ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL RAJIV GANDHI MARG, NEW CANT PRAYAGRAJ Holiday Homework (2019-20) Class- 3 (ENGLISH) Do your work on a file page .Do one page writing daily in a thin notebook. (1 page every day) 1. Write 5 lines about your favourite cartoon character and draw or paste a picture of it in your file page. 2. Write any 3 words and its meaning using alphabets a to j from the dictionary eg:- anxious - eager, annoyed – upset, astonished – upset. 3. Make sentences with the words given: - 1. difficult, 2. between, 3. in front of, 4. cruel, 5. happy, 6. evening, pink, 8. furious, 9. annoyed, 10. ate. 4. Learn all the work done in class for UT-1 exams. (HINDI) Note- Do all the work in a thin notebook. 1- fuEu igsyh esa ls fdUgha ik¡p tkuojksa o ik¡p Qyksa ds uke <w¡<+dj fy[kksA “ks ph vk ;k e gk v yw fl : /kh ls c n rk v dkWih 3- UT;kn djksA Hkk ph j uk 2- izfrfnu fgUnh “kCn dks"k ls dsoy ik¡p “kCn & vFkZ esa fy[kksA 1 dk iwjk vH;kl & dk;Z o iz”uksRrj dkWih o cqd ls (MATHS) Note- Do all the work in a thin notebook. 1. Show the given numeral on the abacus and make its place value chart: (i) 3986 (ii) 5789 (iii) 9009 (iv) 8758 2. Do page no. 23 in the book itself . 3. Add – a + 18 = ………………. b + 18 = ………………. c + 18 = ………………. d + 18 = ………………. +91-532-2420772 ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL RAJIV GANDHI MARG, NEW CANT PRAYAGRAJ 4 Write and learn tables from 6 to 12. 5 Practice lesson 1, 2 and Warm-up exercises for UT-1. (EVS) Do your work in file pages. 1. Prepare a table for the following from serial no. 1 to 5 S.No. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Plant Part that is eaten Picture of that part How can you contribute towards saving water and electricity? Give 3 points each. Make a first Aid box. Draw a Red cross (+) on it & write any 3 uses of first aid box in your class. Revise chapter 1, 2, 4, 5 for UT-1 written examination. +91-532-2420772