Chemical Safety Joe Nail Industrial Safety Lecture Three 1 6/7/2019 Introduction What is a Chemical Hazard? – Answer: Any chemical that can cause illness, injury, or an emergency. Chemical Hazards – Physical – Health Industrial Safety Lecture Three 2 6/7/2019 Chemical Hazards Industrial Safety Lecture Three 3 6/7/2019 Chemical Hazards Pyrophoric Flammable Chemicals Combustible Chemicals Oxidizers Industrial Safety Lecture Three 4 6/7/2019 OHSA’s Haz-Com Standard OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard is designed to protect employees from hazardous chemicals used or stored in the work setting. Also referred to as the "Right-To-Know Law" Law, the Hazard Communication Standard requires that information and training (i.e., hazcom training) be provided to any employees who have the potential of being exposed to a hazardous chemical “under normal condition of use or in a foreseeable emergency.” Such hazcom training requires the presence of hazardous chemicals be communicated to employees in a variety of ways, including: Industrial Safety Lecture Three 5 6/7/2019 Purpose The purpose of the standard is to make sure that the hazards of chemicals are evaluated That information concerning their hazards is communicated to employers and employees Who is covered OSHA’s Hazard Communication (HazCom) standard applies to general industry, shipyard, marine terminals, longshoring, and construction employment and covers chemical manufacturers, importers, employers, and employees exposed to chemical hazards. Horizontal HazCom Requirements The hazardous chemical inventory Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) Labels, tags or signs The written Hazard Communication program Industrial Safety Lecture Three 8 6/7/2019 Background The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is based on a simple concept--that employees have both a need and a right to know the hazards and identities of the chemicals they are exposed to when working Background They also need to know what protective measures are available to prevent adverse effects from occurring The HCS is designed to provide employees with the information they need MSDS Employers Employers are required to provide information to their employees about the hazardous chemicals to which they are exposed using: – A hazard communication program – labels and other forms of warnings – material safety data sheets (MSDS) – information and training Warehouse and Retail Operations In work operations where employees only handle chemicals in sealed containers, which are not opened under normal conditions Employers must only do the following: – Ensure labels on incoming chemicals are not defaced or removed – Maintain copies of any material safety data sheets that are received with incoming shipments – Obtain MSDS a.s.a.p. for shipments received w/out MSDS Warehouse and Retail Operations Provide employees with information and training (no written program required) to the extent necessary to protect them in the event of a spill or leak of a hazardous chemical from a sealed container Labeling Exemptions Other federal agencies control the labeling requirements for the following substances: – Pesticides – Chemicals covered under the Toxic Substance Control Act – Foods or food additives – Distilled Spirits, tobacco – Consumer products, lumber, cosmetics – Hazardous wastes Employer RequirementsWritten Program Employers must develop a written program that covers at least: – Labels and other forms of warnings – Material Safety Data Sheets – Employee Information and Training Employer RequirementsWritten Program Employers must develop a written program that covers at least: – A list of the hazardous chemicals known to be present at the facility along with MSDS’s for each chemical – The methods the employer will use to inform employees of the hazards non-routine tasks – The hazards of chemicals in unlabeled pipes Multi-Employer Workplaces If employees of other employers could be exposed to hazardous chemicals the program must include: – Methods to provide contractor employees with onsite access to MSDS for each chemical those workers may be exposed to – The methods used to inform other employers of any precautionary measures to be taken for normal and emergency situations – The employers chemical labeling system Consumer Products Exemption Any consumer product as defined in the Consumer Product Safety Act where the employer can show that: – It is used in the workplace for the purpose intended – The use results in a duration and frequency of exposure which is not greater than the range of exposures that could reasonably be experienced by consumers when used for the purpose intended Written Program Availability The employer must make the written program available, upon request, to: – Employees and their designated representatives Where work is carried out at more than one location, the program may be kept at the main location Labels, Tags and Markings The employer must ensure that each container of hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled, tagged or marked with the following: – Identity of the hazardous chemical – Appropriate hazard warnings This above labeling information is required of the manufacturer so the employer must ensure that the original labels from the manufacturer are on all containers and remain legible Container