國 立 雲 林 科 技 大 學 107 學 年 度 下 學 期 課 程 教 學 計 畫 課程名稱 Market Entry Strategy 教學網站 開課班級 第一週 Date 2/21 Jocelyn Chen 陳香君 e-mail: IMBA classroom 上課教室: MB126 Thursday,Time 時間 14 :00~ 17 週次 lixjctw@gmail.com 必/選修 :00 選修 To p i c s 課 程 主 題 Introduction、Select Representative 、Grouping、Correspondent list、Name Card 第二週 2/28 National Holiday 第三週 3/7 Market Entry Literature 國際市場進入策略總論 I 第四週 3/14 Related Theory, Decision Making Analysis 第五週 3/21 Introduction to International Strategy (p.23-48) Australia 3/28 Strategies for Analyzing and Entering Foreign Markets (p.49-66) Market Entry 第六週 Strategies (p.67-83) China 第七週 4/4 National Holiday 第八週 4/11 Case Study: Calvin Klein, Inc. v. Warnaco Group, Inc. (p.84-114) France 第九週 4/18 International Franchising and Case Study: Michael Bregman (p.115-146) Germany 第十週 4/25 Specialized Entry Modes for International Business (p.147-177) Hong Kong 第十一週 5/2 Joint Ventures (p.178-202) Hungry 第十二週 5/09 Film & Discussion 第十三週 5/16 Strategic Alliances (p.203-219) India 第十四週 5/23 Case Study: FreeMove (p.220-249) Japan 第十五週 5/30 Case Study: Budweiser in Japan (p.250-284) Mexico 6/6 The Influence of Culture on Market Entries (p.285-315) International Encounters 教學內容 及進度 schedule 第十六週 and Import Considerations (p.316-330) Singapore 第十七週 6/13 KVA USA UK 第十八週 6/20 Market Entry Final Report、Questionnaire Survey 講授方式 v 課堂講授 教學設備 v 電腦 教材課本 授課教師 v 分組報告與討論 v 影片討論 單槍投影機 Lymbersky, C. (2008) Market Entry Strategies: Text, Cases and Readings in Market Entry Management, 1st International Edition, Management Laboratory Press 參考書籍 Morrison, T.& W. Conaway (2006) Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, Adams Media 分組報告 Group assignment:20% 成績考核 Final Report:40% 方式 Country focus:20%;平時成績(發言與討論、學習態度) participation:20% Course Introduction: Entry strategy course uses the professional consultant’s textbook which involves different entry modes choices considerations, real cases experience demonstrations, and country focused on the different cultures and business practices introduction. The course encourages students to practice different models learned from the class including country selection and different types of entry choices. Learning Target: This course is designed for students as well as professional studying and working in firms facing market entry decisions. The concept of international strategy will be introduced. Market analysis, and different entry modes will be discussed in details with their advantages and disadvantages. Common problems of cases studies for each entry method will be illustrated. The culture influences on international market entries will be introduced, particularly. This course aims to prepare students for the interesting strategic decisions that a firm faces. Assignment- Market Entry Final Report: Assignment is based on group report. It is free choice of any firm within Top1000 or students’ own choice of any new venture. Try to apply the tools from the textbook to analyze the case. The class representative is responsible for creating class google drive and uploading each group’s reports to website. Report content suggestions are as below. 1. Company Introduction, history, industry, market entered, product and service, etc. 2. How did the company approach its investment? How did the company evaluate their investment environment? 3. What was the company’s motivation to enter that specific market? Apply SWOT analysis 4. How was the strategic planning of the company in its market entry selection? Ex. Franchising, strategic alliance, joint venture, merger & acquisition, greenfield investment 5. M&A can apply Company value assessment and intangible asset evaluation or knowledge value-added analysis 6. Result of the company’s market entry. Apply Cost and Benefit analysis 7. Concluding Remark and Suggestion 8. List References 作業:本學期作業乃是綜合整理課程內容各主題平時討論的結果,基本上兩人一組,各小組自行選擇一間 Top1000 大企業 或自行設定一個多角化虛擬企業(例如:食品業者)目前正打算進入國際市場,透過瞭解本學期所介紹的不同國際市場 進入的方式與個案經驗,整合課堂上所提供的資訊與小組間的討論心得,以記錄小組國際市場的進入策略及過程的模擬 經驗。