Uploaded by Peggy Murphy

Injection Drawing Protocol: Medical Procedure Guide

Remove appropriate number of syringes and needles that will be used (outlined below).
Always wear gloves. Wipe down the tops of injectables with an alcohol prep pad.
Remove the lid of a syringe and place it in the sharps container.
Insert the needle into the appropriate bottle and pull and press the plunger a few to
eliminate any air bubbles. If air bubbles DO form, tap the syringe until they rise to times
the top and press the plunger lightly to eject them.
Draw the outlined amounts of injectables into the syringe. Carefully unscrew the 18
gauge needle from the syringe and dispose of in the sharps container.
The syringe must now be set with the correct needle. In the case of numbing injections,
the syringe should be set with a 30 gauge needle. In cases requiring steroid injections, the
syringe should be set with a 27 gauge needle.
The injections should always be wrapped in a paper towel before entering the room to
avoid distressing the patient .
All chloride, injections non-sterile should 3 be x set 3's, up and on 1 the alcohol counter
prep or pad.ins
All patients waiting for injections should be given a pillow and any other comforts we
can offer.
Numbing Injections:
Ingrown Procedure Hallux (3 injections)
Both borders (4 injections)
Adult: ½ (1.5 ml) Lidocaine, plain + ½ (1.5 ml) Marcaine, plain. Child (under 15): 2 (3
ml) Lidocaine, plain (NO MARCAINE).
Digits 2-5 (2 Injections)
Same as above in most cases only 2 injections needed.
Total Nail Avulsion: (4 injections)
Adult: ½ (1.5 ml) Lidocaine, without epi + ½ (1.5 ml) Marcaine , without epi.
Child (under 15): 2 (3ml) Lidocaine, without epi(NO MARCAINE)
Total Nail Avulsion continued ..
Digit2-5 (2 INJECTIONS)
Same as above in most cases only 2 injections needed.
ENFT: (2 injections) one for each foot
½ (1.5 ml) Lidocaine, with epi + ½ (1.5 ml) Marcaine , with epi.
Biopsy/Excision: (standard 2 injections}
Number of injections depends on how large the area and the location.
½ (1.5 ml) Lidocaine, with epi + ½ (1.5 ml) Marcaine, with epi.
Child (under 15): 2 (3 ml) Lidocaine, with epi(NO MARCAINE).
Steroid Injections:
¼ (0.5 ml) Lidocaine with EPI + ¼ (0.5 ml) Marcaine with EPI + ¼ (0.5 ml)
Dexamethasone + TBA lines of Kenalog steroid. Number of Kenalog lines will vary on a
case by case basis. Dr. Stark will let you know how many lines of Kena log will be
Surgical Injections:
The number of injections will vary case by case. Ask Dr. Stark the day before surgery so
you can have the injections ready.
½ (1.5 ml) Lidocaine, with epi + ½ (1.5 ml) Marcaine, with epi.