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Cyber Security Risks are Everywhere, and are Inevitable
We live in a heavily digitalized world, where virtually everything around us is
implanted with some form of ‘intelligence’, ranging from the obvious - our
smartphones, down to the money in our wallets, and every appliance in our homes.
As the world’s technology is rapidly advancing, so are the avenues for cyber
espionage evolvement, with different breaches developing almost every day, making
it that much easier for cyber criminals to hijack systems. As long as our world
continues to evolve technologically, cyber-security threats will only become a more
and more concerning issue.
Not only are the advanced breaches attacking businesses money and time wise, but is
subsequently diminishing their reputation as well as provoking legal implications. The
number of cyber attacks reported to news headlines in the last decade has finally hit
home to many organizations and businesses to take serious action towards eliminating
these threats, said Sam Olyaei, a risk analyst at Gartner.
Following the recent news, it was reported that Russian hackers could completely
infringe an entire computer network in the span of a short eighteen minutes. What is
going on? Most importantly, what do we do with these rapidly advancing cyber
There is constant fear in businesses of falling victim to a major cyber extortion as not
only are cyber attacks affecting corporations, but causing a deteriorating domino
effect of all the confidential data regarding all the customers or suppliers involved.
Companies are hence investing millions of dollars into cyber-security, with an
estimate of $101.6 billion being the expected expenditure by 2020, a 38% increase
since 2016.
The creation of artificial intelligence (AI) has expanded the horizons for business
productivity; eliminating the need for humans to perform mundane tasks and helping
them channel that energy towards increasing innovation. These machines, when wired
properly, can effectively alleviate cyber threats. However, subsequent to the escape of
a Russian robot in 2016, the ‘Promobot IR77’, its just like ‘human error’, that AI can
also involve deceptive features that cannot be anticipated until the attack has been
completed. So, what is the guarantee that an AI program won’t cause a major
outbreak of confidential data leaks in the future?
Gorman et.al, (2014) conducted a study of the nature of hackers, coming to a
conclusion that when advanced hackers insinuate an attack, they follow a set of
meticulously planned process in order to make sure it is done efficiently and
secretively. Organizations need to thoroughly understand the ‘Cyber Kill Chain’ in
order to successfully avoid advanced cyber threats, mitigating it at its starting point.
Cyber security threats are not only one of the biggest and growing concerns for every
business in the world, but have expanded to affecting government to government
relationships, as state-sponsored cyber attacks are becoming highly prevalent. Recent
news reported in February 6th, 2019, that a Norwegian software firm called Visma,
had been a target by Chinese Ministry of State Security hackers, who were on a
mission to pinch their trade secrets.
Cyber attackers are a part of every industry, and as we evolve, these threats will only
become a bigger and bigger inevitable concern. It’s no secret that all technology is
insecure, with hackers not just affecting data but subsequently the lives of everyone
along with it. I think that cyber security threats will definitely be regulated due to
growing innovation, but nevertheless will stay on the top of the list for major
company risks.
Wright, D., 2005. The dark side of ambient intelligence. info, 7(6), pp.33–51.
9news.com.au. (2019). Russian hackers can breach an entire computer network in 18
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Opara, E.U. & Hussein, M.T., 2017. Cyber security, threat intelligence: Defending the
digital platform. Journal of International Technology and Information Management,
26(1), pp.138–160.
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Gould, C., 2015. State-sponsored cyber attacks: what companies need to
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Gorman, Gavin, and McDonald, Geoff, "Ransomware: A growing menace,
"Symantec Security Response, Nov. 8, 2012, accessed April.6, 2019,