並於期末進行口頭報告及繳交書面報告與檔案(上傳雲端檔案)。報告內容至少應包含下列內容: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 公司簡介、歷史沿革、產業概況、所進入的國際市場概況、產品與服務定位。 海外投資準備工作如何進行?海外投資環境如何評估? 該公司的各種國際進入動機及理由為何?(ex. 利潤導向、市場導向、競爭導向、策略導向;可利用 SWOT 來分析之。) 該公司的各種國際進入策略類型的規劃為何?(ex. 銷售合作、連鎖加盟規劃、技術授權、轉鑰作業、管理合約、策 略聯盟、合資企業、購併、海外直接建廠等) 該進入過程為何?(購併可以公司價值評估與無形資產鑑價說明之) 該市場進入策略的評估結果為何?(以成本效益分析之) 該組透過此個案的了解所獲得的心得感想及建議。 需列出資料來源 Obligation: Students should take any opportunity to express their own opinion and have two-way communication with each other in order to develop their oral defense capability. Preview and review of topics and textbook are strongly recommended. Each group should consult teacher’s opinion one week or at least four days before their presentation. The correspondent ways including telephone no. and e-mail address of student should be listed and handed-in. Before the class, the leader/representative should already set up equipment (overhead projector & computer) and make sure reporting groups’ file can be opened. Uploading reporting groups’ PowerPoint and Word files to the teaching website and/or google drive (must indicate type of assignment, group no., file and students’ names). In order to avoid distraction, individual students shall not use other electronic equipment including mobile phone during the class. PS. 1.繳交方式:電子檔上傳雲端教學網站,另需附書面報告在當週上課時繳交。 2.所有資料可上網查詢,參考網站如下 website for reference: Google:www.google.com 中時電子報:http://news.chinatimes.com/ ID:twnyustlib Password:enews 全國博碩士論文網:http://datas.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/1/ 世界經理文摘:http://www.emba.com.tw/ 天下雜誌:http://www.cw.com.tw/index.htm e 天下:http://www.techvantage.com.tw/ Assignment Direction: (30 minutes) 1. Team work on Country Focus follows the five issues on: Body Language (gestures & Nonverbal Communicators, Clothing & Jewelry (Dress & Appearance), Food Ways (Dinning & Tipping Customs), Gifts, Luck & Supernatural Forces (Protocol, Customs & Etiquette). Try to compare the differences or conclude the same things between two different countries. 作業格式要求(Assignment Requirement): 1. 封面(Cover Page):需有科目名稱、題目、組別、成員姓名及學號、繳交日期(must specify Course name, name of subject, group no, group member’s name and student’s number, date of hand-in) 2. 目錄(Content):需有章節名稱、頁碼 (must specify chapter content and page number) 3. 字體 (font):中文字型必須是「標楷體」、字型大小 12 (Chinese letter must be font 12) 英文字型必須是「Times New Roman」、字型大小 12 (English letter must be font 12 Times New Roman) 4. 標題(Number Sequence):中文依序為:壹、一、(一)、1.、(1)、A、(A)、a、(a) 英文依序為 (English numbering must be):1、1.1、1.1.1、2、2.1、2.2.2 (i.e.中文部分的『壹』及英文部分的『1』需以「字型 14」並加上「粗體字」表示,如: 「壹、文化的含義, 文化如何影響管理」 。)(English 1 use font 14 with bold Times New Roman) 5. 參考文獻(References):中文部分需依序列出作者姓名、文章篇名、書名、出版社、日期、頁碼 英文部分需依序列出作者姓氏,名字第一字母縮寫(日期)、文章篇名、書名、出版社、頁碼 (English must show author’s surname and initial of first name, date, title of paper, book’s or journal’s name, publisher, and page.) 網路部分需依序列出中英文網站名稱、網址 (website related information must show the whole addresses of website) 6. 除了繳交書面報告,應於期末考或期末報告前以全班為單位,由班上推選的課代負責統一上傳檔案(需註明(1)科目 名稱、(2)班級、(3)學年度) ,內容檔案編排方式必須以「繳交報告的性質」為資料夾名稱(如:討論問題、國家焦點、 分組報告…) ,資料夾內的檔案名稱需以「組別」或「個人姓名」加上「作業題目」標示(如國家焦點:01 澳大利亞、 02 法國…)(The representative of class shall include all groups’ written reports and files uploading to the google drive and/or teaching website which is based on the whole class, hand-in by the end of semester. It must specify course name, class, year of semester. The file should specify its type in terms of discussion, country focus, group report, final report. The file can be named as group number or individual name, for example Country focus 01 Australia.) 7. 報告的 PowerPoint、Word 等電子檔,請於上台報告前一週,上傳到雲端教學網站。(Power Point File or Word File should upload to the teaching website and/or google drive one week before formal presentation.)