Water microbiology 2018 Water microbiology Water microbiology "Aquatic Microbiology" The science that deals with microscopic living organisms in fresh or salt systems Water sources: 1. Natural sources: Rain water, oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, springs 2. Man made sources: Dams Rain water: collected on the earth in the form of: Surface water Water present on earth surface in the form of oceans, Rivers, Ponds, Streams Underground water Some of the rain water seeps through the soil onto the non-porous rocks below Water cycle "Hydrologic Cycle" Water cycle: It's how the earth's water recycles itself, so the same amount of water on the earth now equal to that at beginning. It include: 1234- Precipitation "Rain water" Evaporation "from oceans, rivers, lakes, ….." Condensation within clouds Transpiration from plants Water keep changing from liquid phase to vapor then back again Water cycle occur because of Sun heat & Gravity Microorganism in water: Natural water bodies as lakes & rivers & ground water contain nutrients so M.O as bacteria, viruses, fungi take the advantage of this environment Ex1: Bacteria They are adverse in nature, occur in many sizes from 1-10 µ to 500 µ Classified into many groups according shape, cell structure, staining Some bacteria are motile with flagella "Tail like structure used for movement" Ex2: Fungi Called water molds or Aquatic Phycomycetes Soil is the common habitat of fungi, also found in aquatic environments On earth 1.5 million fungal sp. 3000 sp are aquatic , only 365 sp. are marine "salt" water Ex3: Viruses The smallest group of M.O, only seen under electron microscope 1 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Aquatic M.O nutrition: Aquatic M.O obtain their food in many ways Ex: Bacteria living near water surface where sunlight present , can produce their own food through photosynthesis So Aquatic M.O play a vital role in cycling of nutrients in their environments, so are a crucial part of the food chain/ web Give reason: Bacteria play a vital role in aquatic M.O nutrition. Beneficial role of aquatic M.O to human: Play a role in sewage treatment Microscopic bacteria used to breakdown human wastes Harmful role of aquatic M.O to human: They are pathogenic so Cause serious diseases for human Ex: Bacteria as Salmonella typhi, S paratyphi found in water contaminated by sewage can cause illness Ex2: E. coli & Enterococcus bacteria can also cause diseases Water pollution It refer to contamination of water bodies as oceans, rivers, lakes, ground water that caused by human activity It can be harmful to aquatic plants & M.O Causes of water pollution: 1- Oil pollution 2- Eutrophication 3- Global warming 4- Marine dumping 5- Atmospheric deposition 6- Underground storage leakage 7- Sewage & waste water 8- Radioactive wastes 9- Industrial wastes 2 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Human activities & water pollution: Activity Resulting pollutants Agriculture Sewage discharge Industrial discharge Aquaculture Oil & fuel terminals Shipping Potential impacts 1- Decrease in light & oxygen Nutrients, pesticides, 2- Eutrophication, nutrient suspended matter enrichment 3- Increased stress to aquatic Biological oxygen demand 1. Decrease in light & oxygen "BOD" 2. Eutrophication, nutrient nutrients, Organics, Bacteria, enrichment Viruses, Turbidity, Heavy 3. Increased stress to aquatic metals, Pesticides, Chemicals 4. Alteration of habitats Heavy metals, Organics, 1. Increased stress to aquatic Chemicals, Thermal pollution 2. Increased mortality 1. Decrease in oxygen 2. Eutrophication, nutrient Nutrients, Organics, enrichment suspended matter 3. Alteration of habitats 4. Accumulation of wastes 1. Increased stress to aquatic Petroleum hydrocarbons 2. Mortality "Death" Chemicals, Hydrocarbons, 1. Decrease in light & oxygen Heavy metals, suspended 2. Alteration of habitats matter life life life life Sources of surface water pollution 2 categories according to origin Non point source pollution "NPS" Point source pollution "PS" Refer to any contamination that doesn't Refer to contaminants that enter a water originate from a single discrete source way from single identified source as pipe It is the cumulative effect of small Ex: discharge of sewage from a factory amounts of contaminants gathered o Sewage is discharged into water from a large area without inadequate treatment Ex: leaching of N compounds from o So Sewage M.O pose health threats fertilized agricultural lands o Wastes from domestic or