Labeling Exemption for Portable Containers The employer is not required to label portable containers into which hazardous chemicals are transferred from labeled containers, and which are intended only for the immediate use by the employee who performs the transfer The employer need not affix new labels to comply with the standard if existing labels already covey the required information New Hazard Information Manufacturers, importers, distributors and employers who become newly aware of significant information regarding chemical hazards shall: – Revise the labels for the chemical within three months – Revise the MSDS for the chemical within three months MSDS kept in other forms MSDS may be kept in any form including operating procedures It may be more appropriate to address the hazards of a process rather than individual hazardous chemicals Employee Information and Training Employers must provide employees information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area: – At the time of their initial assignment – Whenever a new physical or health hazard the employees have not previously been trained about is introduced into their work area Training may cover categories of hazards Employee Information Employers must inform employees: – Of the training requirements of this section (1910.1200 (h) Employee information and training.); – Any operations in their work area where hazardous chemicals are present; – The location and availability of the written hazard communication program Employee Training Employee training shall include at least: – The means to detect the presence or release of a hazardous chemical in the work area – The physical and health hazards of chemicals in the work area – Measures employees can take to protect themselves – Details of the employers specific program Health Hazards Category A-Biological Agents Category B-Physical Agents Category C-Chemical Agents Chemical Agents-This Discussion Industrial Safety Lecture Three 29 6/7/2019 Chemical Health Effects Irritants: Inflame skin tissue on contact. Corrosives: Destroy skin tissue at point of contact. Sensitizers: Cause allergic reactions. Target-Organ Chemicals: Damage specific body organs and systems. Reproductive Hazards: Change genetic information in egg or sperm cells and/or damage fetus after conception. Carcinogens: Cause cancer. Industrial Safety Lecture Three 30 6/7/2019 Health Hazards Sensitizers Target-Organ Chemicals Reproductive Hazards Carcinogens Industrial Safety Lecture Three 31 6/7/2019 Health Hazards Irritants Corrosives Industrial Safety Lecture Three 32 6/7/2019 Corrosive Visible destruction, or irreversible damage to body tissue Acids Caustics (or bases) Acids 1 pH Scale 7 Caustics (or bases) 14 Hepatotoxins Chemicals which produce liver damage Signs and Symptoms: Jaundice, liver enlargement Chemicals: Carbon Tetrachloride, nitrosamines Nephrotoxins Chemicals which produce kidney damage Signs and Symptoms: Edema Chemicals: Halogenated Hydrocarbons, uranium Neurotoxins Chemicals which produce their primary toxic effects on the nervous system Signs and Symptoms: Narcosis, behavioral changes, decreased motor function Chemicals: Mercury, Agents which act on the blood Decrease hemoglobin function, deprive the body tissues of oxygen Signs and Symptoms: Cyanosis, loss of consciousness Chemicals: Carbon monoxide, cyanides Agents which damage the lungs Chemicals which damage pulmonary tissue Signs and Symptoms: Cough, tightness in the chest, loss of breath Chemicals: Asbestos, Reproductive toxins Chemicals which damage reproductive capabilities Includes chromosomal damage (mutations) and damage to fetuses (teratogenesis) Signs and Symptoms: Birth defects, sterility Chemicals: Lead Cutaneous hazards Chemicals which effect the dermal layer of the body Signs and Symptoms: Defatting of the skin, rashes, irritation Chemicals: Ketones, chlorinated compounds Eye hazards Chemicals which affect the eye or visual capacity Signs and symptoms: Conjunctivitis, corneal damage, blurred vision, burning or irritation Chemicals: Solvents, corrosives Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are one of the most important tools available to employers for providing information, and protection to workers from hazardous chemicals which are used in the workplace. 1910.1200 (g)(2) MSDS, required information Identity of the chemical Physical and chemical characteristics Physical hazards Chemical hazards Primary routes of entry PEL’s or other exposure limits Control measures Emergency procedures Whether the hazardous chemical is listed in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Annual Report on Carcinogens precautions for safe handling and use Date of preparation Name, address and telephone of the manufacturer Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, (Non-Mandatory Form) 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List) Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not applicable, or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency Telephone Number Address (Number, Street, City, State, and ZIP Code) Information Date Prepared Signature of Preparer (optional) Telephone Number for Section II - Hazard Ingredients/Identity Information Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity; Common Name(s)) OSHA PEL Limits Recommended%(optional) ACGIH TLV