Uploaded by Philip Platon

MEC30 Reflection Q1

Platon, Philip Jerald A.
CE1 – 2018151231
MEC30-2 / B2
Reflection on Quiz 1
One thing I have realized when I took the first quiz in engineering
mechanics, that in life, we should be tested for us to know what are
our capabilities and what we should improve in our lives. The quiz we
have taken is not that hard because we already did that in our
assignment but with different given. We can connect taking easy quiz
in our lives, sometimes we make things complicated but in reality, we
can do something in our situation for us to have easier life. Most of us
did not take every challenges in life seriously, like in quiz in our school,
some of the students did not study for the upcoming quiz and result of
that is they will fail, we can connect it in our lives, for me we should be
prepare on every challenges that life may give to us for us to succeed
in life, specially in my case, I, as an aspiring civil engineer, I should be
prepare to all challenges that life may bring because I believe that
the harder the challenges that life has, the more tougher I become in
near future.
In every quizzes in school or should I say in every challenges in life,
there will be a lesson that we can take from it and it will be our armor
in every battle we will be having. I learned a lot in our first quiz, one is
to be prepared in every battle for us to have a successful fruit, second
is that we should learn in every challenges we have take for us to have
armor and lastly is that we should take all challenges seriously and
intelligently for us to become tougher in life and successful in near