Uploaded by Jan Frankowski

TBI & Hippocampal Interneurons: Selective Vulnerability


Selective vulnerability of hippocampal inhibitory interneurons to graded traumatic brain injury

Jan C. Frankowski

Hunt Lab


Interneuron function

• Morphologically and functionally heterogeneous population of neurons that make up approximately 20% of all neurons in the neocortex and hippocampus

• Release gamma-aminobutyric acid

(GABA), hyperpolarizing the membrane potential.

• Integration of excitatory inputs to principle neurons

• Cellular output and action potential generation

• Rhythmic network oscillations

Wonders and Anderson, 2006

What does the hippocampus do?

• Learning

• Memory

• Attention

• Episodic memory retrieval

Anatomy of the hippocampus

Interneuron subtypes are spatially segregated and functionally distinct


Traumatic brain injury

• External mechanical force damages the brain (e.g., from a bump, blow, or jolt to the head)

• Traumatic brain injury (TBI) afflicts nearly 6 million Americans

• Substantially increases the risk for a variety of physical, cognitive, emotional, social and psychiatric health problems, and it is one of the most common causes of drug-resistant epilepsy in humans

• There are no effective therapies for brain trauma

Why study interneurons in the hippocampus after


• In a study of 112 fatal human head injuries, damage to the hippocampus was noted in 94 cases (84%)

• TBI is one of the greatest risk factors for adult onset TLE

• Human cortical tissue shows loss of interneurons after TBI

• Human hippocampus shows hilar interneuron loss

• TBI shares common features with other diseases with interneuron dysfunction

• However, we currently do not know how interneurons in the hippocampus respond to TBI injury

Kotapka, Acta. Neuropathologica, 1992

Controlled cortical impact brain injury model

- High degree of control over injury parameters

- Precise and reproducible

- Injury severity can be graded

- Scalable to larger animals

Frankowski and Hunt, Kopf Carrier 2018

Experimental design

• P60 GAD67-GFP mice subjected to craniotomy alone, 0.5mm

CCI or 1mm CCI

• 30d later sacrificed, perfused, cut 300um series of coronal sections

• GFP+ cell density was quantified bilaterally in 5 serial sections of the dorsal hippocampus in DG, CA1, CA3

• Layer analysis done on 3 serial sections unilaterally in DG and CA1

• PV+, SST+, CR+, nNOS+, Reelin+ cell density was quantified in

3 serial sections of the dorsal hippocampus in DG, CA1, CA3

• Layer analysis done on 3 serial sections unilaterally in DG and CA1

CCI produces graded contusive injury

Hippocampal interneuron loss in DG, CA3 and CA1

Layer-specific loss of hippocampal interneurons

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Interneuron subtype-specific loss in DG, CA3 and CA1

Layer-specific loss of interneuron subtypes


• Cell loss is a function of laminar position and injury severity rather than neurochemical identity

• The hilus is most vulnerable, while the molecular layer is preserved

• Feedback inhibition is compromised after TBI, which may lead to a hyper-excitable hippocampus
