Command Syntax Comparison & Contrast Command/Function IOS/IOS-XE IOS-XR NX-OS Comments configure [memory|network|terminal|re configure [terminal|exclusive]* configure [terminal]* vert] • interface <type > interface configuration • [no] interface <type>/ • interface <type> <slot>/<port<slot >/<port >|<slot >/<port > submode (selected) <interface-path-id > list> /<subunit > * In IOS, terminal must be specified, while in IOS-XR & NXOS it is not required • interface ethernet interface fast|gigabit|tengigabit ethernet • [no] interface <gigabit| configuration submode <slot>/<port>| tengigabit> interface-path-id> (selected) <slot>/<port>/<subunit> • interface ethernet <slot>/<port-list> In NX-OS all Ethernet interfaces are classified as ethernet. Also, subinterfaces are configured similarly across the OS types commit (from configuration mode) commit replace (with blank config) exec-timeout <minutes> [<seconds>] copy running-config startupconfig Simplified syntax, more options are available write erase Erases all configuration exec-timeout <minutes> Configured under line submode show running-configuration show running-configuration Identical syntax Not Supported show startup-configuration show interface [brief] show interfaces [brief] configuration mode Saving current configuration Erasing the current device configuration Console timeout write memory | copy runningconfig startup-config write erase exec-timeout <minutes> [<seconds>] Display current show running-configuration configuration Display current/stored show startup-configuration configuration Display available show interfaces interfaces Display hw/sw information show version show version [brief] Displays current boot variables show boot show variables boot Interface support is platformspecific IOS-XR's two-stage configuration prevents this Note that in IOS-XR interface is singular show version All supported with some [epld|fex|image|internal|mod differences ule] show boot XR substantially different [current|module|variables] Display log messages Display processes running on the CPU Display system information for Cisco TAC show logging show logging show logging Multiple options available especially on IOS-XR and NX-OS show processes cpu show processes cpu show processes cpu Some differences between IOS & IOS-XR options show tech-support [<options >] show tech-support [<options >] show tech-support [<options >] interface range <type> Multiple interface <slot>/<start-port>| Not Supported configuration <slot>/<port>/<subunit> - <endport> access-list 1-99 <permit|deny> Standard numbered <network> <host|wildcardNot Supported access-list configuration mask> access-list 100-199 <permit|deny> <protocol><startExtended numbered value> <host|wildcardNot Supported access-list configuration mask><endvalue><host|wildcard-mask> Nearly identical syntax, some option differences interface <type> <slot>/<portlist> Ranges are specified in NX-OS with the hyphen (e.g., ethernet 2/1-4 ) Not Supported Numbered access-lists only supported on IOS Not Supported Numbered access-lists only supported on IOS Standard named accessip access-list standard <name > Not Supported list configuration Not Supported Only extended access-lists are supported on IOS-XR & NX-OS Extended named accessip access-list extended <name > ipv4 access-list <name > list configuration ip access-list <name > Can be configured line by line Display current ip routing table Display running ip routing protocols show ip route [<ip-network ><mask >] show route ipv4* [<ip-network ><mask >] show ip route [<ip-network ><mask >] *Also permits show ip route command show ip protocols [summary] show protocols Not Supported Not supported solely in NX-OS Static route configuration ip route <prefix><mask><nexthop|interface> [<metric>] router static [address-family ipv4|ipv6 ip route <prefix> <mask>|<bits><nexthop>|<interface> [<metric>] IOS-XR configuration is vastly different feature rip rip <process-name > router RIP must be enabled as a feature with NX-OS *Under interface configuration ip router rip <process-name >* submode **Under RIP process submode feature ospf router In global configuration mode ospf <process-id > RIP routing process configuration router rip router rip RIP routing interface configuration network <major-network# >* interface <type>/ <interfacepath-id>** OSPF routing process configuration router ospf <process-id > router ospf <process-id > OSPF routing interface configuration network <ip-address > <wildcard -mask> area <areaid > address-family <ipv4|ipv6> <unicast|multicast> area <area-id > interface <type >/ <interfacepath-id > ** *Under interface configuration ip router ospf <process-name > submode area <area-id >* **Under OSPF process submode EIGRP routing process configuration router eigrp <AS# > router eigrp <AS# > router eigrp <AS# > In global configuration mode address-family <ipv4|ipv6> <unicast|multicast> interface <type >/ <interfacepath-id > ** ip router eigrp <AS# >* *Under interface configuration submode **Under OSPF process submode EIGRP routing interface network <ip-address > configuration <wildcard -mask> BGP routing process configuration BGP routing neighbor configuration feature bgp router In global configuration mode bgp <AS# > neighbor <ip-address > remote- neighbor <ip-address > remote- neighbor <ip-address > remote- Under BGP configuration as <remote-AS#> as <remote-AS#> as <remote-AS#> submode router bgp <AS# > router bgp <AS# > BGP routing network configuration address-family <ipv4|ipv6> address-family <ipv4|ipv6> Under BGP configuration <unicast|multicast> network <prefix > mask <mask > <unicast|multicast> submode network <prefix > <mask |bits > network <prefix > <mask |bits > Message of the Day banner motd <start-delimiter > <message > <end-delimiter > banner motd <start-delimiter > <message > <end-delimiter > banner motd <start-delimiter > <message > <end-delimiter > no ip domain-lookup cdp run no domain lookup cdp no ip domain-lookup cdp enable cdp enable cdp cdp enable Disable DNS lookups Enable CDP globally Enable CDP on an interface Identical syntax Slightly different syntax In global configuration mode Some differences between IOS & IOS-XR options Specify a server for DNS ip name-server <ip-address > resolution Display ARP table show arp standby [<group#> ] [ip <ipHSRP configuration address >] [priority <0-255 >] [preempt] domain name-server <ipaddress > show arp router hsrp interface <type >/ <interfacepath-id >* ip name-server <ip-address > show ip arp feature hsrp hsrp <group# > <options >** Some differences between IOS & IOS-XR options Slight variation in NX-OS *Many more options available ** Under interface configuration submode