wild animals can pose a danger 3 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Contamination of drinking water: M.O may seep through soil till reach surface or ground water Ex: Leaking from septic tanks & latrines may contaminate nearby drinking water sources Another cause: The improper storage of water in household storage tanks considered a common source of pathogens in drinking water Water borne microbial pathogens: Water borne diseases Water washed diseases o Water based diseases o Water related insect vectors 4 Dr. 3teya o o o As cholera, typhoid caused by contaminated drinking water by M.O come from animal or human wastes As skin & eye infections caused by lack of clean water for washing As Schistoma that act as human parasites Spread in contaminated water & by eating insufficiently cooked fish As Mosquitoes that breed in or near water It spread diseases as Dengue & Malaria It not directly related to water supply or quality 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Pathogenic M.O in surface water: Pathogenic M.O from human & animal wastes include viruses, bacteria, protozoa May be found in contaminated drinking water May cause fatal illness Viruses Hepatitis A, E Noravirus Norwalk virus Adenovirus Rota virus Bacteria E. coli Salmonella Bacillus Pseudomonas Shigella Vibrio cholera Protozoa Entamoeba Gardia sp. Cryptosporidium The classical waterborne infection cycle 5 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Microbial Examination of Water The bacteriological examination of water is performed by water utilities to ensure a safe supply of water for drinking, bathing, swimming ,domestic & industrial uses This examination is intended to (aim to) identify water sources that contaminated with M.O Human fecal pathogens VARY in type & number So testing water for presence of each type of waterborne pathogen is too time consuming & expensive Instead, operators test for presence of one or a few indicator M.O The most commonly used indicator M.O are coliform bacteria Coliform bacteria found in large numbers beside pathogenic M.O in intestinal tracts of warm-blooded animals Coliform bacteria are discharged from the intestinal tract with animals’ feces. If sewage enters water, the coliform bacteria in sewage will survive in the water for long periods of time. The presence of coliform bacteria provide evidence that water is polluted with sewage, & indicates the possible presence of pathogenic microbes Characteristics of Indicators 1- A good indicator M.O should be easy to test for in lab. 2- Indicator M.O are present in greater numbers than the pathogens they indicate. 3- Indicator M.O are safer to work with in the lab than are pathogens as indicators cause only mild illnesses. GIVE REASON: Coliform bacteria are good indicators (Why Operators Prefer Coliform bacteria are good indicators?) 1- Only reproduce in animals intestines, so they will not be present in water unless the water has been contaminated with sewage. 2- Able to survive outside animals intestines, so they will be present in contaminated water for several days 2 types of indicators: Total coliform bacteria & fecal coliform bacteria 6 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 General Characters of Coliform Bacteria 1- They are part of F: Enterobacteriaceae 2- Comprised of Gram -Ve, non spore- forming, aerobic to Facultative anaerobic rods, which ferment lactose to acid & gas. 3- Include 2 organisms E. coli & Enterobacter aerogenes 4- Presence of E. coli & Enterobacter in water supply is evidence of fecal contamination 5- Individual cells cannot be seen with naked eye due to small size, but colonies can be seen 6- Some coliform bacteria naturally found in soil called non fecal coliforms 7- Coliform bacteria lives in intestinal of warm-blooded animals is called fecal coliform bacteria 2 major operational definitions of coliforms have been distinguished: “Total coliforms” & “Fecal or Thermotolerant coliforms” Fecal or Thermo-tolerant coliforms Are able to grow at higher incubation Temp Come from the intestinal tract of a warm-blooded animal Considered as specific indicator of fecal contamination because total coliform may include bacteria of non-fecal origin. Total Coliforms operationally defined in 2 different methods: 1- Most probable number "MPN" or Multiple Tube Technique 2- Membrane Filter Technique Most probable number "MPN" or Multiple Tube Technique 3 Steps: Presumptive, Confirmed, Completed tests 1- The presumptive test: Series of lactose broth tubes are inoculated with measured amounts of the tested water sample Gas production in any tube is presumptive evidence of presence of coliform MPN of coliforms in 100 ml of the water sample can be estimated by the number of positive tubes. 