Uploaded by Hazel Ileto

Guest Speaker Introduction Speech

Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, I am <name of introductory speaker>, a Grade 10 student.
I am standing here today to do the honour of introducing our guest speaker.
Our guest speaker graduated from <blank> College with a degree on International Business. After
graduating from college, she immediately worked at <blank> for two years. When I asked why she chose
to work for another company rather than her family’s own, she answered that she wanted to learn the ins
and outs of the fashion industry and to experience having her own boss. She is currently both the Head of
Merchandising and Vice President of her family’s company, <blank>.
Aside from her accomplishments as a hardworking individual, she is also a mother of three
kids—her eldest, <name>, studied here for *10 years, her only daughter, <name>, will be graduating
Grade School today, and her youngest, <name>, is an incoming Casa *Big Kid.
Once again, I am privileged to introduce to you, a Montessori parent through and through, <name
of speaker>. Let us give her a round of applause.