Other Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2O = 1) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) Melting Point Vapor Density (AIR = 1) (Butyl Acetate = 1) Evaporation Rate Solubility in Water Appearance and Odor Section IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) UEL Flammable Limits Extinguishing Media Special Fire Fighting Procedures Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards LEL Section V - Reactivity Data Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid Stable Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts Hazardous Polymerization May Occur Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid Section VI - Health Hazard Data Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Carcinogenicity: Regulated? NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Signs and Symptoms of Exposure Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure Emergency and First Aid Procedures Section VII - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled Waste Disposal Method Precautions to Be taken in Handling and Storing Other Precautions Section VIII - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) Ventilation Local Exhaust Special Mechanical (General) Other Protective Gloves Eye Protection Other Protective Clothing or Equipment Work/Hygienic Practices Setting up a program The HCS covers both: – Physical hazards (such as flammability), and – Health hazards (such as irritation, lung damage, and cancer) Most chemicals used in the workplace have some hazard potential, and thus will be covered by the rule Setting up a program One difference between this rule and many others adopted by OSHA is that this one is performance-oriented That means that you have the flexibility to adapt the rule to the needs of your workplace, rather than having to follow specific, rigid requirements Setting up a program Make a list of all chemicals in the workplace that are potentially hazardous The best way to prepare a comprehensive list is to survey the workplace Identify chemicals in containers, including pipes Establish purchasing procedures so that MSDSs are being received before a material is used in the workplace Identify hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Compile a complete list of the potentially hazardous chemicals in the workplace Determine if you have received material safety data sheets for all of them If any are missing, contact your supplier and request one You should not allow employees to use any chemicals for which you have not received an MSDS Preparing and implementing a hazard communication program All workplaces where employees are exposed to hazardous chemicals must have a written plan The plan does not have to be lengthy or complicated Employee training If there are only a few chemicals in the workplace, then you may want to discuss each one individually Where there are large numbers of chemicals, or the chemicals change frequently, you will probably want to train generally based on the hazard categories (e.g., flammable liquids, corrosive materials, carcinogens) Documentation The rule does not require employers to maintain records of employee training, but many employers choose to do so This may help you monitor your own program to ensure that all employees are appropriately trained Hazard Communication Recognizing Chemical Health Effects-What to Look for. Symptoms appear while you are at work. Symptoms get worse during the work week but go away when you are off. Fellow employees have reported similar symptoms. Industrial Safety Lecture Three 60 6/7/2019 Forms of Chemical Hazards Solids, Liquids, Gases, Vapors, Mists, Dusts, and Fumes. Exposure Routes Industrial Safety Lecture Three 61 6/7/2019 Control of Chemical Hazards and Exposures Engineering and Mechanical Controls Personal Protective Equipment Administrative and Procedural Controls Industrial Safety Lecture Three 62 6/7/2019 Chemical Spill Response Requires Special Training What can I do? Industrial Safety Lecture Three 63 6/7/2019 Chemical Spill Response CFR 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Response Standard (HAZWOPER) Option #1-Evacuate employees and call in professional emergency response personnel. (EAP) 29 CFR1010.38(a) Option #2-Respond internally. (EAP) 29 CFR 1010.120 Industrial Safety Lecture Three 64 6/7/2019 Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Industrial Safety Lecture Three 65 6/7/2019 Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Industrial Safety Lecture Three 66 6/7/2019 First Aid for Chemical Exposure Ingestion Inhalation Skin Contact Eye Contact Burns Industrial Safety Lecture Three 67 6/7/2019 Review 1. Give the names of the two chemical hazards. 2. What name is given to a chemical which will burst into flame when contacted by air? 3. What term is given to chemicals which can cause and /or support fire in other materials? 4. What is a health hazard? 5. Which kind of health hazard destroys skin on contact? 6. Chemicals that cause sterility, fetal death, and birth defects are called ____________. 7. What is a carcinogen? 8. Give the three states in which a chemical can exist. 9. Give the three ways employees can be exposed to health hazards. 10.What are the most common skin contact hazards? 11.What is an MSDS? 12.What kind of information is found on the MSDS? Industrial Safety Lecture Three 68 6/7/2019