played and figure out the lessons learned behind that.

Session Two:

On the second session we spent most of the time outside the class at the campus backyard. The purpose of the second session is to build trust between every member of the class. On the first activities, we circled up, everyone had a labeled spot where they are standing, the one without a label have to go in the middle of the circle and tell a truth about oneself that people who share commonalities have to move around and find a new spot. The game repeats with whomever cannot find one spot for themselves. Second activity is called leaning with trust. We paired up, one person act as a support station for the other to lean on, the one who lean on have to fully trust their partner for not letting them fall on the ground
