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6 Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Your Balance

6 Standing Yoga Poses to Improve Your
Summary: Balance is the ability to maintain steadiness. It is
our essential need with age. You need balance in every stage
of life whether you want to plant tomato saplings or want to
take peppercorn bottle form top shelf. Maintaining your
balance allows you to practice continuously the activities
you love and spending time with nature. It prevents you
from fall, which sometimes can be a life-threatening problem
for old age people.
The art of balancing is quite complex; our brain takes
information from so many parts before deciding on the
action. We also have a postural reflex system in our body
that automatically helps us to keep balance, but with even
postural reflexes working properly, there is a chance that
your body is not able to respond well to the information. So
maintaining flexibility, agility and strength are the keys to
our ability to balance. You may do yoga certification in
Nepal for more practice.
When it comes to maintaining proper balance, here are 6
standing yoga poses to help you with the same.
1. Taadasana (mountain pose):
Tadasana is a great way to find your balance. Although
it doesn’t look much different from standing, you will be
able to feel, where your weight is balanced. It helps you
to improve your posture which, in turn, improves your
balance. You will get more benefits if you close your
eyes during the pose.
2. Vrksasana (tree pose):
Paying attention to every part of your body is the key to
getting most out of this pose. Start from the base and
feel where is your weight centered, most probably on
your standing foot; Move up your standing leg and feel
the muscles of the bending knee. Notice where your
pelvis and hips are? Are they correctly aligned?
Make sure you do the asana with a straight spine and
your head and shoulders are on the straight line. You
can make it more challenging by closing your eyes and
by changing the position of your arms.
3. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (extenede hand-tobig-toe pose):
This posture helps you notice where your weight is; and
helps you make sure your body is straight and your hips
are in line. If your hips are not in the correct position,
you will lose your balance. You see your body strongly
aligned when you can balance it right. You can get more
benefits by holding your weight on your knees and
keeping your legs bent.
4. Natrajasana (dancer pose):
This dancer pose doesn’t only require balance, but it
also needs strength. It looks effortless when you do it
well. This pose works on the muscles of the legs, core,
and back. Keeping your hips squared and facing forward
are the two things you need to do dancer pose
victoriously. Make sure that your hips are balanced. The
proper hip alignment and strength are both useful in
balancing your posture.
5. Virabhadrasana III (warrior III):
This challenging pose requires your focus on not only
your standing leg, but also your entire back body
including your shoulders, buttocks, back, and legs. Your
body should be in a straight line so that you can
successfully hold the pose with the sole of your foot. It
will help you balance better when you’re standing
6. Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose):
An interesting thing about this pose is it is similar to the
standing position; like floating on one side. Your body
should be in a straight line when you are performing
half moon. Your body should be stretched out from the
top to bottom and your hips and shoulder should be
piled up against the wall.
For more advance knowledge of these asanas you may do
200 hour yoga teacher training in Nepal , till then happy