2- The Confirmed test: In order to confirm the presence of coliforms, it is necessary to inoculate EMB (Eosin methylene blue) agar plates from positive presumptive tube. Methylene blue in EMB agar inhibit gram +Ve organisms & allow growth of gram –Ve coliforms 7 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Coliforms "E.coli & E. aerogenes" produce colonies with dark centers can be distinguished from one another by the size and color of the colonies. E. coli colonies : Small & have green metallic sheen, E. aerogenes colonies: Large pinkish colonies. If only E. coli or if both E. coli & E. aerogenes appear on the EMB plate, the test is positive. If only E. aerogenes appears on the EMB plate, the test is negative This due to that : E. coli is an indicator of fecal contamination, as it is not normally found in water or soil, whereas E. aerogenes found in nature outside of the intestinal tract 3- The Confirmed test: It occur using the organisms which grew on the confirmed test media. These organisms are used to inoculate nutrient agar slant & tube of broth After 24 hours at 37 C, the lactose broth is checked for gas production, & nutrient agar slant checked by gram stain If the organism is gram –Ve, Nonspore-forming rod-shaped produces gas in lactose tube so the test is POSITIVE "Coliforms present in the water sample" 8 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 The Membrane Filter Technique MF technique defines total coliforms as All organisms that produce colony with golden green metallic sheen within 24 hours of incubation at 35°C on Endo-type medium containing lactose & are aerobic or facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, non- spore- forming rods In this method, measured volume of sample "or sample dilution" are vacuum filtered though bacterial filter has pore size of 0.47 µm that retain the bacteria Then the filter Incubated 24 hrs, at 35C in petri dish with nutrient medium "Endotype medium containing lactose" If bacteria present, it will grow on the upper surface of membrane. After 24 hrs, Total coliforms produce colony with golden-green metallic sheen "+Ve test" Ex of fecal coliforms fond in soil: Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Kleibsiella The total coliforms separated into those of fecal and non-fecal origin. Fecal Coliforms At higher incubation temperature of 44.5°C. coliforms of only fecal origin will grow. Non fecal Coliforms from environmental sources can’t grow at elevated Temp. Fecal Coliforms can be defined as gram -Ve, non-spore forming, rod shaped bacteria which ferment lactose with production of gas at 44.5 C within 24h Any kind of Coliform bacteria not to be tolerated in finished (treated) drinking water. 9 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Drinking Water Treatment Process Treatment of drinking water by municipal water systems involve few key steps. 1. Aeration: water mixed to liberate dissolved gases & to suspended particles in water 2. Flocculation: Materials & particles present in drinking water (clay, organic material, metals, microorganisms) are quite-small, so will not settle down without assistance. To help the settling process, coagulating compounds are added to water, so the suspended particles “stick” to coagulants & creating large heavy clumps of material. 3. Sedimentation: Water is left undisturbed to allow the heavy clumps & coagulants to settle out. 4. Filtration: Water run through series of filters that trap & remove particles still remaining in water. Beds of sand or charcoal are used to accomplish this task. 5. Disinfection: Water now free of particles & M.O Water treated to destroy any remaining disease-causing pathogens. This occur chlorination (Used to eliminate pathogens in swimming pools), ozone, or ultraviolet radiation. The water is now safe to drink & sent to pumping stations for distribution Chlorine: Inactivate M.O by damaging its cell membrane. Once cell membrane is weakened, chlorine can enter the cell & disrupt cell respiration & DNA activity (2 processes that are necessary for cell survival) It can cause problems if its use is not controlled very carefully When used as a control on the disease-producing bacteria, the idea is to disinfect and not sterilize the effluent. Disinfection : the process of killing