Explanation of Ideas & Information Organization Eyes, Body, & Professional Appearance Presentation Aids Engaging the Audience PRESENTATION-TECHNIQUE RUBRIC (maximum marks = 20) Beginning Developing Accomplished 1 point 2 points 4 points Chooses some facts and Chooses appropriate facts Uses inappropriate facts and details that support main and relevant, descriptive irrelevant details to support main ideas, but there may not be details to support main ideas ideas enough, or some are irrelevant and themes Tries to present ideas in an Presents ideas in an order Presents ideas in an order that order, but it does not always that makes sense. does not make sense. makes sense. Does not plan timing of Organizes time well; no part Presents for the right length of presentation well; it is too short of the presentation is rushed, time, but some parts may be or too long. too short or too long. too short or too long. Does not look at audience; reads Makes some eye contact, but Maintains eye contact only from notes. reads notes or slides most of throughout presentation, only the time. glancing at notes or slides occasionally. Fidgets and/or slouches and is unanimated throughout the presentation. Slouches or fidgets and uses few gestures or expressions throughout the presentation. Dresses in a manner which is indecent or offensive or has made no attempt to dress or act professionally Does not use audio/visual aids or media or shows very little effort in preparation. Dresses in a manner and demonstrates an attitude which are respectful and not distracting. Demonstrates that some effort has gone into the creation of audio/visual aids or media. OR AND AND Uses inappropriate or distracting audio/visual aids or media. Uses audio/visual aids or media, but they sometimes distract from the presentation, or do not add to ideas. Engages some members of the audience during the presentation or all of the audience some of the time. Uses a variety of visual/audio or multimedia aids effectively to enhance the overall presentation. Fails to engage the audience throughout the presentation. Uses a stance which is confident and facial expressions and hand gestures are used to fully engage the audience. Appropriate/creative attire and attitude enhance presentation. Uses quality audio/visual aids or multimedia that demonstrate an acceptable level of effort in preparation. Engages most of the audience for the entire presentation. TOTAL __/20