disease-producing bacteria. Sterilization : the process of killing all living organisms. If an attempt were made to sterilize the effluent, the biological life in the receiving waters would likely be destroyed. The best method for controlling the disinfection process & preventing harm to aquatic life by over-chlorination is to maintain a specific chlorine residual 10 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 level in the effluent Chlorine residual: The amount of available chlorine in water after a given time of contact (20 min at peak flow, 30 min at average flow) under specific conditions including PH & Temp Chlorine Residual Testing The presence of Residual chlorine in water indicate that: 1- Sufficient amount of chlorine was added initially to water to inactivate bacteria & some viruses that cause diarrheal disease 2- Water is protected from recontamination during distribution The presence of Residual chlorine is correlated with the absence of disease causing M.O & thus is a measure of the water portability Demand chlorine: The amount of chlorine that firstly react with organic matter & metals so not available for disinfection Total chlorine: The remaining chlorine conc. after chlorine demand. It divided into 1. Combined chlorine: The amount of chlorine reacted with nitrate & un-available for disinfection 2. Free chlorine: Amount of chlorine available for disinfection, to inactivate disease causing M.O, a measure to determine the water portability The microbiology of piped distribution systems The drinking-water distribution system provides a habitat for M.O, which sustained by organic & inorganic matter present in pipes & water. M.O may be introduced into distribution system during Drilling, servicing, repairing It aimed to prevent contamination from fecal material that present near pipes or contaminate surface or soil water. Bacteria present in the water & on surfaces are harmless, but they are at the base of a food-chain for free-living organisms as fungi, protozoa, worms, crustaceans. These organisms may be present in a distribution system, even in the presence of residual "disinfectant” 11 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 Biofilm Complex structure adhering to surfaces that are regularly in contact with water, consisting of colonies of bacteria & other M.O as yeasts, fungi, protozoa that secrete mucilaginous protective coating which encase them Biofilms formed on solid, liquid surfaces or soft tissue in living organisms, and are typically resident to conventional methods of disinfection. Example: Dental plaque, algal mats on water bodies Pathogenic biofilms in the body causing disease as cystic fibrosis and otitis They are beneficial in treating sewage, industrial waste, contaminated soil. Iron bacteria & sulfur bacteria They are small living organisms that naturally occur in soil, surface water, groundwater, may be introduced into the distribution system during Drilling, servicing, repairing 1- Iron Bacteria More common than sulfur bacteria Oxidizing agents that combine iron or Mn dissolved in ground water with oxygen Signs that indicate iron bacteria problem: 1- Water may has yellow, red, orange color 2- Rusty slime deposits in toilet tanks 3- Strong smell resemble foul oil 2- Sulphur Bacteria 2 categories of sulfur bacteria Sulfur oxidizing bacteria “SOBs” Sulfur reducing bacteria “SRBs” - Live in oxygen-deficient environments. Convert sulfide into sulfate, - They break down sulfur compounds, producing dark slime that can clog producing H2S gas. plumbing - H2S gas is foul-smelling, highly corrosive Iron & sulfur bacteria cause problems as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Undesirable color, stains or deposits stained plumbing fixtures & laundry Unpleasant tastes & odors Restrict water flow in distribution lines Plugged water treatment equipment. 12 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 2018 * There are two major types of waste water treatment plants, biological plants, and physical/chemical. 1. Biological plants A Are mainly used to treat combined domestic and industrial wastewater from municipalities, * the biological plants use micro-organisms to treat the waste water-almost the same process that occurs naturally. * However at the biological treatment plants, the wastewater is being treated under controlled conditions: -> This is to ensure that the water is placed back into the environment 13 Dr. 3teya 2 SP. Micro 01095876058 Water microbiology 14 Dr. 3teya 2018 2 SP. Micro 01095876058